Confirmed for the West

Confirmed for the West.
Video with official translation of the mystic language:

Other urls found in this thread:

>New Messiah

Why DO we not translate the title of these games anyway? Not against Shin Megami Tensei or anything it has just always struck me as strange when as far as I know there is a perfectly fine translation for the title.

Hyped. Hopefully it doesn't take long to for Atlus USA to get it out here. I want to see the Hero and Heroines face already.

What would be be the translation then?

I like that title font

Yakuza V

>tfw can't even trust Atlus not to take forever with this game

It's not even using the P5 engine either for fucks sake.

Hmm, time to buy a Switch?

Was there any doubts

I'm sad that the lanky guy is going to be the hero and the QT grill will be some minor sub character.
If she was the hero then the game would be 10/10.

I like it, its so japanese that it gives it personality and it sticks out, it also tells people this game is more japanese than shitting ramen

New Goddess Reincarnation

Fuck off Ian

True Goddess Reincarnation according to the wiki. I never bothered to look it up until now.

I don't know who Ian is.

>time to buy a Switch?
>buying a console for a game that isn't out

>not The True Goddess Metempsychosis V
Literal brainlets.

I suppose they thought that SMT would be more catchy.

someone recommend me games that have music like in that trailer

i hope you can date the dark haired girl

Naw, but at least they tell us that its coming

I think SMT4A was announced for the west like a week before it released in japan

Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Or any SMT really. Dumb frogposter.

That's nice to see, but not really surprising.

For branding. True Goddess Reincarnation doesn't really roll off the tongue as well in English, and you also (technically) avoid getting ire for having god in the title. A retail might not hold your game for having that kind of name.

True Goddess Reincarnation doesn't sound as good.

how about something that's on ps3 or ps4 desu, pls no bully

I hope the localization is better than P5's.

I wish they would keep the japanese characters

>he only owns sony consoles
Why do you do this to yourself? Can't you at least afford a 3DS to have something more to choose from?
Well, on PS you can still find... I don't know man, there are only persona games on there but they have different musics than the mainline games.
You should go back to ps2 and play Nocturne.

Nocturne is on the PS3 via PSN

DDS if you want a spinoff or Raidou, nothing really beats the 3DS if you want a SMT machine though.

I have unrelated question. Are there any new tracks in DSJ or only remixes of old ones?
Track is also somewhat unrelated.

>Not having a PS4/Switch/3ds for maximum SMT
Digging your own grave

>looking forward to anime SMT
They reminded you in DSJ too, the MC guaranteed to be a bigger faggot than Demi-Fiend with a anime waifu chick

SMT 3?

JP psn has SMT 1, 2, Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga series

Regular psn has Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga series

nothing else really has even vaguely similar music to the trailer music

>Nocturne is on the PS3 via PSN



i'm third world bros, i cant afford anything more than a single console

Its hard to end up married when you have to kill your friends Boyo.

>tfw there won't be a sequel to GI any time soon
Feels bad

Two MCs?

SMT IVA problem in a picture.
Asahi and the other edgy slut should be erased from the game in order to fix it.
Only slutty blonde cowtits can stay and only because we helped the shit out of her in IV.
And Isabeau of course, otherwise who would breed all the new life in the universe?

There are new ones, I haven't listened to them becauseI'd rather hear them in the game itself, but I know there are new ones.

Every SMT hero has an anime waifu chick by their side except for Demi-Fiend. IV:A was a pseudo-spinoff, so it's to be expected that it didn't try to have the same tone as a mainline game.

I just hope they remake these tracks to be as incredible as the originals were.

>should be erased
>not making one of them your Shin Megami Tensei (tm)

Oh, I'm sorry man.

You mean how they made the original endings even better?
Oh no, the horror

I got it too and it freezes every time after I beat the last bosses penultimate phase. I just had to youtube the ending.

God Puncher V

It WILL corrupt your save file

I can't believe you have such horrid taste in women when you can choose between Isabeau's hips and Nozomi's tits.
Are you a pedo?

I went with Kawakami both times in p5. What do you think?

I hope so. Calls back to the original Megami Tensei in that way.

I'm assuming you haven't played Strange Journey Redux, because the new girl dies in every route to matter what and most of the old routes are expanded on, and several new ones are added. They all pretty much follow the same exact tone as the original 3 too. The New girl isn't really much waifu bait either unless you're into hardline bitches.


Only the EU version is like that. It's still shitty, though, but I wouldn't call it wasted time.

I think "Rebirth of the Goddess" would work well and if they ever need to translate a normal Megami Tensei game they can just call that "Birth of the Goddess"

Though ultimately Shin Megami Tensei is for the best to avoid a "Ryu ga Gotoku" situation again

Probably just the MC and the Heroine.

>Every SMT hero has an anime waifu chick by their side except for Demi-Fiend. I

And none of them was written like Asahi. They're gonna be written like her from now on.

I hope we find a way to purge your kind from this planet.

>needing a goddess at all

I doubt that.

>scratchman dissing my taste in women

I'll never get over how good the SMT apocalypse scenarios are

I missed out on Strange Journey and waiting for that Redux

I was really dismayed. SMT IV kept it

>It's still shitty, though, but I wouldn't call it wasted time.
>wasted several hours in the kapla dungeon to fight lucifer
>don't get to fight him
Tell me it isn't

>is for the best to avoid a "Ryu ga Gotoku" situation again
Yakuza is a better name though and far more marketable.

>friendship route
You for real?

>Yakuza is a better name though


>tfw smt won

You really think that was the reason and not just popularity sake? We barely got Yakuza 5 itself. Now Sega is stuck with too many games to release here.

>Yakuza is a better name though and far more marketable.
It's a good name for the Kazuma Kiryu games
For everything outside of that like the Samurai game and the Fist of the North Star game it doesn't work.

which wine
(I don't have the pic of the SMT 25th anniversary alcohol sets)

I somewhat doubt that.
Wasn't it because Sega didn't think setting would be that intresting for the western audience?

70% of that and 30% of this

>persona gets released on hd consoles while smt gets shoved into the fisher price toy

could be worse. Could be never ever because offical translation was a re-write changing the setting to America for some reason.

>That one edo era Phoenix Wright game will never come out because the localization set the games in Los Angeles



She dies on all routes?

Also because of a Sherlock holmes potential lawsuit by Doyle's jew children

Also also it's two games now.

Persona got away with including Lupin

>She dies in every route
Heh SMT Is back baybee

SMT should have been titled Digital Devil Story in the west.

Yep. She's trying to kill you the whole game. Gonna kill her. She's Lucifer's daughter.

There was nothing Digital about Nocturne, which was the first entry to be localized.

Arsene Lupin isn't a Doyle character.

Lupin went public domain in 2012. Sherlock is mostly public domain, but Doyle kids still own the last few stories about him, so challenge LITERALLY everything that tries to use Sherlock to get more royalty money.

>the first mainline game on a console in 15 fucking years

I remember Adam Sessler's review of Nocturne like it was yesterday. It was the day I decided to get into SMT

Revelations: Megami Tensei
Revelations: Reincarnation of the Goddess

But Sherlock Holmes is a character in Lupin's story.


For a moment I wanted not to waifu her but insteand she joined the party for some omnious reason or shit like that.

Well I just hope the game release in america.

too long

>Jack Bros
>Revelations: Persona
>Revelations: the Demon Slayer

Again, Lupin is public domain. Nor was he ever owned by the Doyle estate. Leblanc used Sherlock holmes illegally, and had to change the name to Herlock Sholmes. Leblanc never owned the character, nor is he involved in the Sherlock ip in anyway. Using Lupin is totally okay now. Sherlock is not.

But if Lupin's book contains Holmes and Lupin is public then so is Holmes?
Otherwise how does that work?

>npcs still faceless
the suffering of being one in the new megaten games

Redux? It was confirmed alongside EO5, and Radiant Historia back in like September man. Q1 2018 I think? Soon my man.

He said apocalypse scenarios, meaning he likes US representative Thor nuking Japan, or a feudal Japanese city built on top of the Masakadome