Why do videogames have character progression but never character regression?

Why do videogames have character progression but never character regression?

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In GTA San Andreas your character would lose muscle density and similar stats if you didn't occasionally work out. Does that count as 'regression'?

soy sauce is fermented though.
that's the only way soy is safe to eat, it's the unfermented soy like tofu that gets you

>false king allant can de-level you

Whats he up to now? Any scholars have updates?

Isn't this just him saying he is getting fatter so his manboobs are growing?

what is a sequel?

This, I'm really behind on the past few months.


He believes the neptunia characters are real, apparently was possessed by the Dreamcast Nep, and has established prison camps in Cwcville.

Plenty of games feature level and stat degrading. In general its just a really annoying mechanic so most games don't use it.

new gf
minor breakdown video
Nothing to report really

Does soy sauce actually contain estrogen or some other gay thing?

The gift that keeps on giving.

>guy with actual autism believes in all the soy memes

not even soy itself contains estrogens
regardless, soy sauce is from fermented soy that allegedly isn't an issue with xenoestrogens so he's just drinking tons of sodium like the retarded fat american fuck he is

Literally not vidya, fuck off kids.

Chris is so autistic he needs his own special placemat to enjoy is mcdonalds.

The surival games (hunger, thirst and sleep) is a pretty good example of character regression imo.

Neo-Sup Forums everyone.

>Food Lion

I'm... so sorry.

God damn it

i'm kind of sick of chris at this point. the joke has come and gone, now he's just kind of annoying.

>video game lets you change genders in console

So how do you get rid of manboobs?

go full tranny so they're not manboobs anymore

>Region in the world where soy originates and is eaten a lot is also notorious for having flat chested women

>minor breakdown video
Honestly makes following all the boring shit lately worthwhile

As someone that did a lot of estrogen focused diet during high school I can confirm Chris chan to be retarded in this field as well

Final Fantasy IV has Tellah, who's so fucking old when he level ups sometimes his stats go down. There's also Cecil, who after renouncing his dark knight powers has to start from level 1 as a paladin.

In Pokemon Sun & Moon, Incineroar being a buff, bipedal wrestler kind of character has a lower speed stat than the lithe cats that are its preceding stages.

In Wolfenstein New Colossus, BJ is suffering from severe organ failure from his wounds suffered in the previous games, so his HP is only maxed at 50 for the first part of the game.

fermented soy

Mr warden should not be in this picture.

You would need to consume something like 50 gallons of soy per day in order to reach the amount of estrogen found in an average adult female, so the whole soyboy meme isn't even feasible really.
Doesn't stop it from being funny though.

I mean I guess.
I just want another Julie or Liquid-Chris saga

fucking soy goys

>chris-chan and Sup Forumstards believe the same bullshit broscience memes

chinks don't consume GMO soy like amerigoys

In LISA you can permanently cripple you main character by getting his arms cut off.

fuck off
Chris is essential Sup Forums culture

>posting pewdiepie shit

Pretty sure only people with autism believe it.

>12 prunes a day
thatd destroy your colons

Is this the reddit thread?

Binding if Isaac Afterbirth+ had a character regression challenge. You start off at the final boss and have to work your way back to the beginning, losing items along the way.

Chirs has been a part of Sup Forums since forever you fucking mong. Like almost 10 years or something this retard has been posted, he's part of Sup Forums.

>Chad Warden, Jeff Gerstmann, and Chris-chan

he isn't Sup Forums anymore because he's just an insane sad wannabe tranny molester now

does this work for boys?

In the end that's all that matters.

GMOs are better for you than non-GMOs. You're literally being scammed out of your money for being a conspiracy theorist. And I'm glad. Idiot-taxes do exist.

EYE Divine Cybermancy has character regression if you suck too hard. Granted even that can permanently be cured, but for a long time you get to carry your battle scars that give you stat decreases.

He is, and always will be Sup Forums.
Until the day he dies, he is Sup Forums.

>soy sauce
What the fuck? This is hilariously stupid


12 prunes + 3 jalapenos + really greasy Mexican food/pizza

There, I just gave you the secret to having a daily ass-shattering for more authentic shitposting.

I think he means more like losing XP. Something like Tower of Guns comes to mind.

It doesn't because you progressed towards fat.

someone hasn't played porn games.

>implying he wasn't always an insane, sad wannabe molester and the only difference now is he's a tranny.

Love the trope where the MC has all the upgrades and loses them after a while à la Metroid Prime.

GMO conspiracy theories are literally for people too stupid to even use the internet in the first place.

It's not that you consume estrogen and get more estrogen in your body (dietary shit doesn't work like that), but there's shit in soy that reduces testosterone levels.

Have this really awful bro-science article with links to actual studies

Chris Chan is part of our culture. Even Pewds approves him!

>Ross from Game Dungeon not on that list
Why isn't there a Game Dungeon thread this very moment?

>i eat astronaut food and trust the laundry list of fucking who knows what chemicals they put into it because skepticism is for tinfoil hatters :')


Yeah it was something like that but I didn't wanna bother looking it up again, thanks

>Progressing backwards is still progressing

What did he meme by this??

Depends how you define it. You're progressing in your goal of gaining mass.

I think your tinfoil hat is a little tight there, buddy.

I would eat astronaut food if I had no alternatives. GMOs are better for you because they're genetically modified to taste better, contain more nutrients, naturally fight off mold and insects, and be easier to grow.

MUH CHEMICALS is the argument my internet illiterate mother gives for drinking regular soda over diet soda. I bet you also think aspartame is bad for you. Cuck.


Soy doesn't do fuckall though. I don't know why this meme is persisting when one basic Google search unravels the whole thing when basically every reputable study contradicts the claim.

Gay nigga.

>its pointing right.

You de-level in games all the time, like in the ones that have intros that give you all your powers only to strip them away so you know what to hunt for

I know you're just pretending to be retarded but here's your reply;
GMO foods are designed to give the highest yield and best looking product, health or actual quality was never once a consideration

>paid for by the soy farmers of america


So what's some good dietary advice for someone that wants to be more feminine? Asking for a friend, haha.

Mostly agreed but leave the Chad Sonybro out of this

t. soyboy


will this clown ever not be a complete idiot, holy shit

the fermentation process of making soy sauce breaks down most of the estrogen content on the soy
soy sauce is mostly sodium and plant protein and youre more likey to get kidney stones out of it than turning into a "girl"

The meme comes from soylent, not soy sauce, you fucking dips.

Oh hey it's the girl from the coxcon incident

Looks like if one of my friends just threw on a shitty wig


You know I'm right.

>I prefer the things I put in my body not to be scientifically optimized
>Incidentally I only eat raw deer meat

Bonus Round:
>I think the word "chemical" is interchangeable with "toxin" and literally do not even have a highschool level of education on chemistry

>health or actual quality was never once a consideration

Oh yes, because having food that kills was totally their intention. Are you retarded?


drinking soda in general is for fucking brainlets. the fact that you're making an argument in favor of diet soda just shows how low IQ you really are. it doesn't matter if it's better than regular soda, it's still shit.

and GMO products do NOT taste better, anyone who claims otherwise has never tried real homegrown produce and is only regurgitating the same tired multi billion dollar agenda they've been taught to believe.
>le multinational corporations have our best interests in mind :')))) they make good food because they care about us :)))))))))))
ultimate brainlet

drink lots of milk and add a couple of tablespoons of bleach

I threw an apple into a pile of dirt half a year ago.
It's a little wrinkly but it's still sitting there lookin' cool.

I have my concerns.


>says the word chemicals as if natural foods don't also naturally have chemicals
Buzzwords for brainlets.

So you've never eaten a banana?


There is actually no difference.

Thanks asshole I just vomited in my mouth