15 fps

>15 fps
>no mods
>small shitty screen
Why would anyone play Skyrim on a Switch?

Other urls found in this thread:



>no mods

The only mod I need is glowing books, also, Skyrim is boring with or without mods.

Dunno, ask Todd. Playing it unmodded is painful enough regardless platform.

Glowing ore would help too

Skyrim is not built as a portable game. Nothing about its gameplay design fits a portable archetype. No one plays a quick round of Skyrim on the train because Skyrim's gameplay isn't cut up into bitesized pieces that take 10-15 minutes like portable games do.

Yeah it’s too intense of a game for casual short play times

Because it doesn't play at 15fps? That's just objectively false. If you don't like the screen size, just fucking play it on your TV.
>Why buy a portable system when you can just lug around your 10lb PC and 20" monitor and power supply.
>Complaining about the screen being too small on literally the largest portable console period.
>Being so triggered that people might like something different than you that you literally go on Sup Forums and lie about the frame rate just because you want your dick to feel bigger.

Are you ready for the surprise of the decade? OP is a faggot.

Hey, it's better than playing it on a fucking mac



Fixed that for you OP. It runs at the sane speed as the other console versions.

What exactly am I looking at here?

So game actually plays at 10 fps instead of 15


Not true. I have it on switch and I actually really like the portable aspect. You can get through a small dungeon or finish a quest or something in a short period. I also find it way more engaging just playing little snippets and then taking a break. It makes it kind of like a TV show where you get excited for the next episode instead of a movie where you're just like that was great but I'll wait a bit for the sequel.
I didn't think it would be a great portable titles but it's actually pretty fun.

>light flickering on Switch surface is also in low framerate
Gr8 B8 M8

I hope OP got a visit from Mr. Howard.

>15 fps
Why lie on the internet?

thank you based user

For me graphical mods are essential because they add so much more immersion, in comparison vanilla feels really lame.

It's comfy, seriously it's my favorite version, since the only mods I would play with were weather ones anyway.

>bringing up the Japanese commute to work on train example
There are many places where you could sit for an hour, hour and a half, and play an RPG. At school/uni, when the teacher doesn't arrive and you all miss a class or two (or during class if you don't give a fuck, I guess), visting relatives, or just to kill a lot of time anywhere really.
I guess it all depends on where you live and what's your lifestyle. We chill a lot in South America.


Graphics aren't that big of a deal for me. I'm playing a game with magic and dragons and sticks that make people chickens. Making the trees look real isn't going to make me any more immersed.

>720p res on a 720p screen

Most side quests don't take more than around 15 minutes.

Because MUH ON DA GO!

>15 FPS
>shitty screen
The screen is great quality
>small screen
The Switch comes with a dock

Shitpost about things that are real, like Doom bad port or Xenoblade 2 awful charater design

>boring without mods
Wrong nintendo-kun

It's not like Skyrim is a super complex or time consuming game either. And I'm not being ironic.

He opened the video checked its properties and it shows that the video itself is rendered at 10fps meaning OP is just lying because of course he is. anyone who has watched a video of the game on switch knew it was bullshit anyway but OP went the extra mile

Why would anyone play Skyrim?

Muh zelda

Lmao Skyrim sucks

It's the only RPG normies and kids have fun with. They're getting their bodies ready for Skyrim 2 :)

Yeah and issac is built around hour long runs but i still enjoy that on the switch.

not to mention

you can grab the laptop version for like $5 now

Dude it's fricking epic, you get to be a viking and yell at dragons


It sucks even more on the switch

If I wanted portability I would get a laptop.
>But surely you can't get something like that for 300 buckaroos?
>gaming laptop, used
Yeah, whatever. It's just a better alternative, with much more games.

>the laptop version

At least it's portable

Laptops aren't as portable and a cheap one can't run BOTW, so...

>they hype the shit out of that Link model
>we have been playing as Link, CJ, JC Denton and Sanic for years without even paying

SPERG and/or ORDINATOR are necessary to fix the shitty vanilla character development system.

lol brainlets

have you nothing better to do than shitpost

Laptops are built to be portable, they are just as portable as everything else.
And the Switch doesn't have access to every game on the Steamstore+interwebs.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Skyrim. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Nordic history and culture most of the gameplay will go over a typical gamer's head. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realise that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Skyrim truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the existentialism in Skyrim's catchphrase “Fus Ro Dah,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Bethesda’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Skyrim tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

I know right, no one would think of even getting Skyrim on the Switch in the first place. It's like preaching to the choir.

They are portable as in you can move them around once they are completely off, you can't grab a laptop with your hands and play at the same time.

Not everyone breaks the law to stare at fake titties

Not as portable.

That's why they are called Laptops

As in, the go on top of your lap.

It's not really about realism though.
For example for weather I prefer Vivid Weathers but it's probably one of the less realistic. However I find that it fits the game's atmosphere perfectly as it doesn't ruins the original feel of the game but greatly enchances it, especially mist and storms. Can't play without it now.

hahahahaha i hate rickymartin too user BAZINGA XD so edgy ;)

>random trivia out of nowhere

Did I say otherwise?

Nintenbros will gobble it up.

Yeah but you can't really use it while holding it in your hands and it's just too big in my opinion to be considered truly portable gaming

A Switch can't fit in your pocket and goes in a bag, the same as a laptop. It is just as portable.
And you have the option of packing another battery with the laptop.

>t. High IQ user

Your irony almost got passed me

Can you play with a laptop without being absolutely uncomfortable without some support?

A switch literally can fit in your pocket

With 2-3 hours of battery life.

I m almost sold on the VR skirim, game was already solid on the ps3 10 yrs ago and I'm reading only good rec, such as "The combat now make sense" or "I'm playing in a way I shitted on before ".
I dont puke on vr and is so fucking tempting

A switch is still smaller than a laptop, bruh and easier to operate on the go

You can use it while charging, also gaming laptops aren't exactly known for their battery life


You took your time to type this, why? Does it really upset you that a thing exist?

And the primary demographic for gaming laptops are teens and early 20s adults when tend to move around a lot which is why they don't own a desktop pc. Which implies that gaming laptops are primarily used in a stationary environment with a reliable power source or in very short sessions that require very little power(browsing the web, typing up essays etc).

Uh okay, switch is still more portable

I have a ps4 pro, Switch and a strong as fuck PC. But seriously anyone who enjoys not only the worst Elder Scrolls game, but not on PC without mods or an acceptable resolution or fps is a fucking loser. Just play it on PC, noone cares about playing skyshit on a portable device. I never once though, hmmmm what if I could play Skyrim on the go LOL?

Same shit with doom. You are fucking retarded if you bought a 6 year old game because it's portable. Seriously there's nothing more pathetic.

Oblivion's worse

No it isn't, stop with this shit. Skyrim is oblivion 2. It's awful.

Yeah everyone should spend 1.5k on a PC before they're allowed to play those right?

Ye it is

>1.5k PC
>for a 6 year old game

God damn youre fucking retarded.

People like you are the reason many people are afraid to say they like VG.

>You are fucking retarded if you bought a 6 year old game because it's portable

Wouldn't it be dumber to buy a 6 year old game for graphics?

Do people not own laptops anymore?

The graphics regardless are fucking trash even when it came out. But it literally runs at 15 fps. Kill yourself.

No dude vg's issues have nothing to do with people's opinion on videogames

>can see the carpet jittering
>OP used stop motion to create the illusion of a poor framerate solely to shitpost

Nice work.

>But it literally runs at 15 fps
No it doesn't, why are you so salty?

Some guy I found on twitter is. He's also a complete edgelord about it. Feel free to bully him.


>if you don't do as I do you are retarded REEEEEE

Who acts like this?

People don't want to be seen as they see the typical "gamer".


vg's problem is that it's a board full of generals

>15 fps
>no mods
>shitty TV screen
Why would anyone play anything on any console?

>I say vg as in videogames
>he thinks I mean /vg/



How is this running so poorly? I bad SD card? I've put like 30 hours into the Switch version and have had nothing close to this shit framerate

>Got a GPD Win instead of a Switch
>Have Skyrim mobile with mods
>Also have older PC game library

STALKER mobile really lets me get out of places.

OPs an aspie

> I've put like 30 hours into the Switch version and have had nothing close to this shit framerate
holy shit stop lying. It plays like this 99% of the time. Only time it's 30 is when you stare at the ground



>Caring about chinkshit when all shit is made in chinkland


rly makes u thinki thinky

That's not what chinkshit means