Are Khajiits the best race in the Elder Scrolls games?
Are Khajiits the best race in the Elder Scrolls games?
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Beast race more like least race.
In game Khajiit are fucking disgusting, anyone who unironically is attracted to them more than likely has fucked at least one cat in their life.
You faggots only waifu them when they’re cartoonish.
they had the best bandit dialog taunts
I blame Prequel.
Not until they go back to having unique skeletons like in morrowind. Same with Argonians. I doubt we will ever see that again though because lol too hard
can you fuck them if you give them a little of skooma
Morrowind was the only game to get the lore wrong about that.
If you don't want to live in a stinky timeline with only dungmer and stoner cats left at the end you have to replay Morrowind and kill Vivec.
If you do that you get to live in a comfy doomed timeline.
>it's a repost thread
>posts something disgusting
I wish they did more with their own lore with khajiit.
>being a fucking furry
it's comfy
Why are there so many Elder Scrolls threads lately?
No, Argonians are.
Die furfag.
Skyrim on Switch.
It's ok when it's on Nintendo!
New game being announced soon. Everyone can feel it in the atmosphere.
khajiit better than lizard
if I don't level endurance early on am I screwed?
they said at E3 that they havent even started working on the next game
why do you think they're still jewing skyrim
Is this vore?
>not being a hellhound waifu dominant
Khajiit are pretty open sexually, so yeah. They love getting high and having orgies. It's kind of their thing.
I highly recommend maxing it ASAP, never settling for less than +5 gains.
There have been TES threads since the 40s.
What the hell are you on about?
Honestly I believe one of Trainwizs CC things will be coming out soon and he has launched a one man campaign to drum up interest.
That or /tesg/ got bored telling the same ten people the same ten things and their autism has spilled out here.
>not being a furry
>There have been TES threads since the 40s.
Was Morrowind wrong in making Khajit what they are now?
Why not Elves or Humans with cat powers or weretigers/lions rather than actual humanoid cats?
The main theme is so fucking good.
k, playing redguard so I have 50 END +3 from first level up, should I just idle in front of mudcrabs w/ drain fatigue on self or convert to spears
>he believes in Dunmeri superiority
>Dunmer are obviously inferior to the Altmer mentally, physically, magically, and socially
>corpse-colored skin and red eyes are because they're literally a cursed race
>males are entirely unlikable, and the females are only likable because they're perpetually bent over, spreading their legs, or taking Orcish cock in one of these positions
>prides themselves over their slaves, which are almost solely old/young/disabled lizard people that's miles away from the outskirts of their natural habitat
>said lizard people blow them the fuck out shortly after the demon invasion that the Dunmer somehow handled worse than the humans and beast races
>they flee to a shitty country full of snow and drunken blonde ape-men
>said ape men instantly shove them into the ghettos with next to no effort
>up to now, in TES, the last we hear of this race's plight is from a single Dunmer shakily scribbling up the last page of his tear-stained pamphlet called "Dunmer of Skyrim" in which he insists his few dirty farmer and rag-tag thief friends are still the "master race"
You can't dream this shit up.
All of the above. Depending on the phase of the moon the Khajiit is born in, they can appear as neko elves or just plain cats.
Yes, the straight up cat versions of Khajiits are human level intelligence.
Yes, they can be wizards.
Yes, they're also used as spies.
>capable of becoming living gods
They did it by stealing power. Versus changing the consensus which is what Tiber Septim did.
For those new to the metaphysical aspects of TES, this clip is basically how reality works in the setting.
I’m glad we agree.
Thunder Cat khajitt were definitely the best. Olhmes rhat were cat enough without being furries.
In Daggerfall, the Khajit were described cat-like, including BARBED PENISES:
"Nice pair, kid." She was facing the wall but she could feel the stares of the other patrons. A hush had fallen over the place. Even the bard had stilled. She felt both nausea and a hot burning desire. Her hands released his turgid penis and then it was inside her and she was screaming in both pain and ecstasy. Then everything went black.
When she came to herself again she was sitting beside Therris, who was buttoning her shirt.
"That hurt!" she said indignantly.
"Always does, kid. Didn't anyone ever tell you about Khajiit men? It hurts good though, now doesn't it?"
Barenziah scowled at him. She was still smarting. His penis had tiny little barbs on it.
What's CHIM tho?
>i know about kajiits and lore
>i've only played skyrim and a bit of oblivion
How did the khajitt handle the Oblivion crisis?