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too tall
There is NOTHING wrong with sõy
Couldn't you think of a more creative pretend-reason to soy-post? Bayonetta is dead and forgotten.
They are. She needs even more ass.
>too scared to use faggot
kids these days
hi todd
>Call user a faggot
"Yeah whatever dude"
>Call user a soyboy
I was actually considering trying out Soylent, just to see if it would help me lose weight mostly. I'm pretty afraid of the estrogen rumors, also I was pretty pissed to find out you can only buy it online and it has to be fucking shipped to your house. Plus the website makes you sign up for a subscription so you can ask for so many bottles a month, depending on how many you plan to drink each day.
The prices are pretty fucking expensive as well, like if you wanted to drink one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You would need to sign up for like the 84 bottle plan or some shit, which is like $100 a month I think or like $90. Granted you wouldn't be spending money on groceries or any other kind of food, because that would be your meals. I just fucking hate they have to ship it to your house, and you can only order it online. They should put the crap in stores.
You may have a point there, but it is still a retarded word and I'd rather use faggot and not derail every thread on sight just to get cheap (you)
>Bayo is doomed to being used for shitposting because MUH SALT
She deserves better
whats happening to these soyfucks obsessed with some faux conspiracy
you amerifucks are all obese whatever you eat
dont need to worry about anything you eat. you all are fatfucks and cant better yourselves. keep eating only meat gross frozen food and burgers every single day all you want
>They should put the crap in stores.
They can't since it's "experimental" and stores has to abide by regulations
>That feeling when legfag
>I'm thinking about turning in to a woman
Just kill yourself.
>tfw 6'3 but my biggest fetish is women taller than me
feels bad, man.
Just buy the powder, it's way more economical. Also, you don't have to subscribe, there's a one time purchase option right on the store page.
Also, this stuff won't turn you into a woman, it's not like soymilk. Good luck losing weight though, even though it gives me energy, it doesn't really quell my hunger. Kinda like that machine from Chrono Trigger.
>Hating on soy sauce
I'll umami myself on the way out, faggots,
Nigger just buy soy meat in your local store.
Why don't you take that weird anti-soy crusade to asia where people actually eat it in considerable amounts.
It's not about obesity, it's about the alarming rates at which boys are turning themselves into girls.
this "soy makes you feminine" meme is highly controversial you know?
Not that I would drink this shit and risk that it is true but you should not believe every 5chinz meme
I don't know how to cook, and Soylent is pre-prepared and ready to drink so there's no effort/work involved.
How long have you been drinking the stuff?
>Asians are all stunted goblin beta males with tiny dicks
Why not learn how to cook?
I don't drink it every day, I have it when I'm too lazy to make a healthy meal or when the food runs out. So I've been drinking it on and off since like April.
Real men use bovril.
It's too late for them.
Daily reminder that hops have a much more potent phytoestrogen than soy and is actually shown in studies to have feminizing effects in men
if you are anti-soy and you drink beer you're a gay hypocrite and probably fat
The level of phytoestrogens in soy is almost negligible. You'd probably have to eat nothing but soy in almost deadly amounts every day for years for it to start having any kind of hormonal effect on you.
>hates on soy products
>eats burgers, drinks beer and eats seafood which all contain huge amounts of soy
What did he mean by this?
See I'm talking about drinking it THREE times a day every month, like I figured if I did that I would lose weight. Granted I'd have to order a lot of Soylent, about 90 bottles or so.
I don't know? Just not interested in learning, also wasting the money on ingredients just to throw it in the trash when I screw up. I know recipes are easy to follow, but having to buy all the ingredients, spend hours cooking, making a mess in the kitchen, etc.
Just not worth the headache to me.
They are though; I like Bayo as a character but how anybody can find that fucking giraffe attractive is beyond me
>seafood contains huge amounts of soy
Are they feeding the crabs soybeans or what?
And Americans eat deadly amounts of meat and beer and cheese every day which all contains soy.
Don't get the bottles, retard, get the powder, it's the same shit but much less expensive. You can do that and you'll lose weight but trust me, you'll be miserable.
>Foods that contain soy
>Soy Sauce
Thank you Captain Obvious.
>people hate on soy because of thin weaklings
>are mostly skinnyfat or fat weaklings
Bayonetta's proportions are pretty fucked up. I won't tell you what you can and can't find sexy, but this shit sure ain't realistic.
Theres nothing wrong with liking tempeh you mean
this is a thinly veiled shitposting thread, op just picked a particularly odd topic to shitpost about
>And Americans eat deadly amounts of meat and beer and cheese every day which all contains soy.
>meat and beer
Switching to a liquid diet will fucking depress you more than you can imagine. Eating is a ritual, you're supposed to eat food, the human body expects it. It'll fuck you up mentally, trust me.
>thinly veiled