Loot boxes are like sugar

Loot boxes are like sugar.

It is sweet, it tastes good and children love it. But it is also super unhealthy for you. Infact, human kind would benefit if we banned or atleast hugely restricted sugar production in the world.

But people who add sugar to your food are not doing it out of spite, but because you love the taste of sugar.

Or maybe
here's a thought
maybe you should stop telling me what to do?

Please explain to me how paying more for a product that you've already paid full price for gives a sense of pride and accomplishment.

What's wrong, user?

Can't make decisions by yourself?

Need your parents or the government to tell you how you can and cannot spend your money?

>reddit spacing

>food analogy

>Food analogies
Imagine being SO FAT

Nobody in their right mind loves lootboxes.

I'd get rid of sugar before loot boxes.

Maybe not him, but children, very much so, do need some guidance on the value of money, and education on how it is not wise to frivolously spend money on microtransactions.

Because companies seek to exploit this in favor of profit at all costs, I see no harm in the regulation of this practice.

Can you imagine living on this earth and defending having less content or content that you can't get without grinding thousands of hours for? Why were we fine before lootboxes? Why do we need content tied to it at all? If you're going to sell skins to maintain the game you sell the skins, not a random chance to maybe get that skin.

I like lootboxes because I've never paid for cosmetics in my life, so now they just give me free shit to addict dumb people. My life is slightly better than before because I get free cosmetics.

Why do you have to be so salty

He's sour, though. Not salty, it's not like he said he'd ban pepper or something.

He's seasoned by life and became bitter over time

and I hate them because they add on more stuff I can't collect in a reliable way and when I do attempt to do it it takes me months if not years of gameplay time while they continue to add more shit. I like to 100% my games and when you keep adding skins i can't obtain reasonably I hate your system more and more.

OP pic made my day. So cute. Thanks OP.

>food analogy defending loot boxes
>on Sup Forums
imagine my shock

>be a kid
>no money to buy loot boxes
>parents wont buy loot boxes for than unless its birthday or something
>get loot boxes by playing the game and be happy with it
>be autistic adult
>a lot of money to spend
>buy 100+ loot boxes in hope he will get his waifu's skin that changes barely anything but its showing her feet


>food analogy

Are you defending sugar?

It is just buying extra large cola

Which is exactly why they need to be regulated.

Autistic adults that spend too much on video games. People can ruin themselves buying lootboxes the same way they can ruin their lives gambling.

Does gubment actually regulate sugar?
Added sugar?

People from pompei had perfect teeth due to the sugar-free diet, even old people.

The jew merchant ruined our health. An industrial pizza contain the equivalent of at least 15 sugars.

Because salty is a much better flavour and I don't like looking at obese people.

See for people without that compulsion it's literally just free shit.

>making your post visually appealing is reddit spacing
>being against loot box, neet neutrality, trump and shit like that is being pro reddit

I'd choke you to death

>visually appealing
Learn how to actually use fucking paragraphs you fucking cunt.

>it tastes good
Fuck no. Lootboxes don't taste good at all, they're not sugar. They're alcohol.

why, you're too dumb to know what you want. You shouldn't even have freedom


They add paid lootboxes because they can get some people to pay several times over what they would pay if they had just had an ingame microtransaction.

Certain people will pay insane amounts for the chance to win something as opposed to the rest of us who see it as a loss of money.

Those people have a problem and lootboxes exploit that problem to great effect.

How about you


Yourself you fucking

Piece of


The fuck is this reddit spacing meme?

People did that on Sup Forums before reddit was even a thing.

>reddit spacing
>food analogy
>overshitter so of COURSE they will defend their dress up boxes

sup reddit

The actual redditors who migrated here use it as an insult to fit in.

They say you need to press spacebar two time on reddit or something, I don't know cause everythime I post on leddit I got negative karma and this shit website impose me a cool down of 9 minutes between each post.

I don't have enough like or reddit gold or somethin, it's basically censoring but it's okay cause it's the leftists doing it.

>people defending sugar

Have you tried not giving your CC to your kids? Oh right, you don't have kids you are a fat nerd parroting that useless blob jim sterling.

Some Yuro cunts do. Denmark, Sweden, and Germany to name the ones I know of.

I have 10 unopened lootboxes which I won't bother even opening, because I play like SHIT and what the point of decorating yourself with fancy cosmetic when you will only make embarrassment of yourself.

>Tfw haven't bought a lootbox in 8 years when I bought $20 worth of TF2 keys

The funny thing was that I got an unusual hat which I then sold for $40.

Niggas got no self-control.

>reddit punctuation
hello newfriend give my regards to r/gaming

Loot boxes are nice and not a problem because i dont buy them. They are a nice incentive to keep me playing. I am responsible with my currency, so I can always buy the skins I want.

But dem dumbers who dislike them r ebul gommunists who want to taek away muh freedumb and the market will fix errydeng!

but you're fine with people telling you to buy lootboxes though

It's turbo newfags trying to seem like oldfags. There are screencaps from like 2005 of people double spacing.

>lootboxes are fine because I don't buy them

we didn't buy horse armor either now look where the fuck we are.

>food analogy


i'm doing alright, playin good games


Literally everything you have is the result of a free market.
Except your g

We're fine, 2017 was a better year for games than 2006 when oblivion came out.

Fucking Sup Forums
Meant to say "except your gut and double chin" but now the impact of that is lost.

no everything he has is the result of his parents having jobs you cant expect neets to understand economics when they have no experience with money of any kind

out of curiosity on the whole gambling take, could games with Gachas count as gambling? I'm noticing more and more phone games being produced with this system, Does Japan just have a different set of rules?

>my indieshits and waifu sims survived even though AAA is burning to the ground so fuck you

no because "lootboxes are gambling" is a fantasy

gatchas are gambling user. yes even fucking quarter machines.

AAA was shitty in 2006 too buddy. You were just too young to get it.

So called AAA games have never been good since the invention of that term.

Well maybe parents who let their children play videogames should have conversations with their children on how to spot the ways people will try to exploit them and tell them how to avoid such things.

maybe they shouldn't be letting their kids purchase things without permission

Can someone explain to me what reddit spacing is? I thought spacing your paragraphs and double spacing after periods was proper form?

Why is this suddenly a bad thing?

That works too. Both methods don't involve some screeching activists whining about lootboxes and trying to give the government more power.

>Literally everything you have is the result of a free market.
Incorrect and markets have historically been regulated, modern ones too.

>Food analogy

And just like sugar they've slowly put it in everything.

FYI the government doesn't get more power by considering lootboxes to be gambling, it already has that legislative power you retard.

>Oh they've had regulation
>Might as well keep adding more since it's been working so far
Sunk cost fallacy

>There are actual shills on Sup Forums trying to save lootboxes
Get over it. It's gambling.

>alcohol doesn't taste good
Randy is that you?

>Sunk cost fallacy
Wrong, why are you defending lootboxes of all things with retard-speak about "nu uh dun gib gubment moar power" and going "kneel before da murket gaiz!"?

>expecting parents to be responsible
Parents have been letting 8-year-olds play M-rated games since the invention of the ESRB.

A) why are you getting so buttblasted. I never said heil hitler and gas the Jews. I just don't want more oversight on my fucking video games.
B) Just because they have the ability to create legislation does not mean they have the power already. Take a civics class please.

>B) Just because they have the ability to create legislation does not mean they have the power already.
It does.
>durr get educated
Maybe you should, literally nothing stopping them should they wish to.

I've realized Communists and free market fags are pretty much the same people on opposite ends. They view their respective systems as perfect, infaliable ideals if implemented in some impossible way, and try to pursue the system as an end instead of just believing it to be a means to improve quality of life.
>inb4 MS Paint strawman comic

>Why are you defending lootboxes?
I think they are a dumb business practice but if people are retarded enough to buy them, make a quick buck. Online card games had card packs for years, which are basically the same as lootboxes like the kind that EA made because they give you a strict benefit because you have cards. Nobody have two shits about them then and are only losing their minds now because they can't get their precious Darth Vader in a shitty battlefield clone with a star wars skin.


Let's be honest. Kids are disobedient even when they're good kids and don't really understand the value of money. It's easy for a kid to blow their money on lootboxes when credit cards are often tied to accounts. Not to mention it still instills a addiction to gambling even at a young age.

The only time I paid for any microtransaction in the past year was that new TF2 contract pass. I did all the contracts and then sold that gaudy dragon weapon skin for double what I paid for. I had a feeling of regret after I first bought it but then everything worked out great and I'll probably use that extra money to do the next pass without having to throw any of my own money into the system.

I'd say it's more like people are doing it not out of spite but because they want the money sugar will bring in. They know sugar attracts customers so they sell it in their coffee, baked goods, etc.


>Kinder suprise
Go away europoor

No it doesn't. The government can regulate the size soda you can buy but you can still get a big gulp right now. The government could raise the drinking age again yet right now 21 year olds can buy alcohol legally. Just because they can doesn't they have or will.

>physical object
>physical object
>physical object
>physical object
>digital only, lose it when servers die

Kill yourself

How can anyone stand lootboxes?
>you can only open one at a time
>you need to watch the animation every single time
What's the point?

>kinder eggs
That's a stupid as fuck comparison. You're guaranteed the exact same value of product. And it's not like gumballs are worth different or taste different based on their color. Why are you so retarded?

People who never learned about paragraphs believe it's unique to reddit, and reddit is the bad guy Sup Forums told us to hate.

The digital only nature has nothing to do with lootboxes. If digital goods were bad, then games not stored on physical media would be bad too.

They might be, but I never hear anybody complaining about not being able to buy Dota 2 in a store.

Hello t.reddit. Still using old stale memes I see.

You do know that you can enable parental locks or just not link your credit card in the first place right? Also, lootboxes aren't gambling. What you get is randomized but you always get something.

>Just because they can doesn't they have or will.
Just like this case. There is fuckall stopping them, just like I said.

It's not so much that as it is the implementation of microtransactions that turns games into a grind fest to encourage players to buy loot boxes which overall hurts the core game experience.

>I'm definitely getting at least one good card
>I'm definitely getting a gumball because thats all there is
>I'm definitely getting a sweet, chocolate flavored treat
>who the fuck defends lootcrate besides literal autists?

>buy dota
Shitty fucking comparison again, retard. Dota is free.