Can we talk about Diablo 3? No shitposting please

Can we talk about Diablo 3? No shitposting please.

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You broke your own rule OP

My headcanon is that the Barbarian is the Barbarian from Diablo II. I know they planned that but they couldn't do it from a writing perspective.

No bully, the game is in the best state it has ever been in after update 2.6.1.

What is there to talk about? Blizzard fucked up launch massively, so no matter how much they fix and improve their game, everybody will still hate it just because release version was a fucking shitshow.
It's actually great in 2.6.1

The game has been a click and everything dies from the day it was announced. I'm sorry OP

Hey man you just described every action-hack-slash-loot-rpg-thing.

>click and everything dies
Well, that is the general gameplay of Diablo.

Everyone gets buffs. This season is pretty good.

D3 is unironically my favorite arpg. I never played D2[spoiler/]

simply awful. one of the worst games I've ever played and an insult to the series.

>all these builds
>not enough space in the stash to try them all

Also I started after RoS released.

Diablo II is fantastic, but you've missed its heyday sadly.

>blizz finally releases a shield that support non-shotgun heaven's fury
fuck you, blizz. where was this 3 years ago?

>charge barb is back
>ww barb gets 100+ easy
>hota barb gets 100+ easy
>top wizard builds aren't archont
It's pretty great desu but I've played too much of it. Got my barb to gr 104 yesterday with hota build and kinda burned out. Started the season on first page, but probably won't finish it there. Oh well fuck that I've played too much of this shit anyway.
I'm actually curious how far people will push solo rifts this season. 125 would be fucking nice

the game is in better shape than it's ever been, challenge rifts were a cool way to let you skip the boring as fuck bounties grind.

the definitive way to play:
>make seasonal character
>look up nothing
>evolve your build as you go depending on what you get
>play until you get bored (typically 2 to 4 weeks for me)
>repeat next season or when you get the itch again

>Venom hydra

>playing Diablo 3 while D2 and PoE exist

But D3 is objectively better than either as of now. I'm sorry, user

there's some sick fuck who got 120 on a full vyr arcane orb build

This is exactly how I play. Ladder chasers baffle me.

d2 is old and dead and PoE was ruined by retarded devs (and had shit gameplay from day 1)

meanwhile D3 has fixed literally every one of the horrific problems it had.

What does it do better than those two games?

20 days into the season huh. Cool

Is there anything that this game does significantly better than grim dawn?

this desu. i have a blast with it every 6 months. since its been released, its probably one of the few games i consistently return to

The only thing that matters in arpg: killing monsters and getting loot from them.

I liked the music in RoS, for example this starting from second minute

I heard the console version makes it somewhat interesting with added dodge mechanics. Is it worth checking out?

>sound design
>gameplay loop

literally it. d3 is simple but it has the core of what makes these types of games down so well that it outshines the others.
PoE had the potential to be the end-all-be-all ARPG, but they fucked it by not improving the gameplay and engine.

PoE still looks and feels like it did in closed beta, and not in a good way.
not to mention whack-a-mole balancing completely fucks over the game balance. and punishes you for finding really good builds

you said it brother, thats the best way to play

I haven't played it but I've heard nothing but good things. There's even a new version with the necro included.

>No shitposting please.
lets the game begin

terrible taste, best Diablo2 ost is wilderness, mostly due to nostalgic feelings but still

>fixed literally every one of the horrific problems it had

There still no itmesiation in that game. No itemisation in fucking ARPG, which is about itemization.

I just hope they've realized their mistake with D3 launch and won't try any funny shit with D4. Seriously

yeah this is how i play and i like it. i play for like 3-4 weeks straight every season and it's fun playing like that.

i make a ww barb and just go fast whilst listening to music or podcasts. i push to like 80 gr level most seasons then just get bored looking for primals or ancients
urzael did nothing wrong

PoE would be much nicer if it wasn't a one big oneshot city. You literally cannot exist in that game if youre not a glass cannon.

as someone who only played it after RoS came out, I think it's a decent game
could be better, but for what it is, it's fine

> No itemisation
what do you mean?
legendaries are meaningful and have unique effects that change how you play, set bonuses do the same thing on a larger scale
being able to equip legendaries as passives leads to a huge diversity of possible builds.

not all of them are capable of reaching the very tippest top endgame, but you will burn out before that point anyway in most cases, and now there are several viable set bonuses for each class

I'm betting D4 will be a destiny/division clone.

that's not itemisation

Yeah this is what I've been doing since they brought seasons to consoles. Pick it up whenever a new season comes around, do challenge rifts while I am playing to avoid grinding bounties and have fun with the current set until I get bored.

what are you even talking about

>D4 moves the perspective to third person
>codeveloped by FROM SOFTWARE

>I haven't played a game in 3 years, but who care I hate it enough it must be trough

On top of that there are
>stat rerolls on items
>legendary gems each with unique effect
>cube crafting, reforging and upgrades
>transmog for fashion
Saying that D3 has no itemisation is like saying I've never played D3

idk. they had so much fucking time to develop d3 and it turned out to be shit.

please explain "itemisation" for us then.

I'd be fine with 3rd person but fuck off with your shit combat

Aesthetics were such a goddamn letdown. I wish D3 had the same visual style as Lords of Shadow, that would have been perfect.

>sound design
>gameplay loop
fucking christ. Just admit you watch youtubers already.

D3 is a good game now, has been for a while. But it doesn't have anywhere near the staying power of D2.

It's like the fast food equivalent of a Diablo-like game. Has great gameplay and a lot of really cool games. But the problem is you breeze through to level 70 in a day or so, you get your free seasonal set the next day, you work towards the build you want over the next couple of days and then when you get it you have some fun, but it's short-lived because all you have to do is the same Rift system over and over and over and over again to optimize your build.

The gameplay is really fun and the build variety is awesome and diverse, even within each class itself. But there is no real depth or variety in the end game, it's just the same leaderboard grind every time doing the same shit.

It doesn't have the long-term progression games like D2 and PoE have. Still fun though, I have played it more than I have PoE.

IT's a videogame board, if you don't know you don't beling. The loaded question is just so you claim a victory no matter what afterward. You aren't there to debate, just to sell your shitty game with template builds.

You can still die in a single 0.5 second brainfart on maps. Hell, you can die in a single 0.5 second brainfart around those flame totems in act 6.

D3 has objectively some of the best sound design on the market my dude.
it also has the best gameplay in any ARPG. don't even try to argue the jankfest that is PoE has good gameplay.

so not even you know what you're fucking saying then. okay.

>gameplay loop

what did he mean by this

But now they have so much fucking experience and players' feedback that they've actually made D3 a great game. D4 will be already good if they just transfer all the core mechanics with all the QoL features into 5 new original (!!!) acts with different classes or at least rebranded class skills. Please no more Act 2 is desert

Absolute dogshit story
Simple, but effective gameplay that's pretty satisfying
Shallow itemization
Decent aesthetic


how does the long-term progression in D2 or PoE differ?


What the fuck am I reading?

not at all. thanks for outing yourself as someone who doesnt even play the games but likes to shitpost about them anyways you cancerous faggot.
in a good arpg your character slowly progresses into being able to handle rooms full of monsters but in this piece of shit abortion of a game you faceroll from the moment you create your character and the progression isnt there at all

D2 had staying power because PVP
neither D3 or PoE have staying power, they both boil down to using the same minmaxed autism builds to do stronger content

You guys are ready for 3.1?
I'm playing Titan Quest meanwhile


ah yes, because Baal runs over and over and over again are so much more fun

darksoulslike would be bad though
>no skill tree
>magic/bows sucks ass

but third person with other combat would be fucking amazing, especially if they try to make legendaries really unique like in d3
>playing zon with a magically extending spear so you can electrically stab goatmen in the head from across the room

Shit is A LOT rarer in those games, so much so that you're unlikely going to fine stuff that you need and you need to interact with the games player-based economy to effectively improve your build. Also, even though most of the content in those games is just playing the game on higher difficulties, it is stretched out MUCH further than D3 is. Although, to be fair, I've heard that recently they added a shit-ton of story shit to PoE, enough to remove the repeating of the story on multiple difficulties. I PoE also has no real upper limit in terms levelling up and improving your stuff. D3 is easy to realistically optimize a build to the point that the only improvements you're getting are extremely marginal, the power-creep of your build is very front-heavy.

what the fuck are you talking about retard, i have more hours than you will ever have in D2, D3 and PoE and they are all fucking EFFORTLESS to play

this is one of the most casual genres in gaming

That is true, but it takes a lot longer to get your min-maxed autism build off the ground in PoE than it does in D3, by a long shot.

I'm ready to download the patch, make a character, run it to Lower Prison and get bored again because acts 1 and 2 are the dullest acts in the game and GGG intentionally want to keep them that way.

>you need to interact with the games player-based economy to effectively improve your build
thats what diablo 3 was like at release but everyone reeeed like crazy at the auction house and all that was removed and drop chances raised greatly

this isn't a plus, since the gameplay of PoE is so boring and janky
back when i played in alpha/beta, i thought "man this is cool but pretty rough, i cant wait to see what the finalized version will be like"

fast forward however many years its been and it still looks and plays the exact same. terrible.

Yellow items doesnt matter.
90% of legednaries doesnt matter.
Only 1 set(2 for 2-3 classes) out of 3 is viable, also sets so broken they are absolute must have.

There is no choice, only BiS. Thanks to that character progression ends in 10h of starting new season.

Tried playing it again recently with a friend for the new season, got to like level 25 and got bored as shit. I have no idea how anyone finds bounty/rift spamming as fun gameplay. Went back to Grim Dawn in a heartbeat.

Dog shit game.

>when a billion dollar studio gets BTFO by an indie studio

top kek

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. That's why I've played a lot more D3 than PoE, because the gameplay is more than just "make one specific spell OP as fuck then run around spamming right click". D3 has shit like charge barb and other interesting builds that are a ton of fun to play.

But people absolutely love that kind of stuff for some reason, that's more the point I was making. Maybe they're just hooked on the carrot-on-a-stick incentive because they played so much D2 growing up.

>not absolutely rushing act 1 and 2 spamming silver flasks, barely killing monsters all the way into act 5 in one sit

fucking casual

>Yellow items doesnt matter.
never mattered in D2 LoD either, the objectively best game in this genre
>90% of legednaries doesnt matter.
play the game, retard. there are tons of useful legendaries and all of them directly effect your build
>Only 1 set(2 for 2-3 classes) out of 3 is viable, also sets so broken they are absolute must have.
this used to be true, but recently set balance was changed so that while there is one best set, the others are close behind in most cases. not to mention none of this matters since you can do most grift tiers with whatever build you come up with yourself

Everything you've said is only applied to endgame content a.i. GR70+ which objectively the minority of players ever get to experience.
>Only 1 set(2 for 2-3 classes) out of 3 is viable
True untill the recent patch. In 2.6.1 every class has at least 2-3 different builds to push for GR100, about 5 different builds for casual GR70-90 and every possible build with weird synergies for T13.

how do seasons work?

I grind endlessly and every few months lose all my progress?

fuck that

your shit gets dumped into normal, just like d2

Good one, you win

Yep, that's how they work. Also each season has its own challenges and "quests" for completion of which you get various rewards like full set for the first character of the season, a bunch of cosmetics and stash tabs.

nigga you dum

I know what what you mean but still poe is 10x more rewarding than spam random rifts for legendary+ items

are drop rates higher or drops of higher quality for seasonal characters?

>never mattered in D2 LoD either, the objectively best game in this genre
>play the game, retard. there are tons of useful legendaries and all of them directly effect your build
There tons of useless legendaries which you never consider using because there no items choice. FTFY
>this used to be true, but recently set balance was changed so that while there is one best set, the others are close behind in most cases.
Why anyone would want to choice ":close behind" instead best?
>not to mention none of this matters since you can do most grift tiers with whatever build you come up with yourself
If you retarded casual this game exsactly made for who cant min-max and never seen leaderboard, i am sure you have lots of fun.

You only lose your shit if you don't go back and get it after the season ends.

You write like you're a complete mouthbreather

Definitely not a fan of how they changed the necro. I just can't enjoy the necro with the skills that they have, the base classes are better and more fun to me. I just want a massive skeleton army goddamnit.

>not casual
pick one and only one, you drooling retard

I never got the autism to actually grind high level maps in PoE. I always get horrendously bored with any build when I get to lvl 60+
It's just such a slog to get there and almost every build is literally "gimp hp + jump around the passives tree for all possible synergies for one particular skill".

Actually had quite a lot of fun with it, particularly after the exapnsion hit. Just grindan with my mage, figuring out my own brand of builds and making them work. Should be even cooler now that you can bench them against each other in grifts, plus all the new cool shit I keep hearing about like passive legendaries and legendary gems and whatnot

but the point is that even getting to the point of doing baal runs takes a solid amount of time & effort. even andariel is pretty tough in normal on a first playthrough. in contrast every boss in d3 is laughably easy until you get to the tougher difficulties. the ability to change difficulty right away was a critical change they made since release, but it was kind of a bandaid approach that didnt fix the cheapened experience.

also, because you dont pick your character progression on levelup, the process of going to max level just feels fucking pointless since there is no decision making involved. i realize that seasoned d2 players generally knew their build ahead of time, but part of the fun was building your character if you weren't (or didnt know how to approach) minmaxing. in short, cheap, "on rails" character progression is garbage. i'll admit the gameplay is fun enough but the allure wears off quickly.