How sad is the state of gaming that ending net neutrality might make games better because people won't be able to afford always online shit anymore.
How sad is the state of gaming that ending net neutrality might make games better because people won't be able to...
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Yes, that is exactly how it works, you are so smart OP holy shit
It'll mean since people won't buy always online shit anymore since it won't be playable, that garbage will stop selling so much.
t. capitalistic brainlet
Reminder not all government regulation is bad. Ending net neutrality will allow ISP's to royally fuck you in the ass. Don't fall for the "It will be faster" meme. Speeds will not magically increase.
Our games will be better though, and that's the ultimate goal.
t. reddit hillshill
desu i hope they charge to use Sup Forums. Rid this place of the poorfag cancer once and for all
Why would ending net neutrality make it cost more to be always online? We have net neutrality now, and I still have Comcast data caps.
I wonder how many people forget about the multiple times ISPs have tried to jew their customers just for using services they don't approve of. Anyone thinking this will be a net benefit is a corporate cocksucker.
It was her turn my dude.
Google, Youtube, and Twitter are fucking us in the ass worse than Comcast is right now. I'll side with Comcast this time.
Why does reddit hate capitalism so much?
who isn't online at all times anymore?
who even cares about net neutrality
lmao just buy fifa and cod lamo
it's fine loam it's just gaming mlao
like get a gf nigga olam
>I'll side with Comcast this time
>siding with Comcast ever
The cuckery is outstanding
But what about muh torrents
>Why does reddit hate predatory capitalism so much?
fix'd that for you
The reason most Trump supporters don't care is because they're too poor to have internet anyway.
Only 49% of people don't have the internet so i guess thats pretty important.
All capitalism is predatory you fucking mongoloid. The goal is to get your money.
>He doesn't know the difference
graduate high school then get back to me, nearly everyone knows what it means
who cares doe? hahaha like mad people don't has food 2 like whatever nigga jajajajajaja
nothing matters nigga xaxaxaxaxaxa just buy fifa huehuehue
>too dumb to know how to use the internet
Fixed that for you
Please, id love to hear your highly educated explaination. Ill wait.
says the jobless faggot browsing a videogame board on an anime website
But how will I play ultimate team without the interntet
You'd think poor people would get the picture that they are scum by now.
Because streams and online games on average take the most bandwidth. So it would make sense that ISPs would tell them to start paying way more to a casual Facebook user.
It will be very interesting to see how Steam, Activision-Blizzard, EA and the rest will react to this.
reguler captillism is about making a pruduct of servuis to sell for money
in predatory capitalism, the goal is to make money at any cost so things such as bribing the government at every level and breaking laws such as toxic waste dumping are all good
be at least slightly self aware the next time you post
Hey burgers.
How does it feel having to fight for Net Neutrality?
Europe is Neutral since 2016!
Good luck in your fight guys!
Haha, wow. Just leave.
Well people generally are poor because they are dumb.
like nigga just invite ya nibbas over like nizza just play with them while they there, nippa
like it ain't
just do it, buy nike ninna just buy fifa niwwa
>I don't have a comeback, better just say leave
how telling
Hey nigger, where are you?
Any other Sup Forumsros remember when we didn't have netneutrality? Truly the darkages of the internet
You just comapred net neutrality to toxic waste dumping. You have to leave. Might as well have used a food analogy Tbh
But how will I purchase a ps4 without amazon
You have no idea what the net neutrality issue is. Also please stop perpetuating the meme of calling Title II regulation "net neutrality." The two are not one and the same. We can repeal Title II without ending net neutrality.
Go to walmart which will jew you.
Must suck being an Amerifat with ISP monopolies. Here in NZ 1 company owns all of the nfrastructure and cannot sell directly to consumers, instead providing wholesale services to ISP's so we don't even have NN laws.
sad news for you, germany always jumps americas band wagon, and with germany, the remaining EU as well.
if they bin net neutrality in the U.S., we, in the EU will be next.
This net neutrality issue is basically choosing to side with big corporate websites or big corporate ISPs. There is no middle ground here.
user, the European Parliament signed an Internet Neutrality Act a year ago.
Here, have a look.
Is the NEET purge finally upon us? Praise be.
>He doesn't get it
It was not about net neutrality at all you tard, it was the difference between a true capitalistic state and the predatory capitalistic state we live in today
don't try and move the goalposts again please
laughing my dick off, user
just steal one from walmart. ball-mart has a ton of them in glass cases. like just walk into crawl-mart and take one. what are they gonna do? haul-mart can't touch you. you are eternal.
>poorfags wont be able to afford multiplayer games anymore
An easy tl;dr of what that site says.
In Europe Internet data is just that, Data. Not a single ISP can charge you a premium for sites like Youtube or Netflix. The only way is charge you is in data caps, and even then cable or fiber Internet connections don't have data caps.
*a dark aura begins to rise from the depths* you want to save net neutrality, eh?
*whooshes cape*
I have news for you, buttercup. That ain't happenin'. Not while I'm around
*unsheathes gun and draws katana*
You see, the internet has plagued humanity for many years. I will put a stop to it.
*smirks like one of those anime characters*
humans are weak creatures...and I know what's best for them
*eyes begin to turn blood red*
the internet doesn't need to exist anymore. I will be the one to destroy it. I am death. I am destruction. I am chaos. I am...Sup Forums.
CoD will finally be rid of all the black guys on welfare.
Also no more squeakers or brazilians. Lets go already
The only thing that will become more expensive is your netflix subscription once they're forced to pay more.
>have to pay a sub fee to visit anime sites
>neets cant afford
>anime becomes non existent
Please hurry
>trump might actually ban anime
your not going to be able to download those singleplayer games either you idiot. thats how this works
The thing is if you want to fix what the FCC claims is the problem with this you dont need to repeal title 2. You just need to force all lines to be public and not allow companies to Lobby to prevent competition to come to areas. This is the exact reason why this shit is happening but instead of fixing it you just want to give more power over to the mono/duopolies because daddy trump said its good and a black man set up the rules because ISPs started to fuck people over while he was president.
>wanting games to become prohibitively expensive
where is the kickstarter for this?
The internet DOESN'T need to exist anymore. It's literally driving humanity into a hysterical paranoid fit.
They already make me pay 1€ more per month for the UHD bundle.
He's right though, the Internet was a mistake.
Games have been shit since you grew up user.
I voted for Trump too, but this isn't an argument.
Just another corporate cocksucker goy
>side with comcast
See Yes, it does.
>the largest archive of information in the world is bad and I want to get rid of it
>I dunno...because furries exist or something
Hey, can someone close the window? It's getting really shilly in here.
>It's literally driving humanity into a hysterical paranoid fit.
Can you blame people for not wanting to piss someone off while doing something completely pointless and they end up getting swatted or stalked? Fuck sakes I'm terrified of that happening, especially when if you do something or post something as a kid because you're a fucking idiot that can help people find out who you are it's impossible to get it off thanks to things like and certain sites not dying.
>this kills the piratefag
I see no problems with this
>NN isn't corporate cocksucking
This is literally soccer mom teir logic.
>The internet should be banned because someone MIGHT GET HURT! GASP!
>ISP monopolies or Websites
Pick your poison user
The internet is 99% junk data.
No, I'm not saying it should get banned at all, I'm just agreeing with the guy saying it's made us all paranoid which it technically has. The Internet has brought loads of good into the world, I would never want it gone.
>the people who stand to lose the most because they consume the lion's share of the bandwidth while paying very little to maintain the infrastructure for it are the ones lobbying to keep their sweetheart arrangement.
Shocking, truly.
>the internet is about to be ruined forever
>tactically deploy a bunch of shills into various websites to downplay the problem and overall try to make them see internet censorship as a good thing
>the people who provide the internet
>the people who exploit people who use it
Hmm tough choice.
How gullible are you? Do you just hear any random argument that supports the contrarian side and just automatically think it's true? Do some research and use some common sense
>The internet should be banned
>because I don't like it
Go home Marge Simpson.
What the fuck are you on about? I genuinely don't understand your point.
Are you implying that the internet is exploiting people in some way?
>Siding with Comcast
I'm not even fucking American and I know that's a stupid fucking idea. You people DESERVE to get fucked in the ass if you're going to even consider doing that.
I look forward to having no Americans in my games in the future.
>greedy ISPs hungry for money
>VS. shit swilling website conglomerates
is there supposed to be a definitive bad guy here because I certainly don't see it
What does that even mean? Are they going to ban Torrents, IRC and every single streaming site? There's literally no chance they make it so you can't get free anime
>the internet should be censored by large corporations
>because da gubbermint bad
They can charge an outlandish fee to use those services
>haha i torrent my stuff so its free
>but i pay a fee to use the torrent site
ISP monopolies are the reason we can't have nice things like Google Fiber.
I love how people are unironically supporting the rebranded SOPA/PIPA because of which puppet is up.
Still, I doubt they'll do anything drastic right after it's gone, they need to let think "it wasn't that bad" first.
IS Fallout 4 always online?
You guys really aren't being subtle, are you? Like, isn't the point of a shill to disguise yourself as a common internet user? You really don't sound like you're from Sup Forums when you guys say stuff like "The internet needs to die. I want it gone because I care about the children and ISP's.
Good. Fuck google and fuck monopolies.
And FUCK white people
i can go to another website, i cant go to another ISP. One is competitive and has won the other exist in legal monopolies that can prevent competition from existing.
Your an idiot for siding with ISPs espically since part of this is they will make their own websites which are more trash than anyone of those and force you to use them
>maintain the infrastructure for it
Ohhhhhhh yeah, those poooooooooooooor internet companies are sacrificing arms and legs to keep YouTube running, I bet.
Ohhhh poor comcast ohhhhhhh...
Ohhhhhhh Verizon ohhhhhhhh time warner ohhhhhh noooo who will maintain their infrastructure ohhh my lord ohhhh
Yeah tell 'em.
>Are they going to ban Torrents, IRC and every single streaming site?
Possibly, or they'll just neuter the speed of every site using the generic plan unless you pay for certain sites.
If it gets rid of pirates, niggers, kids, and neets, we need to make it happen.
Fucking brainlet.
so a police state is good because they provide protection? so we shouldnt have any laws that prevent police from abusing their power?
They'll make it so you get 0.001KB/s when using any of them, though.
Unless you pay the "Internet Super-User Deluxe" package.
>consume the lions's share of bandwidth
you'll have to explain how this affects anyone currently
If it kills Sup Forums, im for it