>What do you want
>I want the toughest enemies in my game to die in two shots even on the highest difficulty.
>I got you senpai
What do you want
It just feels too good to use, i can't help it.
*runs out of ammo*
pretty much the balancing point with those old school shooters.
>Find an amazing gun
>Limited ammo
>Learn to either save the big guns for the big guys (4u)
>or you embrace the sociopathic glee of shooting basic zombies with the BFG because you can.
For the low low price of an upgrade kit you can have The Siege mode, who needs mobility when you can pulverize your enemies before they can reach you.
buy now and ammunition is on the house, freshly squeezed from the inside of a demon with out patterned multi purpose chainsaw.*
*not actually multi purpose, for your safety do not use the Chainsaw on anything other than demons*
*equips Rich Get Richer rune*
back the fuck off?!
why is there a railgun in doom
Why not?
For me it's more:
>never use the bfg because limited ammo and you don't want to run out
For me it's
>almost never use the BFG because PG has the sexiest sound in the game
>I want damage sponge enemies
Go play Borderlands then
Damage sponges are good if they're contrasted with regular enemies.
Any good snapmaps for SP/Coop?
All I find is complete zero-effort garbage.
But still, shooting a head of feels satisfying as fuck
Just got this on PC. Multiplayer seems dead mostly. Was multiplayer ever good? I don't like siphon grenades and double jumps in FPS, kills the fun.
I fucking lowed that gun
Something amazing about just wrecking everything with that gun
Just beat the game yesterday, what a wild ride. The one thing I regret was enabling TSSAA. I turned it off to see how the game looks like without it and I realized how much detail on lighting and textures I was missing out on.
stop playing on I'm Too Young to Die
yep this + infinite ammo rune basically trivialized game. The main problem (apart of said rune) was that upgrade that let you move while charging the shot on siege mode.
My other problem with this game is that earlier weapons didnt properly scale so normal shotgun, machine gun and plasma gun were never used, and rocket launcher only in very rare occasions.
Still a great game, played 40 hours the first time and replayed twice since then.
Even in Nightmare a fully charged siege shot will kill anything that is not a cyber mancubus, and those only take 2 shots anyway... Not to mention penetration AND that aoe upgrade making it virtually a mini BFG that you can spam.
So play Ultra-Nightmare if it's so easy for you.
UN is just nightmare with permadeath
Then don't fucking use it you donut
Exactly, if the gauss cannon trivializes the game, you should be able to beat it. You wouldn't die in a game with trivial difficulty, would you?
what about super shotgun?
Should I keep myself away from 2 weapons in this game just because devs didn't balance them properly? Thats a retarded argument. Game designers should do their work, and asking a player to "not use this and that because is OP" is basically saying "look we are shit at our job, so we ask you to lessen your game experience because of it".
the only problem is to get to when you get the gauss cannon. Also it's not the GC that trivializes the game by itself, is the siege mode and its upgrades (specially the last one).
Also not a fan of hardcore mode. Would be better if you had like 3 continues or something. I don't wanna waste 10 hours of my life because in one of the last arenas I make a small mistake.
Shotgun with the burst shot is pretty powerful.
nothing that super can't top
I still used the normal shotty on occasion till the end of the game (fully upgraded charge shots)
But now that you mention it the super shotty can do everything but better.
The game is easy either way.
Not really
You get enough for the fight and just switch between it and super shotty for the entire fucking game
>infinite ammo above X health
Just git gud with killing.
heavy rifle with micro rockets says hello.
>complaining that the weapons are too good
I mean, if that's an actual issue for you, you can also choose just use the pistol for a self-imposed challenge. Though, if you don't have that kind of self-control, you really shouldn't be whining about difficulty.
wouldn't it be better if every weapon had a unique vibe to it and some sections of the game were better suited for some weapons? (some enemies being more vulnerable to that weapon quirk, ammunition for other weapons being more scarce, or whatever)
No, I just want to blow demon's up. Also GC isn't perfect, it has a kickback that can screw you over and the charge takes forever.