>yfw too smart to know blizz is a soulless corporation now and cater to "normies" but this expacs mythic raiding is somehow the most hardest raiding there has been
Why are anti blizzdrones so obsessed with a game they hate but never actually try playing the hardest content is it because they cant make friends either just like the casual players in WoW
Yfw too smart to know blizz is a soulless corporation now and cater to "normies" but this expacs mythic raiding is...
Because nostalgia fags still actually believe that vanilla wow was difficult.
Is there any real difficulty curve to raiding? Isn't it just a matter of how tough the gear check is.
Can we perma-ban anyone who can't speak english properly from this board unless they pass a test?
Mostly gear checking
Jump Start endorsed captchas?
I figured. The action aspect can't ever be very challenging because it's just fucking tab targeting and cooldown whacking.
They COULD have made the tactical part deep but decided to base raiding off fighting one enemy at a time.
>"Hey we have 40 person sized party now. Up till now players have mostly foughten a single enemy while questing, soemtimse 2. When they did 5 man dugneons they were used to fighting 2-4 enemies at once. So what will we throw at a 40 person party"
>"Make them fight a single enemy but it has a million hit points."
he's probably 14
This, let's cleanse this website from Americans.
haha epic consedoring we invented the language
>too smart
>uses normie unironically
ive got news for you, kiddo
The problem isn't that raiding is too easy, it's that literally everything else is too easy to the point of absolute triviality
But I'm getting walled by Antoran High Command normal so maybe I'm too casual to comment on this
Legion is a nice expansion, they just fucked it with the legendaries and early AP grinds.
lmao you never really raided, did you
>blizz is a soulless corporation now
>Raiding on a schedule
the only hard part about mythic raiding is the patience required to wipe 30 times before the retards figure out the fight
What's the point in doing the hardest content while titanforging exists? Ya know, part of the whole reason raiding was even fun was absolutely having the biggest dick gear in game.
I recognize this same style of bullshit argueing.
>Wow is pretty skilless
>No dude just wait till you get to this dungeon!
>Ok I did that and it's the same trash as before
>Nah man you need to do raiding
>Wow it's a fucking gear check
>No dude you need to do "specific raid"
>Wow that's just a bigger gear check
>No dude you need to do it under a specific patch while playing as a specific class
If WoW raids were not just gear checks people would have had tanks in trash greens tank Ragnaros. In any tactical of any real skill, it's considered a sign of talent to be able to win with a weaker character/party/army.
It was hard for different reasons. More of a managerial check getting 40 people to work together and farm outside of raid.
>It's a gear check
>I found it difficult to be consistent enough to be useful and down the boss
You do know most guilds won't even let you in unless you meet some gear quota?
also in all likelihood
>I'm comparing dungeons to raids and have no idea how much effort people put into optimizing their rotation for by browsing combat logs of myself and others.
It's a good indicator you have no intention of working toward their desired goal.
>being lazy in a videogame
why keep on living user?
LOL the guy that thinks 'damage rotation' is a fucking skill and something to brag about! Fucking autistics
They could do this but half of the murricans here would not be able to pass it
I remember hearing about my friend who played vanilla in the first 6 months (appearly when the game was most 'hardcore). He signed up to do some raid, had to bail out to attend his grandfather's funeral. Raid leader gave some autistic speech about 'dedication' and gave him a 100 DKP minus.
That's pretty much all you need to do know about end-game gearing in WoW.
Elysium guilds were blowing through vanilla raids way, way quicker than classic release.
The hardest thing about vanilla wow raiding was organizing 40 people to engage in a task that no one had any idea how it worked, on shitty internet and communication programs.
AQ 20 and 40 got cleared in like 3 and a half weeks on Elysium. On Vanilla it took like 4 months for C'thun to go down.
That's the power of better internet, addons and information.
>That's the power of better internet, add ons and information.
AKA cheating at the game by looking at guides instead of figuring out the tactics and strategies yourself.
lol that sounds like my brother when they made him rogue officer. In any business you'll find 1/5 of people can not handle any sort of power without becoming massive ballbusters. They'll be chill until they get one iota of power and then they get smug and powertrippy.
that guy who is so bad at something he doesn't know how bad he is
Lmao I can smell the sea salt from here as you got your ass handed to you and blamed it on 'teh gear1!'
>Guild Leader's always bottom of the barrel DPS despite having 940 gear
>Also almost always the first to drop
>Pretty much never does mechanics despite following DBM like the bible, just calls out mechanics that are about to happen then keeps tunneling
>Constantly complains that people aren't doing fights right
Should I just jump ship?
>consedoring we invented the language
Go on, try to pretend that was bait and not a startling lack of education.
Blizzard started catering to normies with WoW
Face it, you're one of them
>le mythic raiding is hard
>every boss has don't stand in fire mechanics
Why would you admit to never having raided and then still expert people to take you seriously on the topic?
Sup Forums is too casual for wow even.
>That's the power of better internet, addons and information.
That's the power of 1.12.1 actually, OP classes, nerfs to AQ, also private servers tend to be bugged/inaccurate, armor values especially
It's only "hard" because weakauras has trivialized the minutia of playing the game, so they've had to artificially boost the difficulty with arbitrary damage soaking and bullshit mechanics like that.
It's not "hard" as in complex or challenging. It's "hard" as in unforgiving. WoW raiding is not fun, and has not been fun since WotLK.
Mythic raiding is just increasing the numbers too be mathematically impossible until Blizzard decreases them, there isn't anything intelligent about it.
I already called this before LOL
>No dude you need to do it under a specific patch while playing as a specific class
>It's only "hard" because weakauras has trivialized the minutia of playing the game
Could you expand on this please.
Black Temple was such a joke in 2.4, even Rogues tanked it, but i bet you think it doesn't matter
Blizzard should ban addons, they have honestly started to hurt the game
Vanilla WoW was hard for logistical reasons, not raw mechanical reasons.
The difficulty in raiding is your fellow player. There are people that can't function properly, and when they ignore mechanics, you die.
Weakauras is an addon that basically just tells you what to do and where to stand for the entire fight
He's saying Blizzard compensated for people using this by inflating numbers to absurd degrees to require near absolute perfection
Literally all non americans
Like, if you ever get on voice chat with them, it sinks in how shit they are at english, cant speak it right, terrible fucking accents and have limited vocabulary
WoW's engine and interface was designed to make them very easy to do. That's why WoW has more add ons that any other MMO. So much of the stuff is client side that they couldn't fucking find all the add-ons unless they changed the TOS so they were allowed to literally scan your PC.
Yeah there's the organization thing. Getting 5 peopel to WALK in a straight line is tough, let alone getting 40 people to move and attack in the right way.
But apart from that is there any real tactical element? Even if there is, is there any room to actually plan out and test strategies or does everyone just follow some guide?
Geeze. If anyone actually wanted to play the game with a fucking guide telling them what to do at every possible second it's safe to assume they are subhumans.
Why not just take the next logical step? Kick out all players from the guild. Replace them with bots and have the bots follow the guide. Than you can Blizzard $15 a month to watch the bot play the game.
I feel like in certain fights, it's just 1 strategy. But there are multiple ways to get stuff done, of course. Everyone and their moms have some sort of input into "the correct way"
Yes user, mythic is the exact same as heroic but with higher numbers. Jesus Christ you're a fucking retard
my sides
brainlet ahoy lmao