Best pre 5D Yu-Gi-Oh game?

best pre 5D Yu-Gi-Oh game?

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Duel Academy.


yugioh tag force 3

>tfw friends and I rediscover our old Yu-Gi-Oh cards
>tfw get back into playing it
>tfw go to a game shop
>tfw all these fucking archetypes and archtype specific decks now

The cards produced until GX were more fun desu.


GX era archtypes were super garbo save for a lucky few.

Modern yugioh is more fun since they make fun legacy support for all your favorite decks to do wacky shit with. Ojamas of all things are a decent deck now.

duel academy or world championship 2008
accept no substitutes

Before XYZ you mean, Synchro were great and made many useless monster useful without ruining previous meta, XYZ was so broken they were a must instead of an option

Stairway to the Destined Duel was pretty cash, even though it didn't have the God cards and Crush Card Virus didn't work at all.
I may just prefer it because I've played it for several thousand hours to the point where I discovered a glitch that nobody else had.

Dark Duel Stories was also good, creating your own cards was neato.

>Before XYZ you mean
Xyz, you mean.

Pic related didn't change shit.

i wouldnt mind XYZ being stupid if they at least buffed synchro to the same level, but we havent had a synchro-centric meta deck be on top since Plant Synchro.

>Konami fucked up so hard with xyz summons that they made em literally unplayable with the new Link shenanigans

Don't you mean Pendulums?
Or both, really.

>Konami fucked up so hard with xyz summons that they made em literally unplayable with the new Link shenanigans
What universe are you from, because I wish it was this one

Pends are (or were, since spyral just took over) the best deck since Link format came out.

>Pends are (or were, since spyral just took over) the best deck since Link format came out
Well, that's news to me.
Would you mind elaborating?
I don't have a LGS, so I'm stuck just playing Tag Force Special.

Pendulum Magicians were consistent as fuck and had tons of plays.

And pends are about to get this, which will make them even BETTER

>post 5Ds
how else will you fug carly though

Oh yeah, seems like pendulums were so obnoxious that i totally forgot about them

Can I make a Whale-themed Deck?
I know of the Whale Earthbound Immortal, any other cards?

That one whale Mako uses, Fortress Whale, I think, but it's an early Ritual Monster, so it's shit.

The GX era's biggest contribution is the focus of the archetypes.

You deserve everything bad to happen to you.

What is that Tag Force game where you can play as a bad character, betray the main one's and mindbreak them? Been trying to find one for ages where you battle on of the female characters, defeat them and they look incredibly betrayed.

and i hope you get hit by a truck on your way to work tomorrow you dumb faggot

ppsspp automatically does that blurring shit on resize even if you turn off all postprocessing and anisotropic filtering

Yugioh Duel Links

It's not pre-5Ds, though.
There's cards already out in it that came out in the past few years.
Just because they don't have Synchros, doesn't mean it's pre-5Ds, fuckwit.

When people say pre-5Ds, they mean no white, black, better blue, or half cards.
They don't actually care about the date of release, just that they don't have to do basic math to play

Joke's on you, I'm unemployed and won't be until next week. TAKE THAT!

I'm sorry, but link cards are just a transparent way for konami to sell you new OTK cards while making the old ones worthless. Fuck that.

I thought link monsters were finally going to slow down special summon spam, but no, they are just their own win condition.

Duelist of the Roses

No, when people say pre-5Ds, they mean pre-5Ds.
When nostalgiafags say pre-5Ds, it doesn't matter what they mean because they're not worth listening to.

Also, you've needed to do basic math since release.

if yugioh didn't hold nostalgia i would just play a better card game like poker

Then do that and stop whining that a game you liked a decade ago left you behind.
Or just play the dozen or so games set where you want it.
I'm going to feel bad for people like you who will be nostalgic for Zexal onwards because they'll have very little in the way of vidya.
Consider yourself lucky, user.

Post cardfus.

>tfw you collect blue-eyes and the promotional card from this game costs several hundred dollars

Pretty sure that's Tag Force 4

Is it really that bad, Kaiba?
I can understand it being rare, especially well over a decade later, but several hundred dollars?

World Championship 2006

It is that bad. 1st Edition LOB is already expensive, but this one takes the cake. The fact that it also is the only instance of the original artwork being printed in prismatic secret rare doesn't help either because it makes it so pretty. Pic related.

That does look pretty good.
I wish I still had mine not for jewing someone out their money

>still no single player game with Chaos MAX in it

Does Effects mean it's only immune to Effect Cards or Spells and Traps as well?

Spells and Traps as well, but only those that target and/or destroy.
Something like Wall of Disruption would still affect it.

Give me some YGO games with this guy

Arc V Special has it, but you don't play in matches for the most part.

The silent Magician cards always been my favorites, sadly still no vidya with her current support at the moment.

I had DDS but I got set two and that had Acid Trap Hole, Seiyaryu, and Salamandra.

Hips windows are the shit, good taste.

If your looking for old school Yugioh Legacy of The Duelist is pretty good if you like to follow the anime. Tag Force if you want a more personal experience though

not so fast

Can you use that angler fish monster that counts as two tributes for a water monster for this?

>They made new Armed Dragon cards
>mfw the core set of cards still isn't any good and they haven't made it any easier to use
Just fucking retrain LV3/5/7/10 already Konami, please.

And now you must discard x number of cards from your deck straight into your-oh...

This and the ps1 game where your duel monsters moved into territories.

Early Yu-Gi-Oh games were so dark and mysterious, like gen one Pokémon.

What does this mean?
All I can think of is Pokemon EVs.

Armed Dragons and by extention all LV monsters are still pretty shit until we get direct LV support.

Just consider Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon your new Armed Dragon monster to play with.

Basically making a new version of a monster with a stronger effect that can still benefit from all the support the old version had.

All the weird shit they've gone back to support and they still haven't gone back to support LVs. Bad, imo.

they supported some of them, but not all of them. Yugis Silent LVs got support.

Sadly this, you can still run then with the right setup and made then work, and at least some of then like the Silent ones got a much needed support exclusive for then, but still more general LV support is much needed for a lot of then.

Same with Union monsters, aside from some exclusive archetypes, they really some general support.

>If this card reduces the opponents life points to zero you win
B-But doesn't every card do that?

The Ace monster of Kaiba is a normal monster that requires 2 (used to be 3) monsters to tribute that has no special abilities and is completely vulnerable to traps, spells and effects.


Huh, I'd always heard this term and now I know.
Thanks, user.
I'd like a retrain of the Armed Dragons as well.

>you win the match*
Winning a match is different to winning a duel.
A match is the best of three.

With a fucking ass-load of support, alternate literally, look it up versions, fusions, rituals, etc. etc.

The difference between a duel and a match.

>(used to be 3)
What are you talking about?

Who plays best of threes? When I was in high school and played yu gi oh with my friends we just played duels until the break was over.

Tournaments are best of 3. Of course if you just fold whenever you see Victory Dragon, it takes all the sting out of it, which is why it was banned.

Tournaments, which is why that card and others with similar effects are banned.

>special summon spam
holy shit this. Fuckers nowadays can beat you in 1 turn.

>Who plays best of threes?
Tournaments, both IRL and in games.
Are you stupid?

But as the other user's pointed out it's banned in tournaments, seems like it's kinda useless.

>not getting ZTKs
Fucking scrub.

It is, the game has plenty of useless things.

Thanks, same to you user. In my case she was the one who made me like then in the first place when she came out, but always been a big follower of her archetype..

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "*holds up summoned skull* let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaugheting my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "*flips Despell* you activated my trap card!" thread

Even in YGO Pro I still use Alien decks, even if that must mean I'll lose 9 times out of 10

You're basically guaranteed to get support for your decks in the future, lucky you.

Good on you, user.
I still use a Constellar deck, although it's still relatively new.
Bouncing stuff is fun as fuck and Algiedi a cute.

>muh children card game is serious business

Legacy of the Duelist is also a strict replay of the show plots

Tag Force lets some weird AU shit like Aki accepting herself as a complete psycho because you enabled her happen

And Special lets Kaiba win Battle City.

>tfw losing a duel in a children's card game makes me 1000 times more pissed than losing in say, a fighting game

am I autistic?

Are you trying to use older cards or just outdated stuff against meta decks?
If so, then no, you're just stupid.

Dungeon dice monsters
>tfw exlucively used zombie warrior and 13th grave swarm

>Draw a shit hand
>Lose on first turn


No it's logical. Losing in yuigoh is often infuriating, especially losing to neckbeards and their fancy faggot cards, because you're totall helpless while they cancer up the game and finally beat you with they rainbow color cards and other shit.
Meanwhile in most fighting games, until it's finished you still can try to defend yourself.

It's weird, if I lose irl I don't get frustrated but if I lose in an online card game I get way too pissed to play.

Duel link

>never pull a shit hand because I've got a good deck
>50/50 winrate

>being a casual
>getting mad at being outskilled

Isn't that how most card games work?


armed dragons had their moment with DaD

It's not even connected to the rest of them!

>playing with newer better cards is skill
I'd tell you to go get fucked by horses but you'd probably enjoy that

>You're basically guaranteed to get support for your decks in the future, lucky you.

Hope that it happens soon then, because to be fair it took quite a while to the archetype finally get new support since their introduction, even with being one of yugi's monsters.

No, but making card choices about what you're likely to see and playing around that is skill.
Trying to tribute Summoned Skull and equipping Axe of Despair isn't.

At least you're not a fan of gadgets, I guess.

Duel links or duel generations any good? Itching for a YGO game on mobile but I bet it'll be a pain to play with such a small screen