Got this after a recent thread got my interested.
What are some must have mods? I think I'll skip the porn ones until I have a good understand of the game.
Got this after a recent thread got my interested.
What are some must have mods? I think I'll skip the porn ones until I have a good understand of the game.
Are there any additional objectives in this game besides building the spaceship? Since I'm such a brainlet that's the only thing I do and end the game as fast as possible to avoid increasing dangers like toxic fallout, insect swarms, etc.
The Lovecraft mods are good but you have to be somewhat of an experienced player
MineItAll - a mod that gives you a bunch of quality of life tools for mining. Gives you node mining, strip mining, and a whole bunch of stuff like that. Pretty much needed for any mountainous map.
Allow Tool - super lightweight mod that gives you a few buttons that allow you to mass deny/allow things on your map. I got this primarily for the beginning of maps when you start out and all your stuff is denied and you have to manually allow it to get your colonists to transfer them or use them. Super QoL improvement.
Fences and Floors + More Floors mods - just gives you more floors and shit. More variety.
JTReplaceWalls - allows you to put walls over already pre-existing walls and your colonists will automatically take down the walls there and build the ones you want. If you don't have this mod, you have to tell your colonists to delete the walls first, then once their gone you can tell them to put up the new walls. Really good mod.
Where Is Rich Soil?/Where Is the Gravel? - paints rich soil/gravel a different, more dark color to stand it out a lot more from the background. Rich soil gives 140% modifer to plants and shit so its nice to be able to plan a farm around it a lot easier.
Easier Growzones - goes with the top mod a bit. Gives you growzone tools that allow you to only put growzones over specific tiles (such as rich soil tiles).
More Furniture - gives more furniture like circular tables and shit.
Stack Merger - gives your colonists a low priority job thats makes them "clean" up your stockpiles. If you have like 3 wood in your stockpile and then somewhere else you ahve like 80 wood, it'll combine them together to save space.
Refuge Stats - when refugees ask your colony for help, it'll give you a small box that tells you what they're good/bad at and their traits are. Lets you know if they really are worth saving or not.
Hand Me That Brick - lets your haulers take stuff to construction jobs so your constructors can just focus on building, not hauling.
Is it true this game has sex slavery even without mods?
More like organ slavery. Mods can get you sex slavery.
>overall rainfall: high
god this is comfy
How do I make it borderless fullscreen?
>Mods can get you sex slavery.
Where do I find this degeneracy
Wait there are sex mods?
It's a Unity game so I believe you can make a shortcut and add -popupwindow
the game is about roleplaying
>tfw cutting off the legs, arms, eyes, ears and nose of a prisoner and thus simulating the locked-in syndrome
Hospitality and Leadership are good ones, although some may think that it makes the game a bit too easy, especially with regards to getting new colonists. Still, letting your colony elect its own leaders and teachers and letting them win over guests with amiable social etiquette and fancy digs are neat features that almost feel like they should be part of the game proper.
One of the benefits of simple art and function design is easy modding, I suppose.
If you have it on steam - go to workshop and get mods.
Mods male it tenfold better
Lovers lab.
RimJobWorld or RJW
Find the rest yourself.
>Mods male
I want to play this game with mods
Alpha 17 or Beta 18?
How the fuck do I survive the winter? My food storage is so fucking big yet I am always running out of food 1-2 weeks in. How people can successfully manage colonies with 12+ colonists is beyond me. I'm struggling to keep 8 people alive
I can understand it with games like Sims or Skyrim, but Rimworld doesn't even have any character animations. They are all just peanuts with wigs and hats.
Bigger farms and have 1 pawn always tending them
How much food do you have by the time winter starts?
>what is imagination
Have you never played a roguelike without tilesets?
The squishy rape sound effect really adds to the immersion
> equipped with a revolver
> getting raped
>what is imagination
>Wanting to use your imagination when the entire internet consists off 80% porn.
I'm sure you could find some post apocalyptic cowboy rape
>you would shoot your own mother and fiance just because she wanted some lovin'
He liked it anyway
>no blood of Boya mixed with the cum
Hopefully they add that in soon
Yeah but I can't play those and watch the drama unfold after this goes on for years
>when you hate the fact she rapes her son but her futa cawk is huge
Boya gets cucked in his own bedroom every other night. Can't wait to see what happens when I get some more colonists
>tfw stubborn prisoner with good stats refuses to join my colony
>multiple escape attempts later get pretty upset that this dude who lives in a fucking 10/10 room with the colony's best art work and plenty of space refuses to join us
>each time he fails to convert I take a body part that I can use on one of my colonists
>eventually he's just a potato with no arms, legs, ears, or eyes
>about to throw him outside when he finally converts
>take the time to turn him into a fucking cyborg
>nigga roams around my base as fucking robocop now
Finally they're doing it naturally
rim job hahaha
Posting again because I want validation for my comfy homestead
it looks shitty
What's supposed to be comfy about this? Hell you don't even have comfy floors in the house and it's cramped as fuck.
I sure love living in what boils down to a two man prison.
>round up all the gays attempting to join my colony
>imprison and force work in mines as slaves
>shitty production because they're gays
>execute 50% and harvest the organs of the remaining 50%
>into crematory dey go
That's fucked up dude. You should have butchered them and used their meat to fuel your pet bros through the winter. Stop fucking wasting resources.
>tfw you're a year into your sea ice + permanent volcanic winter run and the game reminds you with a raid of about thirty old ones that you forgot to turn off the Cthulhu mod
Chalk it down to hypothermia induced psychosis and just roleplay the fuck out of it as a colony that's just gone fucking insane from the hardships they've faced.
>batteries right next to generator
>huge blind spot in the top left lets bandits close in
1/10 is the best I can give you
>not letting him keep his ears so that every shriek of every child, every babe that weeps in fear at his approach, every woman that cries "dear god, what is that thing?" will reverberate forever in his perfect ears
You're an unimaginative torturer.
>it's a star vampire but you can't find it so you have to play on speed 1 for a while episode
I enjoyed killing a cthonian with a naval gun though
Fuck off chumlee, the best we're doing is ½/10
>not having Breakers mod
zzt is the most annoying event in the game other than toxic fallout
>Start cutting off Prisoner bits
>Everyone in the colony starts complaining and bitching
Had to restart my entire game just to give my team the psychopath trait so they'd stop being such babies.
use him to create an army of every animal on the map
>blurring out the name
Should've just used dev mode
>toxic fallout
Its the most comfy if you prepared for it.
>roofed walkways
>rotating pawns that go out to drag in animals that died from the fallout
>pawn's boredom is the real threat
Max comfy
There are mods that make prisoner harvesting far more viable.
>pawn's boredom is the real threat
more like the player's boredom is the real threat, you can't do shit with toxic fallout active unless you spam roofs fucking everywhere, you can't send out caravans, all the animals die, all your crops die, the fun just stops for multiple seasons
There's something really comfy about staying inside chilling with your bros while a toxic fallout turns the rest of the map into a wasteland
gib pls
The way to manage that is through abusing the "guilty" tag on prisoners. It's really fucking stupid but for a few hours most prisoners are considered "guilty" if they're like knocked out raiders.
What this means is you can do literally anything to them with no repercussions, but the moment that tag fades all bets are off. This leads to hilarious situations where 40+ tribesmen raid your base, you get a dozen or so prisoners out of it and do a mad rush to cut them up as much as possible and euthanizing them right before their timer expires just to get everyone's medicine skill up as much as possible
>not playing on a mountainous map
What are you some kind of cuck
Also hunting a lot in the winter helps. Depends on your scenario.
hell yes, toxic fallout is max comf
There needs to be a mod with permanent toxic fallout
>What are some must have mods?
There are too many, user. Just go on the Workshop and grab whatever looks fun.
Sitting at 60 right now. Pic related.
Absolutely get P-Music though. Adds a lot of REALLY good music to the game, and it all fits the original soundtrack.
i always have like 14k food by the time winter starts
make bigger farms dumdum
>pawns still grab tiny amounts of resources and drag them to jobs without getting a full stack even though more is needed
Thought they fixed this
works fine for me
>crops die
or you just build indoor greenhouses? hydroponics are shit, just wall in an area of dirt and put a sun lamp inside and you have a working farm year-round.
>Absolutely get P-Music though
Thanks for this, was getting tired of the og music after 100 hours. Was hoping he would add some new vanilla songs in the year I stopped playing but nope
This. Make up your own goals.
Uses for water when?
Thanks to whoever suggested I get the 'realistic darkness' mod to couple with Zombieland. Nights are more terrible now I can't see the 300+ undead wandering outside.
Medieval Times + Hospitality are pretty fun to play together. I like having a cool rustic tavern with guest rooms for weary travelers to stop in.
You have to play ONI for that
>when you can't find out RWJ outside LoversLab until you find out a drive google link
>go to hunt turkey
>shoot it once
>its fucking immortal
One shot to the leg with a bolt action should've been enough to disable the damn thing
>sexually frustrated futa nympho doctor lovin' on incestous futa nympho patient who she was supposed to be treated for the turkey peck