It’s a carnival level

>it’s a carnival level

Other urls found in this thread:


>it's a sewer level


>it’s a ‘it’s a’ thread

>game tells you you're too old for video games

>Circus/ Carnival level
>The enemies are clowns
>No circus animals
>No ring master
>No acrobats
>No daredevils
>Just clowns

Left 4 dead 2 had a goat carnivale level.

Also ring mistress, mr giggles, stumpy and the bear from time splitters 2. So mamy memeoritmes

>there is a barrell

>Game has a carnival level.
>Dancing trees, Fireworks and Patchwork animals.
>Some level's ahead the wholr fucking thing is burning down.
This game was just too good.


>it's a Frank level

maskusum Sup Forums

>it's a Christmas level in November

>its a marvel netflix special: a talking episode

>it's an "Agent Mudani spell checks her report and then rummages through her desk to see if she needs more paperclips" 3 part special

> There an on rails section where you have to fight on one of the moving carnival rides


>It's the freak show, the freak show
>See the strange and bizarre
>Step right, we'd love to see you
>We think you could be the star

How the fuck anyone thought these shit were good ideas to have in a Punisher adaptation is beyond me.

>It's a desert level

It was an absolute shit show. The tidbits of Frank Castle in Daredevil S2 were a better Punisher story than what we got.

I had a talk with a guy I work with about how every episode should have Frank murdering people and he said it would have been boring if it was nothing but that. He said it needs to have a plot to keep him interested in it.

>6 foot 2
he's actually a franklet

It's a Zoo leve :D the best is hiding behind dead animal boddies for cover

>It's a Jon Bernthal looks off stage and then smirks episode

You have absolute shit taste.

He's got shit taste, but he's also technically correct.
The thing is, though, that "plot" doesn't mean "boring shit nobody really cares about".
See almost every Punisher arc in the comics ever.

Franks get Franker, stuff happens, and it's a good time.
Simple formula.

Ayy men. It was a damned fucking shame. I still got some enjoyment out of it but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a Punisher fix.
He doesn't have to have mindless murders of gangbangers nonstop, I can appreciate a good story too. But the wasted potential of that season was fucking abysmal. They establish the idea that the CIA is behind trafficking drugs into America which sets up a pretty good premise. They could have had Frank go up against a bunch of smaller gangs who all did business with the same middleman that leads Frank to uncover that Rawlins was involved. They could have fit in the Gnuccis, Kitchen Irish, biker gangs, the Russian mob, etc. and have an overarching plot involving Rawlins, how Frank's family was murdered by the prick and so on. All of this would have resulted in a nice balance of murder and intrigue. Instead, they pad the shit out of a very straight forward plot that only involved killing soldiers and PMCs in a few episodes. The problem wasn't that it had Frank talking at all, it would've been fine with that. It's the fact that talking is almost all he does in the entire season with only a few parts of actually getting shit done. Good end scene of punishing Jigsaw though, that shit was satisfying as fuck to watch.

>Carnival level
>Enemies are all abandoned children in teddies with clearly visible gaping assholes dripping with semen

>It's a "mask u summin rick" episode where everyone yells at each other for no reason then Shane does something stupid to exacerbate the problem.

>enjoying the "generic female investigates corruption" B story

It had horrible direction and a severe lack of Punisher. Even Micro was mediocre. I'm glad he was in it, but he could have been better.

Name two and a half games that do this.

Speaking of Micro
>that one scene when they were patching Frank up where he drops the F bomb twice but no one ever drops an F bomb anywhere else
Felt so out of place, honestly.

Sure, hit me up on TOR.

>Punisher show
>somehow manages to shoehorn in gun control, token stronk Muslim female agent, "all mass shooters/terrorists are white males" and token GOAT black misunderstood hero into a single season
jesus christ, kikeflix

You forgot the cucking and the fact that all main males were played by Jews.

>it's a carnival level
>it has bumpers and slot machines

alternate timeline where shane survives when?

The CIA plot didn't bother me. What did was Frank just meandering around. The whole string of episodes with Micros family was drawn out and boring. Speaking of the family how the fuck did they not recognize Frank the moment he cut his hair and shaved his beard? The dud made national news for the shit he did in DD season 2 and the court case had protestors for and against him. Did that entire family not watch any TV, or read a newspaper or use the fucking internet? I can understand them not recognizing him with the beard and long hair but come on.

>Gun control
>the main white female was saved because she had a concealed weapon

God I fucking hate clowns so much.

>a man named (((Lieberman))) gets cucked
>i don't know who's jewing who anymore.jpg

he got cucked by a darker Jew, so it fits.

Do you remember the face of every mass murderer in America? That shit happens every fucking week.

Mass murder is a crime against society, most crimes against society happen fairly often.

I'm not blind so yeah if in my city something on the scale of what Frank did happened and made national news I would recognize him on the street or in my own fucking home.

Sounds like you don't live in America. I bet if the guy who shot up the movie theatre walked up to you right fucking now you'd think he was just some random white boy.

The group would just die a stillbirth or become rife with distrust for Shane since he goes out and kills whoever isn't part of the groupthink or offers any sort of mercy for anyone. Or it would turn into Negan 2.0 filled with retardation. Shane, especially season 2 Shane, would just end up killing anyone who asked to join the group and even then he wouldn't trust them. Look at how he treated Otis when the guy not only accepted the responsibility of potentially dying to a Walker herd to save Coral but didn't even slow him down since the Walkers were like four blocks away from them.

I do live in America and considering his face was plastered on Sup Forums CONSTANTLY after what he did I would. Even without the orange hair

And for the record that happened what 10 or 11 years ago? Between DD season 2 and Punisher season 1 has been at most all of 1 year or so? It's not realistic to think either the mom or one of the kids would look at him and think "man this dude looks like that Frank Castle guy who killed all those gangsters/criminals."

Yea I'm sure some soccer mom and her kids are on Sup Forums. Look dumbass shit like this happens all the time and the only people who remember the faces of the people are either their victims or their worshippers. Normal people don't give a flying fuck.

The guy was made national news for what he was doing and had a following of people who supported his actions. Not to mention IT'S THE FAMILY OF A GUY WHO WORKS FOR THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT WANTING TO EXPOSE THE SHIT HE WAS INVOLVED IN.

Micro and his family didn't initially know Frank was involved in that CIA video. The wife didn't even see the video nor did Micro describe it to her.

>The guy was made national news for what he was doing and had a following of people who supported his actions.
Once again you're not understanding that normal people don't give a shit. It's the reason why the Sam Hyde meme catches on every single time.

Frankout 4 was my favorite game

>its a punisher tv show but punisher doesnt hunt actuall criminals and gangbangers because das raycist

>whole game is a carnival level
this game used to scare the shit out of me

>it's an escort level
>escorts run off to attack harmless enemies in the distance

>it's a carnival level
>this starts playing

>Is a carnival season
I still don't know why I keep watching this shit after S1

>it's a carnival soundtrack

>and it's the best level in the game

lm sk smn

lmao dumb fucking cat

This is what triggers my autism with video games

Am I supposed to believe that somebody built this enormous trap-laden theme park/circus expecting the heroes to show up? What's the point? They want them to die while having fun?

Eggman builds casinos/carnivals/etc. to raise funds for his ridiculously quantiful machine-lines and Death Egg grand schemes, of course.

Traps and shit are there to catch scoundrels like Sonic and co.

>hey, its whispering oaks

Huh. That makes sense.

catfags btfo

I think JAG SBARRO and maskusum are my favorite Sup Forums memes

>there's a carnival area where you can come and go at will and it has mini games and prizes

The cat actually lived.
