Honorable mentions: Nioh, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Sonic Mania, RUINER, Cuphead

Honorable mentions: Nioh, Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Sonic Mania, RUINER, Cuphead

99% chance Xenoblade 2 will be GOTM for December, but I left it out because some people might bitch about that.

Do you think this was a good year for vidya?
What are your picks and what's your GOTY? Mine is Divinity 2

Jesus fuck you make 2017 look like an awful year.

>Honorable mentions: Ghost Recon: Wildlands
shit taste confirmed

Post your picks then?

Did you deliberately pick the worst games?

RE7 and Nex Machina are very good though.

>forgets Cuphead

Should be Nier for March, PUGB is not even out, and it's still completely full of game breaking bugs

Has no good companions to play games with confirmed

>walking simulator
Hoo boy let me guess, you're a redditor?

Any game can be made fun with friends, retard.

Persona 5 should be April's gotm

>comparable to shit like Dear Esther
You are a fucking retard.

What's the difference then, stupid?

Incorrect, but you would think that given you've never had the experience yourself

>ARK coming out of EA counts
>ARK on any good game list at all
>CoD, the game with achievements for watching other players open lootboxes, in a good game list
It's a pretty good bait list, I guess

What's the difference between Tetris and GTA?

The difference is that wide, now fuck off.

It's not that ARK is great it's just that I found no good competitors for August.

PUBG should be in december according to your reasoning for ARK being in august.

I am genuinely offended with Splatoon two being on that baitlist. Game is good.

>it's different but I can't give any real reasons!
That's what I thought faggot it's the same shit.

PUBG isnt even a released game you fucking utter retard. NIER is march you PIECE OF SHIT.

op you are retarded elex is missing

That's reasonable, I need to play more August games then.

>Item management, shooting, puzzles, exploration, multiple difficulties is a walking simulator and not resident evil.
You are a fucking idiot.

Stop playing devil's advocate, you know the difference. RE7 actually has enemy design, combat design, makes full use of gamepad schemes, mechanical systems of any kind employed, puzzles, diverse environments, VA and a full soundtrack, cinematics, etc. Dear Esther is just moving, a little bit of VA, maybe one cinematic and it lasts under an hour.

Yeah, I don't consider myself a gamer anymore. Half of those games I have never heard of and the other half I have no intention of playing.

JANUARY - Yakuza 0. Runners up: RE VII, Gravity Rush 2, Tales of Berseria.

FEBRUARY - Horizon: Zero Dawn. Runners up: Nioh, Night in the Woods, Story of Seasons: Trio of towns.

MARCH - NieR: Automata. Runners up: Zelda BOTW, I am Setsuna.

APRIL - Persona 5. Runner up: Little Nightmares.

MAY - No great games, except Rev. 2 DLC for GG.

JUNE - Tekken 7. Runner up: Crash Bandicoot, Wipeout.

JULY - Fucking nothing

AUGUST - Yakuza Kiwami. Runner up: Sudden Strike 4.

SEPTEMBER - Divinity: OS2. Runners up: Metroid: Samus Returns, Cuphead, Ruiner, Monster Hunter Stories.

OCTOBER - Super Mario Odyssey. Runners up: GT SPort, Forza 7, Evil Within 2, South Park, Asscreed.

NOVEMBER - Fucking nothing. Bunch of games got a switch port though.

DECEMBER - ????? Probably fucking nothing.

>he picked For Honor over Automata (Console) and Hollow Knight
>he picked PUBG over Automata (PC), Zelda BOTW
>what the fuck is Nex Machina
>he picked ARK over Observer, Yakuza or Sonic Mania
Actually why the fuck did you pick an EA game coming out of EA for one of the months (ARK), but then also have an EA game still in EA for another (PUBG)?
>he picked CoD at all
Honestly looks like bait but then you're actually trying to defend it further down so I don't know

>People still salty PUBG happened

Why are you so afraid of acknowledging the game which knocked DOTA 2 off the pedestal? It's like a white boi pretending he's never heard of BLACKED

December is for Xenoblade 2

>It hasn't been released yet
I still might not give it to them in December, Xenoblade 2 might be that good of a RPG

We get it. You own a Switch, Nintendo games which aren't even released are already GOTY contenders

What else is out in December?

>Glowing previews
>Beloved franchise with previous GOTY games
No shit it was going to be a GOTY contender

>For Honor
Why do people reply to obvious bait threads?

>no hollow knight or at least even horizon in february (for honour was shit)
>no botw or nier in march
>cod WaW in november (it’s not even a good cod game) over odyssey
>Ark survival in August (i can forgive cos nothing good came out)
prey and divinity are my picks though for those months, even despite cuphead

Xenoblade 2 will probably take december.
Was a really good year for games.

That's a shameful AAA-bait list you got there OP.

kys fag

CoD, really?

it came out in February.

>Hyper universe
Isn't that game already dead?

It's very dead.
I enjoyed it a lot but the few people that bought the founder's pack already have moved on. Game isn't released yet though so hopefully early 2018 when it gets out of early access and goes free to play it'll jump back up. They've basically finished it but a few systems are being polished up and bugs fixed. Was supposed to be out November but got pushed sadly.

>March: PUBG


February is wrong. Also that list is just wrong in general. Bad list. Bad OP. Bad thread. Sad!

>little nightmares
Seriously nigger?

Hold up this is bait never mind

That game is horrible even with friends.

>no Persona 5
>no BotW
>no Nioh
>no Yakuza 0
>no Samus Returns
>no EO5
>no Nier

Acquire taste, OP. For your own sake.

I never met someone with so much shit taste like you


Oh wow. Was 2017 like this for non-weebs? I feel kind of bad for you.

PUBG isn't out now, let alone was it in March. Early Access isn't released.

For Honor was fun up until it died.

PUBG is a good game in duo / squad. Deal with it.

This list is a good example of why GotM format doesn't work. Some months are loaded and others got fuck-all.

I would switch Zelda and Nier but good taste overall.

Too obvious OP
No one likes these games

Actually almost got me. Good b8

Horrible bait. just leave

>Not using the superior yearly recap format
GOTM was always fucking stupid. One month is almost always shared by two of the better games of the year and there's a bunch of slower months every time.

Posting my personal list
January: Gravity Rush 2
Februry: Hollow Knight
March: Snake Pass(hard decision as this month was stacked as fuck)
April: Wonderboy
May: Rime(largely here because the competition was non-existent)
June: Ever Oasis(Frame Trap simulator is the better game but I personally am not a fan of the series.)
July: Nothing
August: Sonic Mania
September: CupHead
October: A hat in time
November: Nothing notable outside of Switch getting solid ports

Overall I'd say Sonic Mania is my personal GotY

>a game that plays like a game from 20+ years ago with no noticeable improvement is GOTY
But your choice though, can't argue if that's what you like. I appreciate that you shared your list and didn't just act like a faggot like everyone else.

Jan Yakuza 0
Feb Nioh
March Nier
April P5
May n/a
June n/a
July n/a
Aug Yakuza Kiwami
Sept Metroid
Oct Odyssey
Nov pokieman
Dec(prediction) Xenoblade 2

R8 me