Would Sup Forums support a total boycott against EA
Welcome to Sup Forums. We've been asking for this for years, but some people have free will and still buy their games.
I would.
(I’m the Spongebob EA thread guy)
Add blizzard and ubisoft to that list and ya i have been doing that for years. Fuck them.
Seeing as I've never bought a game from them, I wouldn't find it all that hard.
Keep dreaming user. Blizzard is way far off from being boycotted.
Anyone have the screenshot of the CoD:MW2 boycott Steam group?
Sup Forums is always contrarian to whatever Reddit does, so no.
and then Sup Forums would make up some dumb excuse about how it's "anti-business and whoever supports the boycott is a communist blah blah blah"
What is the point the government is trying to make about BFII being bad for kids? Are they trying to say they'd have to play way too long to unlock shit the normal way or what?
>tfw your game is so bad the government has to get involved
nvm. Found it.
If you have to actively boycott EA to stop buying their products, you're beyond saving.
Is it finally time bros? Is it finally time to stop buying AAA EA games? Do I have the power?
Haven't bought an EA game since they killed Westwood.
I've been boycotting them since 2008.
I don't care. I haven't bought an EA game in well over a decade.
These ''boycotts'' never last. You faggots will buy their shit either way.
Boycotting hasn't worked since the stone ages
havent bought an ea game since mass effect 2
I'm not boycotting EA personally. I just haven't bought any game from that company since... Mirror's edge, nine years ago.
They are just as bad as EA.
This, what kind of console faggot still buys EA games. Im literally dumbfounded when I find this shit out on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums has practically endorsed and engaged in the boycott of EA for almost a decade how have you not noticed the or have you only just come here recently?
>he hasn't boycotted EA since the early 2000s
I've boycotted EA for a decade. I keep voting with my wallet but for some reason nothing is happening
Is it considered a boycott if I wouldn't buy their products anyway?
Refugee neoggers.
(I’m the Spongebob EA thread guy)
Not necessary, because I don't buy EA products to begin with.
Do people even buy their games? Except The Sims?
The fact that people here were buying their games in the first place beyond a certain point just shows the complete and total degradation of the board.
who the hell is buying anything from EA post Dragons Dogma anyway?
I am buying NHL every year. Is that a big sin?
Dragon's Dogma is Capcom. Easy mistake to make.
I stopped buying EA games after they ruined the Star Wars Battlefront series with Battlefront EA. I knew that after Battlefront 1 EA the series would only get worst and I was right.
We're not so different after all!
Why? Why do people play sports games?
The last EA game I bought was Dead Space like 10 years ago.
why the fuck does this sound like a hard thing to do?
is it REALLY tempting to buy battlefront, battlefield, mass effect, or sports games? what the FUCK is wrong with you? legitimately, you have no fucking excuse to have been buying their games for 5 years straight now. Why do you think it'll be even remotely difficult? I mean fuck, I've been unintentionally boycotting them for 6 years now simply because they've just made no good games. Fuck you underage faggots
All their other shit games and ruined developers wasn't enough of an indication of how shit they are?
"Boycotting" would imply that I would ever buy their shitty products anyway
I won't
I haven't bought an EA game in years. Not like it'd change anything for me.
Same here, not boycotting them, I just don't like buying their shit games.
>these companies are so shitty oh my god can you believe they do this shit with dlc and microtransactions the free market doesnt work we need to cry on the internet about it
>hey did you guys buy New AAA Game for full price on day one? how are are you liking it? i know the dlc is kind of lame but it was only $40 for the season pass.
i cry every tiem
I knew they were shit before Battlefront EA but I only bought the Battlefield games. Battlefront 1 EA was the tipping point. I wanted to give EA a chance and they fucked over one of my favorite video game series.
I still mad about how they ruined simcity and other non "the sims" sim games (like sim farm, sim ant, sim tower etc) fuck these guys.
Its too late they are already big as fuck.
Should have happend way earlier i honestly never forget how they fucked up spore
Get moving you stupid idiots!
That'll be easy, I don't buy any of their games anyway.
Last EA related game I bought and enjoyed was Titanfall 2. It's disheartening to know that such a talented dev team is going to be kept on a leash until one of their games slightly under performs and they're taken out to pasture while the TF ip remains hostage. Or, they stick around long enough for all the worthwhile devs to jump ship and they just become a shell of their former self like bioware or dice, then they get closed down.
Because it is comfy and fun? (altough i would never buy fifa)
I am also buying racing games.
When I get home from wagecuking every day 8 hours, I want to rest and be a nhl star or a racer. Not sucking dicks in multiplayer because I didn't buy lootboxes, or playing the 9999999x single player game where you have to kill people.
I just want to sit and enjoy scoring or racing.
For each person boycotting there's hundreds of people buying their sportsball and whatever other titles every year. They're indestructible.
How about you don't buy their games and let other people decide not to buy their games on their own? I don't need some faggot telling me what and what not to buy.
I've been totally boycotting them for years, ever since they closed down Dawngate. That and Dead Space 3 was my limit. Fuck them forever.
>boycott E.A
>E.A buys almost every studio and publisher
>everything is shit now
>gaming is dead
The last EA Game i bought was Hellgate London. Way ahead of you lad
>Last EA game I bought was ME3
>I lent my Origin account to anyone who even mentioned they wanted to play that shitty game
Goddamn I hate that company
>"We pulled off on the MTX, because the real issue the consumer had was they felt it was a pay-to-win mechanic," he continued. "The reality is there are different types of players in games. Some people have more time than money, and some people have more money than time. You want to always balance those two."
You guys buy this stuff.
This. Nothing has changed apparently.
I haven't bought an EA game since the second mass effect
That implies people from Sup Forums buy EA products, or even buy products period.
>bought battlefront 2
>having a good time
>unlocked every character in less than 3 hours
We won't let EA get away with this!
How many studios has Blizzard killed?
holy moly potentially 50 people wont buy EA products we got them by the balls fellas
I used to hate EA, but really wanted to play Dragon Age and Mass Effect, so I would buy those games anyway.
Thankfully, now EA has utterly ruined those series, so I can safely ignore all their releases.
I've been doing it for years. It's really not difficult, considering 95% of their games are absolute garbage that I wouldn't even play if given for free.
You're a fool if you don't think the majority of current Sup Forums users buy their shit.
Anyone with a brain already avoids EA's trickery with ease. It only has to be said to redditors and normies because they can't into critical thinking and will fall for the same trap endlessly causing the shitty practices to become mainstream.
>shit that doesn't exist
This group exists nowhere on steam
God I fucking HATE you so much
Go outside, grab a stick and shoot a puck you subhuman nigger
>jews all around rape morons with dlcs and microtransactions
>lets boycott ea because they pushed it one step ahead
Why the fuck you ignored everyone else before that?
Activision started packing all new weapons into lootboxes since Black Ops 3 and nobody said shit. Gabe started selling lootboxes only obtainable weapons with MannConomy update like fucking 6 years ago. All that was pure gameplay advantage, lets ignore cosmetics only shit.
I am not even talking about DLCs, which are equal cancer. Nobody said a fucking word. And now you want change?
Well, too late, duh.
No they're not. No game studio can compare to EA
I stopped buying anything made/related to EA since Mass Effect 3. Not to say it's been that difficult, none of their games have been good or interesting since then.
So I guess you could consider it a boycott. It's pretty easy when they don't put out anything noteworthy.
It's because the news told them it was bad, duh. Nobody here has any free will. If the news keeps saying it's bad, then it's bad
You'd need to convince those fucks who buy their sports titles every year to have an impact
Most people pissed off from star wars probably aren't the same people who buy their sports games
To what end? I already don't buy EA stuff but even if everyone on Sup Forums did the same, it wouldn't matter. We're not their whales, we're not the mass. The ones not on forums are their target audience. The ones who buy stuff cause it looks cool, not caring about EA's policies.
Only newfaggots or buys EA shit.
Same with cawadoody or ass creed or all the other shit
Boycott is not only about not buying their games but spread the word against them.
We should create a giant campaign against these greed motherfuckers.
It does exist
posting here because relevant I don't wanna delete my blogpost after wasting time typing it
tactical paragraph incoming
>"a delayed game is eventually good but a rushed game is forever bad" -shigeru miyamoto
only thing worse than a rushed game is a "game" that's released on time, but is actually just an ATM / grindfest / timesink. Everything up until now was the big names testing the waters on how to monetize a playerbase with the best return, Valve, Blizzard, Riot (even mojang, under microsoft's orders) most notably. what you are seeing happening to Battlefront 2, Destiny 2, Shadow of Mordor (a fucking single player game), and probably Halo 6, is all the final result of gaming becoming an "industry" instead of a hobby. EA led the charge with mtx rooted into core gameplay, Bethesda is trying (and failing AGAIN) to lead a charge into paid mods, while everyone else plays it safe with cosmetic only systems in their games. their goal is the death of a passtime and soon indie devs will begin adding similar systems too if they aren't contested or stopped. the true endgame is now maximizing capital, not making a fun product for people to enjoy. before you know it, nobody will oppose the way things are, because they grew up spending money as a hobby instead of playing games.
If this is what the future is like, pachinko MGS doesn't sound too bad, since there's an actual chance at a return for your money. the experience in games with gameplay affecting MTX is not priceless on top of the $60-$100 pricetag, it is worthless. When people argue that lootboxes aren't gambling, they're right. It's fundamentally worse for the "consumer" in every way.
it's a shame, we had a good run at non intrusive entertainment. Only a matter of time until it's all over.
>It's okay when Blizzard does it
the last EA game I bought was Madden 1998.
EA, Activision, 2K, Blizzard, fucking boycott every Western AAA publisher.
I only buy Square Enix, Nintendo, EA and Blizzard games used when all possible. I still get the experience and they get none of the money.
>implying im not boycotting EA since release of sims3
I don't really care for any games EA has put out over the last couple of years so i guess you can say that i'm boycotting them.
name of pic related porn parody?
>user doesnt have the new starwars game for his playstation, im gonna surprise him this christmas
>green box
This is gonna be me
Most people have done this accidentally for years. What good games does EA even make anymore? They ran Dead Space into the ground, ruined Bioware, made Battlefield a yearly release, ruined Mirror's Edge with an open world, ruined Sim City with always online and tiny cities, etc. All EA releases is Madden and FIFA and I don't play that shit.
I bought battlefront 2 and need for speed and i couldn't give a flying fuck
>Not already owning it on VHS to share with your friends after lending them a VCR.
you need to go back
I haven't bought an aaa game since mass effect 3.
I've been boycotting EA for years, so I guess yes
Last EA game I bought was Dead Space 1.
the past was already bleak. man were fucked.
Boycotting doesn't work when whales make up the majority of their income.
Unless those 1% of players that pay an atrocious amount of money on MTX in their games stop paying they won't change shit and don't give a flying fuck about the majority of the players.