Declining viewership

>declining viewership
>declining playerbase
>not even out of alpha
so it was a fotm after all huh

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When the vaulting update comes out it will reignite it.
Also FOTM tend to only last 1 month.

I wouldn't call it FOTM considering how popular it still is, but yeah every game recedes in popularity over time, its just natural. Atm I think people are getting tired of the slow update rates, still terrible as fuck servers, and deluge of hackers. They really need to address all of this shit or people will definitely quit in droves.

>surely pubg will die any day now
Sup Forums for the past year

Was there ever a time when video games didn't adhere the FOTM cycle?

>been out for almost a year


When are they going to put this shit on sale?
I want to play it, but no way I'm paying full price for this.

pubg was the joke that went on for far too long


>stopped doing weekly small updates and a big monthly update
>haven't updated Live servers for a month, trying to lead into a 1.0 patch that will likely be a shit show
New map is nice, these BR games can't really live off new weapons in updates. New functionality or maps, you won't get people excited for another weapon that they might not see for several matches.

you're kidding yourself if you don't think it won't be even more popular after the next map update

>lasted almost a year

Its 30 dollars user...

Literally 2,665,519 people playing at half past two on a Wednesday

chinks will prob be the only people left playing/streaming it everyone else has moved on to fortnite which is the first BR i can tolerate since it tries something new

>1.0 and new map dropping in one month

expect over 4m current players

>tfw friends keep bugging me to get this and I'm close to breaking


a-anyday now, right b-bros???

Fortnite BR is growing pretty fast, also.

Now even de doc plays it from time to time

>check twitch
>all of the top 20 pubg streamers are chinks

Way too expensive for what it offer. Not to mention it is still early access.

>>declining viewership
back to twitch with you, you friendless faggot

>The virgin Battlegrounds
>The Chad Fortnite

Why are you playing this chink infested game Sup Forums?

this was a fucking MEME and after people actually bought it and saw how shitty the game engine was and the MEME died They left all of these game with the bullshit old fucking game engines are a fucking scam they make over $500 million and cant fix the game engine



>what is an expression
i triad to it eat it dont tasting anythingies its not fflavor

>defining game of the next 5 years of vidja
>30 bucks
>too much
jesus christ user


will last much longer than this fucking meme game lets make a game in 2017 but lets mak it in a old fucking buggy game engine that is limiting in what we can do but when we reach half a million dollars lets story supporting the game atake the money and run

Come play fortnite...oh never mind.

>defining game of the next 5 years of vidja
>literally a copy of h1z1 and arma BR

The premise of the game is good and a fun idea. You (or you an your team of friends) VS the world, and it's against real players and not just PVE content.

But the game runs so fucking badly at every possible thing. You have to reload guns multiple times, your character has a very odd way of "start up" movement like theyre made of a bag of rocks or something, doors don't open sometimes no matter how much you try and open them, melee is utterly worthless in every way, driving can be a nightmare of flipping over for no reason or smashing into objects that aren't even there, unbelievable amounts of lag at points, tons of hit registration problems as well, glitches like armor not doing anything at all so weapons deal max damage. I could list many more, but whats the point, you know what I'm talking about.

When the game runs smoothly, and everything works the way it should, its great. But it so rarely happens it's frustrating. I hope that the full release that comes out soon (sometimes in December they said) fixes many gripes with the game. But I doubt it will. It seems like whenever they patch the game they fix a few things and fuck many more things up.

Jesus man its the same guy


>complaining about bugs and glitches in an early access game

You only have yourself to blame, retard

just do it

I bought an Xbox One X specifically for this game.

I'm waiting for the update to drop.

wow a lot of chinkbots, amazing.

even if millions of chinks were botting that's still not a bad playerbase

You underestimate the chinese.


>it's early access so it's okay if it's shit!!1
this is how people justified dayz years ago too

>t. amerishart

That's how people justify DayZ right now lmao

Not him put the chinese are about 50 % of the player base, this still sements pubg as the biggest game on steam by leaps and bounds.

3 million really isn't that much user.
there are more than 7 billion people on the planet. do you know what a tiny percentage 3 million people are?

This has to be bait

What I wanna know is how do streamers and YouTubers somehow make this game run good?

A good computer with medium settings will run this game fine, don't believe the memes

It's actually pretty fun with friends.
Dull and boring as fuck by yourself tho.

>Declining playerbase
Pretty sure it's been steady around 500k-1m


Doubt it's going anywhere.

Competitive hide and go seek isn't my thing, though.

People say this about everything. I just don't want to pay for an incomplete game.

dude 3 million is a lot
I bet your mom only fucked like, 1.5 million people so 3 million is a fucking bunch man

In the grand scheme of things 3 million is nothing.
Steam has 150 million registered users. 3 million is still a very tiny proportion of Steam users. Yet people make this game out to be some kind of second coming of Christ that everybody seems to be playing. It's either a well calculated shilling effort by the devs, to make it seem like you're "missing out" if you don't buy their game, or people are legitimately retarded and just blow this shit way out of proportion.

Gay sex is fun with friends, you aren't a faggot are you user?

They don't. They run it on lowest settings only textures on high and the videos are encoded in 30 or 60fps so it is harder to see the dips and stutters.

Ok, so I guess no one plays any games on steam then?

Since PUBG is the most played game by a massively huge magin, I guess no one plays DoTA 2, CS: GO, R6 Siege, GTA V or Warframe either, since all of those games put together still don't even come close to hitting PUBG's daily peak, eh user?

I'm not saying that no one is playing the game. I'm saying that people pretending that "everybody" plays this piece of shit game and you're some kind of outlier if you don't are factually incorrect. It's popular, but it's in no way massively popular.

Current players, 2.6 million.


>number 1 on twitch
>daily peak of 2.6 million players
>gained 21% of its entire playerbase in November
P-pubg is dying guys... a-any time now
seriously, what kind of a pathetic worm keeps creating these threads?

How is it declining? Its almost peaking to 3mil.
And its only going to get bigger after xbox release

how canĀ“t it be massively popular user? it has literally 2.6 million players
its the most popular game on steam by far
what would it require for it to qualify for "massively popular" according to you?

That's concurrent. Not unique players a day

there's a large following on Sup Forums who simply hates pvp games because they are SHIT at games.

a fad that made the developers rich and Sup Forums mad as shit.

No, you're wrong, it is massively popular. It very well be the most popular game in existence right now. It's hard to say because blizzard/activation/riot aren't as open with their numbers as valve is.

The only possible games I could think of that even approach that level of concurrent players is LoL, and I don't think they're nearly as popular as they were at their peak with 3m concurrent.

So tell me user, what's your definition of massively popular, if not "the most popular game in the world"?

is this a f2p game?

If you're not retarded yea

I love it when PUBG babs imply that their trash game has more players than LoL, a free to play game that keeps growing every month in China and Latin America. I mean that's a level of delusion that is seriously amusing.

cool where do i download it?

Don't, it will die any minute now

>PUBG still triggers Sup Forums
Is it all about (you)'s? I bet 90 percent of haters actually have the game

Buy it sell the free shit, make money:
Initial investment of 30 dollars


Just making shit up then user?

You have no idea how many concurrent users LoL has because those numbers aren't released like they are on steam. The last time they released concurrent user numbers was in 2013, and if it'd grown significantly since then, I can't think of any reason why they'd keep that info under wraps.

>Streamer has 1080ti
>Play game with everything on low but textures
>Whines all the time about low fps
Unplayable garbage right now.

Then I guess you could try out fortnite
Thats what that game is for right?

>LoL has like 5k more people watching it than PUBG
>PUBG BTFO completely RUINED you think its popular KID? ur wrong
You know more people can run LoL than PUBG right?

I have a 1080 ti and 7700k and I ralaly dip to 60 on max settings.

It's common sense that LoL has more. Tons of companies don't publish sales numbers of physical goods, not even Kraft foods, the largest food producer on the planet, does so. The public doesn't need to know everything. It's not your business to know the exact number of players LoL has, it's the business of the company running the game. I chuckled a bit at the amount of mental gymnastics and delusion you have to resort to to make yourself believe that PUBG is the biggest game in the world. It isn't.

no pay to play will ever have more players then lol
i am willing to bet that lol has more players in china alone

The game is fine in its current state (and the numbers support my claim). It's overwhelmingly the most popular game in the world right now and it's only $30 (which might have something to do with the fact that it's early access. The full release might cost more, I have no idea)

There's no such thing as "paying for a finished game" in this day and age, sorry.

PUBG died in any country except China.

It is trash and unplayable. You literally need an 1080 just to run it decent

>It's overwhelmingly the most popular game in the world right now

thats true mate.


You need a top tier rig for it atm. This is mine and it says I meet the requirements but the game constantly drops fps and has major network lag so idk

It kind of is. The fact that the initial investment to even RUN PUBG is about 4x that of playing LoL and the fact that it's running as strong as it is says a lot of good about PUBG.

you're delusional ma man

name a game with more players and with numbers.

>It's overwhelmingly the most popular game in the world right

true if you are chink

yes user, chinks live in our world.
Good boy.

>and with numbers

>It isn't
Sorry, it is. The only thing stopping LoL players from playing pubg is that several of them have potato PCs. It's the most successful cross-over game of all time, and it's still in its infancy. It doesn't matter what genre of game you main, you also play pubg. The same can't be said for assfaggots, sorry. Mobas are a dying genre, people want the next big thing, and this it. Enjoy watching the numbers climb even further as babies get new PCs and peripherals for Xmas. People might be playing League of Legos but they're wishing they were playing pubg and it's only a matter of time before their hardware allows them

All this talk of chinese botters.

What does botting do in pubg? just idle in a match/lose and accumulate a few points over and over?

Certainly one way of proving the case.
It's just sad that these autistic faggots would start sucking the cock of LoL just to shit on PUBG when its clear and obvious they would just cry about either because they hate multiplayer games in general.(because they are bad at video games)

chinks cant perceive the outside of their commie world