There are people on this board right NOW that didn't save her every cycle until end game.
There are people on this board right NOW that didn't save her every cycle until end game
I think Id avoid her cycle if it was me.
I dont run red lights.
Maybe if i still had my going into games machine I would have been more motivated to save her.
she smelled like SHIT
I never owned an N64
Horses smell bad yes
so is someone gonna post that picture?
Why would I save her?
I was responsible for it.
>be a little girl because what else
>get probed by aliens
>get your cows stolen
>get beaten by your old sister because of it
>go mentally insane
>get crushed by a gigantic satanic moon shortly after
I still say it was a barn owl
Why would I?
I didn't because I don't play bad video games
what are they doing to those cows?
She didnt want to suck my dick, why should she live?
>Nintendo remade MM for their shitty little 3D calculator instead of remaking it for a console which could do it justice
Because that's the treatment MM deserves
I like how she gets turned into a mindless fuckdoll.
What do you think the aliens did to her when she got kidnapped?
Zelda collection for Switch when?
But oot only has one cycle, user