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These threads remind me of that "getting a gtx 1080" video.
How anyone could like that shitty reboot prince of Persia is beyond me. That thing was such garbage.
The prince looks awful too
>people actually have played all of them
I haven't played Rogue but there's news of a remake coming to PS4 & Xbox
Currently being runed with constant shitty overwtach characters that all have get out of jail free abilities making them unkillable no matter how shit they play or how hard they fuck up.
like who ?????
literally all of them
I was just given Tales game for the Gamecube.
Is it really that good?
I was getting ready to sell it
did you even play the game ?
fixed it for you
Warrior Within and PoP 2008 are the literal worst though.
fuck man, i would keep it.
Tracer - self explanatory
Lucio - speed boost
Genji - Dashes across half the map
D.Va - Boosters away
Junkrat - Concussion mine (you could dismiss this)
Hanzo - will be able to jump over walls
I don't have a ps4 so no bloodbornerino
What exactly do you think the PoP series is about?
has it right. The first was by far the best, but the reboot distilled the game's draw into focus.
Did you?
D.Va - new mech every 0.5 seconds
Junk Rat - rocket ride
>Hitman 2 over Blood Money.
Shit, senpai, what happened to your brain?
fixed it for you
>rest is so shit its not even worth talking about
>not enjoying Devil Survivor
whats wrong with you?
>both pop and ac went to shit after he stopped being evolved
good job, ubi
fix your image, it's a fucking clusterfuck
underage detected
>liking racing games
idk that game
Like the other guy said, are there people who played ALL of them? Dear god.
>4th generation
holy shit kill yourself
>shitting on zestiria while liking vesperia
PoF sucks
see good taste m8
Are you me? Good taste.
>loving the first dark souls
what the fuck?
No knowledge of obscure ps2 games
>>loving the first dark souls
>what the fuck?
Is it so strange? It's the one that had the biggest impact on me, although by comparison now it feels rather clunky.
fixed it for you
cant get into SRPGs
kys dbshitter
go play lightning returns, user
Nah, if you couldn't tell by the rest of his post, he's retarded.
They'd have to pay me to do that.
gen 4 is still the best gen fuck you.
>elements often placed in a straight line
>rarely stopping to figure out the route
Not sure what i expected.
If u prefer fucking FMV racing over MR3, you are seriously wrong.
It's a good game, user. Trust me. You know you can trust me. Have I ever lied to you?
Thanks for everything, big guy!
>No knowledge of obscure ps2 games
your missing out. if you want to play a solid RPG, i recommend shadow hearts 1 and 2 (use a guide, its easy to miss alot of stuff)
the third game is really a hit and miss and kodelka has aged awfully.
fixed it for you
Only played 1&2 fucking hell playing through 2 half the classes suck also those guys ith shields are invicible wtf my entire team is them 1 anti tanker and a sniper
>yfw Fighter blows all this trash away
you can make the mc into a shield guy. his almost unstoppable.
I had no idea there was so many Assassin Creed games.
starting so late in the series, are you a retard or something?
>contracts better than 2
shit taste
Fuck off with your first edgy post
1v1 me irl nerd
>mario party 5 the best
my fucking nigger right here
I agree, I really couldn't get into 2 the same way I got into Blood Money and Contracts. Too much line of sight stealth in 2.
>ODST was the best Halo
Odd taste, but I don't necessarily disagree
All the Bungie Halos were good
I honestly don't think the original trilogy for PoP was bad at all. Though I'd rate more as
Warrior Within>Sands of Time>Two Thrones. Sands of Time is COMFY as fuck though, like mega comfy.
>Rating ToS higher than ToA
Shit taste. Tales of the Abyss was WAY better, well in my experience, compared to ToS.
not him but i'd say TT>SoT>WW>>>>>>>>>> whatever that was, the trilogy was amazing, WW felt dark imo.
the third part of abyss was pretty boring. having to travel from town to town just to advance the plot.
AC III is the best one
Fuck no, it was awful
Spotted the autistic 12yrs old ^
This game was awesome. face it
>Didn't like it because it was too edgy and dark
It had better combat than any of the other PoP games though, or at least you had access to more combos and what not. God, I really wish they'd bring the entire trilogy to Steam. I think right now you can only get SoT on Steam, also the remake of PoP.
But that combat system though, like the only thing ToS was the unison attack system which was kind of fun. It didn't have anything on field of fonons though, and all the badass attacks and shit you could do. Also the mystic artes were way better, granted ToS was an older game so it didn't have the animation and graphics that ToA had.
>hates the galaxy series.
what the fuck? why?
Why the fuck are there so many Assassin's Creeds ones in this thread?
thank you so much for this
while the gameplay is better, i prefer the story, plot and characters of ToS more.
no one said i didn't like it, but the atmosphere in the other games was less depressing, the trilogy is godlike and none is bad.
>Hipster taste in one picture
You literally loved all the old stuff, but didn't care for any of the new stuff. Faggot. Also Galaxy, Odyssey, and Sunshine were fun as fuck. I bet you fucking have a record player and vape while walking around in scarves and a cane, go and drink your soylent.
was PoP 2008 that good? I remember playing it at the time (on my 360) and thinking it was just ok. I thought The Sands of Time trilogy was much better.
I wholeheartedly agree on the Forgotten Sands though.
i agree with this
I remember when it first came out, and iirc I think it had mixed reactions. It was radical different from the trilogy that people didn't care for it, but at the same time it had nice graphics at the time and combat, puzzles, and story was good. I'm pretty sure people are divided on it, like either you'll love it or hate it. You can't go into it expecting it to be like the original trilogy, because it's nothing like it at all.
The only thing I believe it was lacking was the combat, and that was made up for in level design, characters, voice work and platforming that actually added something to the series for the first time in years.
>combat goes from enemies block everything but the finishing move (which looked cool/felt somewhat realistic) to enemies being slashed across their armored chest repeatedly and being fine arkham ripoff bullshit
>guns were implemented terribly
>stealth system was terrible
>AI was terrible, but can magically see through obstacles
>Desmond stuff was terrible (must admit there were some cool moments though)
>MC advertised as fomenting revolution when he was really just doing bidding for everyone
>"I'm doing it because noone else will!"
>terrible underground
>horrid, overcomplicated economy system
>exclusive preorder missions
>tailing missions
>Haytham was the one good character and was utterly wasted
>New York and Boston did not feel different
Admittedly, naval stuff was awesome and climbing was improved. The settings themselves were cool and I liked the frontier. Missions that utilized the engine like riding through the war and the theater intro were great. But overall a massive step back for the franchise.
What a terrible fucking opinion.