> INT 2

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Akko is dumb. DUMB.

dumb cunt

Her VIT is the highest because she has guts. Doesn't matter if she's dumb, she'll keep going until any problem is solved.

I wanna do in-home aid for a legally retarded Akko

not videogames

what game and will it ever not be in rune?

fa/tg/uy here, for a comparison of how dumb Akko apparently is;
>In Dungeons and Dragons, average human stats are basically 10 in all six fields (admittedly different from those shown there)
>4 is the bare minimum intelligence needed to be capable of intelligent speech and language comprehension
>3 is the normal int stat for animals and beasts

steam release next year


but what if in the system the game uses the average person has an int of 1, then she is smarter than the average person. Checkmate!

Thank you.

do we know if this system is anything like D&D though?

≫ INT 99

I want to fall asleep on Ursula's big butt

in all honesty, it probably is far and away from DnD, I just thought it might be amusing.

I mean, hell, she might be going with something closer to Fallout's Special for all we know.

I mean it's clear akko is still pretty low but not "Drooling animal"

I want Chariot to punch me in the fucking face

The anime was a boring disappointment and I dropped it.

Looks about right.
However I think her LUCK needs to be considerably higher.

Akko is for bully

Beat me too it kek

I want to hold Ursula's hands tightly as I ejaculate inside her. The most deserving of happiness out of the show.


Is there such a thing as too much "yay"?

Thats even better, I like retarded 2D girls.

High VIT build

So, when we are getting leaks and letsplays of the game and footage of the Grand charion minigame?

This game releases tomorrow afterall.

Little Witch Academia video game, retard

There's a stream going on

But they just stopped playing so i guess it's ending. But they managed to raise Akko's int to 6 after 8 levels, pretty amazing.


Is this game in English, and is it cute and fun?

Aqua seems a bit upset.

Not released yet

It's not released yet, but it's looking pretty cute so far.

not a videogame

Thats for going to a mana syphon magic show.

you're not a videogame

I'm Akko, and welcome to wizass.

Chariot is (kinda-sorta) innocent, you jerk!

How do you like your witches Sup Forums? Me I like tomboys and Christmas cakes.

*opens ce*
nothin personnel nub

Akko x Amanda

My nigga. Gives me shades of Ryuko/Mako which I love but it's not popular enough.


>liking poledancers

Yurifags go away

number = false

Is this going to be coop?

Is this what it looks like when you only pay your animators half their usual wage? They only do half the job?


online coop


>that long nosed golem cutie
Instant pick

Diana have very high stats into everything except vitality.

she's supposed to be a shitty witch, only way for her to become good was to use a legendary wand

better than the ds2 bandit that guy is litteraly retarded

>tfw helped make second season possible
feels good


>pick Akko, Amanda and Constanze
>brute force your way through with dumb strength and giant robots
No INT required.

Not my first choice, but it could work

Stop calling Akko dumb.

someone please re-make this into akko and diana please

>Those feet

If that triggers you then you're in the wrong series user. The vast majority of series are pure het or fujo, you should have no problem finding something else.

Truly a witch

She can be cute and dumb
But she will never be strong as Felicia



Felicia is the best thing ENB has made

I love Sucy!

>best class for going for a boss weapon
>intelligence too low to talk to Straid


>Sucy will never give you the sucky
feels bad man

>how to play Lost Planet 2.gif

It sure is VIDEO GAMES in here


Real question not related to that specifically: is it actually possible to accurately have a low INT character in a vidya? Or is INT sort of inherently a dump stat if you aren't playing a build that specifically uses it for stats. Physical stats like STR/DEX/VIT can always be done accurately because they're purely a matter of in-universe physics, how weak or /fit/ you are IRL obviously makes zero difference to your character and vice versa.

But for INT there is no getting around the fact that the player's intelligence doesn't change. I mean, yeah you can have dialog options and such, and wizards can have in-game mechanic changes, but an actual INT

>The vast majority of series are pure het
Including this one.

Angry Ursula is sexiest Ursula

>muh framerate in a comedy segment
You just don't make that shit up. you can't.

wait is that

wayne coyne?

t. Idiot



RPGs can give you skill checks that purely depend on your character as well as having different dialogue choices for different tiers of intelligence

Exblosion XD she's pretty cute

In SotFS she can be summoned in Lost Bastille too, so she went up a rank in useful summons.

>giving birth through phimosis dick
How in the fuck?

Man that made my wee-wee hurt

Would you rather have Akko as a daughter, or as a wife?

>RPGs can give you skill checks that purely depend on your character as well as having different dialogue choices for different tiers of intelligence
Right, but even there you, the player, can still actually read the UI. You can understand what skills are, you have metaknowledge about the goals and such, you know how to approach targets intelligently to utilize your other stats and such. It still shows stuff you've already explored. An actual retard PC wouldn't be able to do any of that.


Retards are not welcome

Do not lewd the witches
Do not lewd the retard

Something something realistic depiction of females

Just by looking at her I think you can tell she isn't that bright, but in her case it's probably meant as a charm point.

Why are jews always so disgusting?


I am not comfortable with doing the sex with daughter


Just hit yourself in the head a bunch to get that accurate low int style gameplay.

As a doormat at best

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a prancing lala homo woman is Sucy?

muh dick