How much?

>How much?
>Make an offer

please clap

>*good price*


>*good price*


>offer bullshit high amount
>thinks its worth more than what i offer now because i am going out of my way to get it
>comes running back when everyone offers way less and i already have it

>sell extremely expensive rare item
>ask standard price
>get whispers for up to 500% less than what i am asking non stop
Why do this

>offer way too much
>he agrees
>put money in trade
>he accepts
>decline and end trade
>upload the recording and screenshots online
>he's /gkicked
Heh, too easy...

everytim. I have stopped going for *offer* listings because of this shit.

>offer universally agreed upon value
>Why not? That's standard price.
>30% overpay or no deal

Fucking shithead fucks undercutting the entire fucking market by one plat fuck you being a jew is the only fun thing about Warframe god damn it shit.

>Offer significantly more than it's worth
>Guy is excited to make the sale
>Don't reply again

>didn't even know trading/buying/selling was a thing you could do

>TF2 trading is borderline dead
>certain cosmetics are scarce because people gave up on trying to sell things during the dead period
>some faggot with bots sends them out to automatically buy them all up with trade offers and charge 4x the price
I had a bitch of a time getting a Juggernaut Jacket recently and lucked out when someone listed one without trade offers enabled. Bots are the worst thing to happen to trading since third world idle farms.

>make an offer
>get put on a blacklist for scammers

>person on street selling hotdogs
>"sure, how much?"
>"Oh, idk man. $2?"
>he laughs in my face, puts headphones in so he can't hear me talk anymore
>just walk away
>would've paid a bit more if he just asked
it's like people who play online games don't know how the real world works

>Offer them the average price everyone agrees on
>He immediately closes the trade window

The hot dog man just finished selling his 300th hotdog, which is enough to pay for today's rent. Being the retard he is, he values the inflation of his ego rather than the inflation of his bank account.

>How much for item?
>Make offer
>(offer slightly lower than going rate price)
>no thx
>(offer slightly lower than going rate price plus one of smallest increment possible)
>Either get another hard no, actual price, autistic rage fit, or no response
>If it's another hard no or rage fit, offer again with another tiny incremental increase

Usually people will just spit out a high number after a little of this but some people get fucking mad when you do this and it's very rewarding even if I don't get the item.

>gets kicked for accepting an offer to make money

>go to pay for the advertised price
>seller wants you to pay less for an item
>try to insist to pay the advertised price
>they refuse and make you pay less

And sorry, saw the pic of mitt and assumed this was a Sup Forums thread, will be deleting the offending post.

Kicked for scamming when in a guild that gave many fucks about their image.

That has to be the most autstic thing I've ever heard. Taking someone's offer to give them something for a price and then giving it to them when they pay said price isn't scamming.

>*absolutely ridiculous price*
>*lower but still retarded price*
>no ty
>suit yourself *leaves*
Are people just too stupidly proud to admit they're trying to rip someone off and they've been caught?

taking advantage of someone who doesn't know any better is the definition of scamming. To, I was another sucker.

>open trade window
>add the money but don't accept
>afk and go take a dump

But user, he didn't promise anything that he didn't plan to deliver. Scamming means to fraud or lie. "Doesn't know better" isn't in any part of the definition. It'd be a scam if he said he was going to give you one item then gave you another, but saying he'll give you item for price and then giving you item for price isn't a scam at all.

>trying to sell a tf2 cosmetic back when trading was all the rage
>guy offers 15ref whereas the market price was 9ref
>feel kinda bad and tell him it's only 10 refined
I wasn't very good at trading.

>Buy all of an uncommon but relatively cheap item from the AH
>Reup at an exorbitant price
>Jump on alt
>Act like a retard offering to buy aforementioned item for even more than it's now listed on the AH
>People buy up the item trying to make a quick buck off a retard

>How much?
>[offer price]
>Going price is [higher price] noob
So you were just trying to bait me hoping I'd name a higher price? Or are you a lying jew and your price is too high? Or are you just misinformed? Or am I?


>guy wants to buy Toejam and Earl off me when I'm about to trade it in for $20 credit
>tell him him $25 since they were going to give me $20
>lol naaah
>guy working the counter says they'd sell it to him for more than that, though
>yeah but still lol
>just sell it to him anyway for $20 cash
I'm too nice.

>add me plz i wanna trade

See, this is why they /gkicked him. He was too obvious with his jewry, like you.

>So you were just trying to bait me hoping I'd name a higher price?
Yep. It's the only reason anyone would ever do this.

Because you are literally doing business with kids and scalpers. Hawaii has the right idea.

>playing grim dawn
>some guy trading for [item]
>join his server and link said item
>ask for crafting materials out the ass, he agrees
>actually trade for another of the same item I had but with worse rolls

I would have taken less money from the store before giving into that faggot.

>Hawaii has the right idea

I agree. I hate the travel ban too

>item A and item B combine to make item C
>Jew sells item A and B individually for a lower price than item C, but combined they cost more than item C
>Goyim buy them anyway
Post more merchant tricks.

I've never seen this neckbeard gif posted with a good post.

Years ago, someone wanted to give me an unusual for five refined. He was pretty young judging from the games on his steam profile, so I told him to ask for buds, because that's what it was worth.

Other way around, bucko. Literally the only reason you'd ever ask for an "offer" if you're the one making the buy/sell request is if you're hoping they'll offer to buy for more/sell for less than you yourself believe it to be worth.

Essentially, "offer" fags are

>If it benefits me: Yes, ok, let's do it, I'm not going to correct you to the "right" price in my mind because this is a good deal for me
>If it does not benefit me: Lol fuck no idiot bye

If you already have a fucking pricechart open somewhere or a memorized price based on your playtime then just fucking list it for that price, don't make people jump through hoops to match or exceed your headcanon and then have the absolute GALL to lol-post at them

fuck you vscape if you don't want to have a grand exchange fine but don't fucking create your own headcanon exchange that all the autistic regulars refuse to deviate from but also refuse to communicate to new players

t. tried to buy pess for 10gp

this is why auction houses will always be better than player based trading

>Go to low level area
>Act "helpful" to the newbies
>Directly offer to buy specific items you can turn a profit on
>Have an army of low level workers queuing up to get scammed by you


>get messaged to buy one of my items
>"just take it for free man I'm done with this shit game"
>guy gifts me two steam games after
What a swell guy. Shit games though.

>list rare thing for ridiculously high price
>log on alt account and pretend to buy it
>actually sell it later to someone who now thinks it's a fair price

>Path of Exile trading: The Thread
The game desperately needs an auction house, but the community would never allow it just because it was a feature in d3.

>trading/buying yugioh cards online
>little kid only wants some of my very cheap dragons and I wanted some of his more expensive stuff
>he insists that I take the other stuff for the dragons because he likes them more
>he sends them out in with 1 day shipping for like 20 fucking dollars for my 5 dollars of cards for his 40 dollars of cards
I felt really bad about the shipping part but i never asked him to do that

>get invited to guild
>say I'm new to the game
>random guild member immediately whispers me asking me to farm resources in my zone and trade to him for fucking pennies
>whisper back that he better fork over lots of gold or i'll get him kicked from the guild
That gold coasted me through the entire levelling process and even landed me some end game gear.

>neckbeard gif
Do you know what a "neck" "beard" is?

>make me an offer

I'd say his strategy here was valid. Twenty bucks is worth more than twenty dollars of "Store Credit."

You can spend twenty bucks anywhere. Can't spend twenty dollars credit anywhere but the game store.

>Not running the guild on an alt and inviting nothing but newbies
He was an amateur, nice counter on your part.

>make offer of a shitty item less than the market price

>complains that im overcharging and says the market can sell it to him cheaper

>say I'm not going any lower

> -reps profile for "attempted scammer"

why lie like this


also because an auction house with no real currency would be a mess

just use third party sites like everyone else

not him, but no, I don't see.

But did he come to you with an offer, or did you come to him? If I run up to an ice cream truck with a hundred dollar bill begging to buy one cone with it and asking no change, it's my own damn fault. It's not reason to shut down the ice cream truck's livelihood.

>*good price*

>trading an item that's worth 3 keys for 2 keys
>some poor fucker accepts
>we trade
>after the trade he realizes he fucked up and begs for me to give his item back to him
>tell him to fuck off and block him

>Hi I see u have [Item] for sale
>Can I see it pls
>Just trade it 2 me so I can see it for a second pls

>I can't pay in cash/gold/game's currency

>but I can pay in other ways ;3

I don't get it

The item was worth three keys, but he bought it for two, and this was a bad thing for him?

In a buyer - seller situation, who is forced to go first?

>how much?
>make an offer
>dunno, what do you want?
>what are you willing to give?

who has to start and why?

>follow me to wildy so we can trade

>Put unusual I got for free from trading a Soldier medal on the market for literally five times what the last sale was
>Wait a few months
>Some mongoloid buys it
>Buy my entire wishlist and more the next Steam sale

>newb asks for shoes
>shoes sell at the beginner general store for 2 copper pieces
>newb offers 20 golds from his ultra deluxe founders edition starter money of 300 gold pieces
>newb clearly does not know the value of this money
>say nothing of it
>trade him the 2 copper shoes for 20 golds
I'm clearly taking hostile advantage of this person.
>guild later finds out what I did
>they tell me what the fuck
>"heh.... nothing personnelll.... he offered me those 20 gold pieces.... it was his choice... heh..."
>get kicked for being an asshole to newbs when the guild's motto is being newb friendly

No, he sold me his item that was worth 3 keys for 2.

Seller always lists price. Then they're open for negotiating. It shouldn't work any other way unless the seller isn't actually selling an item and it's someone randomly asking them to sell it.

>I've never seen this neckbeard gif posted with a good post.
First time for everything you whiny cunt

He is better off anyway as you and your guild sound like a pack of retards.

>Have homies waiting for him at the rendezvous point

>Gimmick mods that generate randoms stats for guns in game and can be rerolled in exchange for materials
>People have no idea what the fuck they're doing and demand outlandish prices for anything thats not complete garbage

>How much?
>*reasonable price*
>ok man deal
>Alright where should we trade?
>sorry man someone else offered more :)

>I'm clearly taking hostile advantage of this person.
Hostile? No. You're just not being a nice guy.

If the guild's motto is "be a nice guy to noobs", then sure, but you have to recognise that's unusual.

>homies show up when your trade goes south
>his homies show up to take out your homies

He SOLD it for 2

>Riven dealer

This is an anonymous imageboard. There's no need for you to defend your jewish ways here

Yes, user, everyone is Jewish.
t. Jew

>Sell an item with a solid markup
>They go crying to the GMs when they see someone selling it cheaper
>You get punished

Who let the doggies out?
Hwoop hwoop

>guild wars 1
>be relatively new
>friend is already like level 20
>wants me to get to Droknar's Forge which is an end-game area
>he gets one of those runners that run characters to places
>friend settles on 10k for the run, guy goes give 2k now, pay the rest later
>friend pays the guy 1 plat, and gives me 8k plat and tells me to pay the runner when he runs me to Droknar's Forge
>runner starts
>half hour later we're at droknar's forge

>immediately disconnect before he can say anything
>don't log back in for 2 days
>friend is eventually like wtf and messages me on facebook if im ok
>log back in, tell him what happened, return the 8k gold to friend
>his face when he realizes what I did
>I never heard from the runner ever again

And that's how I became the guild's co-founder

Your first MMO was Wraith of the Lich King, wasn't it? Back then, guilds had reputations they often wanted to uphold. People weren't robots who blindly queued up for their dailies and occasionally advertised scams in trade chat. Server rep was a thing.
Sorry that you missed out on the golden age of MMOs.

>See someone selling an item I want
>I think the price is too high
>Get my alt account online and pretend to sell the item for a lower price
>Go back to my main account and report the original seller for scamming
>He gets warned
>Get the item for price of my choosing
The "free" market everyone.

>Someone has a monopoly on a particular commodity
>Flood the market and crash his prices

>targets and harasses people online
>tells everyone
>defends himself because he knows he's wrong
>"heh, why are you upset? It's just Sup Forums, g-goy. Amirite?"
I think you've missed the memo. We're not doing the edgy thing anymore.

Literally sounds gayer than the king of Thailand

>I'm selling this item for 10 currency
>"Sorry I don't have 10 currency but I can offer you 2 currency and "
>you will literally never sell this junk unless you do this to someone else

What are you talking about?

>sell someone item
>they buy it
>seconds after they pay for it kill them and loot the item back

What shitty games allow this?

>how much
>half a dead dog's cock and a punch to the face, either have a price or fuck off

>buy it from a guy who actually has a price

>Run a train of mobs to someone
>Get them killed
>Loot their highly enchanted weapon
>Get back to town
>Ransom it back to them
I miss L2 sometimes.

>buying a new claw for my sin in MS
>everyone wants 200% the actual value
>a guy trades it to me for free plus 3 sets of icies because he just upgraded
>all the jews get mad at him

swell guy

Chances are if he was trying to get into the game store, he was going to buy video games with it. Your logic is uninformed and retarded

>drop item on the floor in the pvp zone
>wait for someone to take the bait and kill them