Golden Sun General /gsg/

Dying inside Tret because everyone got poisoned Edition

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Hi Sup Forums!

got the gba for my 10?11? birthday whenever it came out and golden sun shortly after. i still have them both but tend to replay the game on emulators so i can fastfoward through all the long cutscenes it has. really loved the series, though i never played the one for DS

Why are GS maps so comfy?

>you'll never have mercury djinn to cuddle with at night to keep you cool

>tfw GS franchise has been dead for 10+ years
Fucking Camelot, what happened to you guys? Making great RPGs for years, then after 2000 it's just fucking Mario Tennis?
Maybe if they make a completely new Golden Sun that caters to the japanese waifu faggots it would be reborn like Fire Emblem or something.
so much of that game is comfy, perfect to play during snowed-in days
>mars djinn cuddling for upcoming winter
camelot used to make mario tennis/mario gold before golden sun with the rpg elements in them but yeah golden sun is kill

I haven't played this,

Why did it kill the series?

The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 of Golden Sun

The dawn was too dark.

The fallen star hack of GS makes it so much better. Adding in some real difficulty improves the game tenfold

arctic blade was probably my fav weapon in the series. fuck just looking at the screenshot giving me huge nostalgia waves, i'm gonna play this today

There's never any danger of dying to poison in GS

Saturos on top of Mercury Lighthouse kicked my shit in when I was a kid. Incidentally, that fight also has my favorite battle music in the series:

What battle theme from Golden Sun are you guys' favorites?

I just download the ips, how the shit do I apply it to the ROM?

too easy
plot was literally about getting a paraglider and the actual plot was only teased at the end

Primary reason? Took too long to be a follow up.

Secondary reasons? Story is full of plot-holes, huge focus on new plot hole ridden race, WAY too much talking even for Golden Sun, most of the old cast is teased and not shown, and the ending is a cliff hanger to shill whatever dark dawn sequel was going to be.

Dark Dawn is pretty much living proof why you shouldn't make a direct sequel to a game 6-7 years later.

It BTFO'd Isaac/Miafags so hard the series was never able to recover.

Basically it's too easy (even easier than the GBA games) and the subpar story ends on a cliffhanger.
For me it's a lot of things, though
>Music sounds generic, Sakuraba just phoned it in when composing for this game
>Graphics are shitty, low-res models like Final Fantasy IV DS. Plebs are never going to learn that sprites age better, especially in handheld games
>Battles are just COMPLETE SHIT now. No rotating camera, psynergy and summons don't really look that great to me, even the fucking sound effects are muffled or muted compared to GBA

>No soul, story starts as a simple fetch quest that winds up into you having to save the world (predictably)
>As mentioned, story ends on cliffhanger
>We only get to see Isaac and Garet, like asshole writers the game keeps mentioning some of the others but we never see them
>Characters are even more boring than the GBA cast. They should not have introduced 8 playable characters in one game.

There's more but I don't feel like typing anymore.

There is when you have no antidotes are low on PP and have to fight Tret. Add on that the fact I added a patch to the game so who knows.

It isn't fair...

I shipped Isaac & Mia hard but DD just made Jenna & Isaac bad

>childhood sweethearts together for at least 30 years and only have one kid who is 17 years old
Was Isaac just too much of a pussy to confess? Did he fuck around with other girls before then? Or did they wait until they were old enough and ready for a family like a good conservative, medieval couple would?

Actually, we don't even see Jenna in Dark Dawn. What the fuck happened Camelot, a divorce?

Felix & Sheba was the better ship

Felix was a better protagonist anyhoo

You just double click the ips file and select the rom

Unless you need to go get LunarIPS

>Dark Dawn ends with a massive cliffhanger
>We will never know the continuation because Dark Dawn killed the series

Where's Sup Forums in their play through right now?

it's just the absolute worst feeling.

It answered almost none of the questions people had been asking for years, and raised a ton of new ones. The game should've just been about the old gang going to the moon and meeting the Anemos. That way we'd meet Sheba's family and could also see who had hooked up or whatever. Final battle should've been killing Alex.

I literally can't remember anything about the story.
I only remember it being a HUGE disappointment.

No one mentions the POINT OF NO RETURNS

And how there were THREE OF THEM.

What do you think of the existence of Light and Dark psynergy? Dark Dawn seems to be building up to that and if a sequel actually happens, there will probably be light and dark adepts and psynergies. If so, what planet names should they take on?

It's also cool to note that the summons that correspond to dark/light elements like Charon and Crystallux are summoned mostly with venus djinns. I wonder what are the implications of this?

Sveta best girl

PSA: If you have any love for the series and hope to see another installment, then sign the petition for operation golden sunrise.
It's kinda dead now, but it's really the only chance we've got. Pass it around.

>not karst + agatio theme

Any time I feel like complaining about Dark Dawn when it's brought up, this is one of the major issue I always do. Holy fuck was I STEAMED having missing a SINGLE djinn and finding out it was behind a point of no return.
See but when it happened I naively thought to myself, "oh well I can't go back now but I'm sure I'll find a shortcut back into that area like the old games"
What a god damn shit idiot I was.

I'm sure it will just take them another 7 years.
Ah, but wait.
>Released October 28th, 2010
Fucking hell, I can still remember picking it up.
I even pre-ordered it
There wasn't even any promotional items, but when I asked about it the manager gave me their little display for it, which I still have. A memento of naivety.

I might be alone in this but. Remake the original, Combine em into one game as originally intended, ditch the Pre-rendered sprites and actually make full 3d on the 3DS, balance the mechanics a bit

I'd pay for it.

Mia was best waifu. Jenna was worst, but that's like being the worst flavor of ice cream in neapolitan, AKA still really fucking good.

Thread theme - Venus Lighthouse on professional equipment:

I'd be down for this, not only because I'd love to see Golden Sun updated, but that's about the only way to spark enough interest in the series to actually finish it properly.

Holy shit. I wish this dude would do the whole soundtrack for both GBA games and upload them. That shit sounds amazing.
>That fucking deep bass sound effect that is distinctly Golden Sun
Fucking love it.

Just shipped on the boat yesterday so yeah, it's pretty much over.

for the third time

i would love this, it would make me interested in my 3ds again. but it'll never happen because theres no huge fanbase

I'd rather they do it for Switch


>that is distinctly Golden Sun
The OST is very 80's inspired now that I listen to it.

I'd totally play a remake, but why ask for it on 3DS and not Switch? I get it if you don't wanna buy a new console but the resulting game itself could probably be a decent bit better for it

>ditch the Pre-rendered sprites and actually make full 3d on the 3DS
So like in Dark Dawn?

Comfy Inside

Good luck tearing away Camelot from Mario Sports. Also Nintendo has a lot more RPG powers these days than it did in the GBA days. I don't even think a bundle remake would be enough to revive the series.

Dark Dawn, aesthetically, was pretty good. I'd improve the models a bit more though. Issac had a great Smash Model.

Nintendo & Camelot, remake Golden Sun 1 & 2 into 1 package for Nintendo Switch

i remember seeing these little dashes and balls fly around in different colors for every single spell/effect and think video games had become perfect

Still haunts me to this day.

>talk to villagers in the north
>they're worried about creatures with the bodies of beasts but the minds of men
>finally get down south
>that long-ass discussion about whether lycanthropy is good or bad and how Wind is the strongest alchemical element

This was such good immersion, and it made going to Air's Rock that much more awful because FUCK that casual filter right up its asshole.


>not liking air's rock


One of the best RPG dungeons period


Hey, kindly go FUCK yourself. That place is total ass out in the middle of the fucking desert. Not even the OST for it redeems the awful experience of spending what can be hours on end if you don't know what you're doing or doing a blind playthrough after years of leaving it alone.

>see a fucking Golden Sun General
>on Sup Forums
>Golden Sun ever getting recurring threads
>see thread

>All those gorgeous pixel art cutaways
>Scattered across dozens of rare weapons you may never even see or know of
>Which then only have a chance of triggering their special attack that shows the art for a fraction of a second
Not even complaining, I miss when games put effort into minor shit like that. Makes all of the difference.

Which Rock has the best theme in your opinion?

Air's Rock
Aqua Rock
Gaia Rock
Magma Rock

For me, it's Air>Gaia>Magma>Aqua


>play GS1
>Farm a kikoichimonji
>GS2 comes out
>immediately worthless

Oh well, I figured they would let the super good GS1 items at least have relevance for an hour or 2 before out-dating them in the sequel.

Not OP but you should know, false flagging is about the only way to get a thread going these days. Monster Hunter threads routinely open up with common casual complaints being played serious, weapon bashing, etc.

Gaia since you can just go straight to the boss every time.

Can the boss even be beat if you go straight to it?

>trying to transfer your shit over to the second game
>fucking LONG password to type in
>fuck up one letter somewhere

You can, it's just easier to put the mirrors on it.

what is this sorcery?

The bane of my childhood.
>Spending more time trying to figure out which character it is you screwed up than writing the whole thing down in the first place
Simpler times.

you have to 1-shot it because otherwise the boss heals to full after each turn

Gaia>Aqua>Air>Magma for me.

What about the Lighthouse themes?
Jupiter>Venus>Mars>Mercury imo

Real ballas fought Saturos as their second boss and skipped the first forest visit.

>TLA comes out
>sister and I both get a copy
>I have to wait for her to get through the first cutscene before it's my turn to do the system transfer

I remember being so fucking hyped for that game. Lost my shit when I saw the first videos of the game online and found out Felix was the MC.

It's exactly what the description says. The music data being performed on the original equipment from which it was sampled. No shit, I like it so much I'm thinking about buying one as an entry point to making music.

Why are the graphics so shit? I've seen Tumblr pixelshit that BTFO this hard.

>at least two points of no return with zero warning that you are fucking yourself out of djinn
>really, REALLY shitty opening plot with the glider
>game insists that all of your party members have to comment on everything leading to repetitive dialogue
>poor use of existing lore (why do we have a beast race out of a sudden? Why not just use the Garrou village instead of this beast kingdom?)
>unsatisfying cliffhanger ending

That being said, I still liked it. Everything in the last third is pretty fantastic outside of Alex just getting away, since we know we won't get a sequel.

Also holy shit it had the best waifu in the series.

>Sol Blade this early
>Lv 16
>mfw 375 atk
The only item that you really should get in GS1 is the Golden Shirt.

Felix Sheba
Ivan Mia
Isaac Jenna

These are the patrician ships

It didn't kill the series, it just failed to revive it.

Half of that shit doesn't actually exist.

I hadn't been this wow'd by graphics since Donkey Kong Country. To think this was possible on a handheld was just absurd to me at the time, and I remember excitedly showing my parents the Saturos/Menardi battle at the start.

For me,

It's a pity that Mercury Lighthouse sounds like a generic dungeon rather than elemental themed like the rest.

Wrong board friend.

I finished GS1 but I just can't get the motivation to play the second game.

with RNG manipulation and summons? Easily.

Jenna gets Wheeze active, Felix Mud active, Sour on Piers and Sheba gets shade and a spirit ring and you need at least 3 of every other element djinn in red.

Jenna needs to be at least level 19 for a certain speed value with only one active djinn so she can outspeed the dragon's second turn:

Turn off turn on game go into the fight:

Turn 1: Everyone defend and after his first attack starts soft reset

restart your file and go into the fight:

Turn 1: Jenna Weaken, Felix Mud, Piers Attack, and Sheba Shade

Turn 2: Jenna Wheeze, Felix defend, Piers Defend, Sheba Spirit Ring

Turn 3: Jenna Meteor, Felix Judgement, Piers Boreas, Sheba Thor

bam dead dragon every time

Bleach-like weapon effects were the cherry on top

lol using paper and pencil to write the code down, then having to read my shitty handwriting that even knowing i should be slow and careful to not fuck it up, my young/impatient ass speedwrote all sloppy
lol yeah i remember showing my parents and brother the battle animations i was so excited

Good taste in weapons, dude.

I must have played Golden Sun for a collective 200 hours and only ever got 1 Kikoichimonji in any of my playthroughs.

And the ring that negates curses.

>ditch the Pre-rendered sprites
I really like those though

Everyone I've met here in the US agreed with me that Felix > Isaac, but the JP fans all seem to have a raging hard-on for Isaac instead? Why is that? Isaac in GS2 was just another generic, bland, hackneyed shounen character, whereas Felix has depth to his character and his relationship with the other party members and even enemies.

Isaac was first, which is what matters to Japan, even if he's more bland. Not sure how Isaac is shounen, that's Felix with his goofy mask and his MUH SISTER motivation.

>if the Vale elders had just listened to Saturos and Menardi and not been racist the entire plot would have been prevented at the start
Really makes you think.


Is there something similar on Android Store?

The Great Gaia would've done some other inexplicable deus ex machina bullshit to make Saturos and Menardi "prove" that they can handle bringing alchemy back to the world, and considering they got their asses handed to them by a group of kids who'd only started adventuring less than a year from when they left Vale, they would've wiped and the Lighthouses would remain unlit.

vale elders deserved to die. too focused on staying in their comfy positions