I don't get it, on master difficulty, crouching, single shot, with that 5.56X.45 lookalike rifle...

i don't get it, on master difficulty, crouching, single shot, with that 5.56X.45 lookalike rifle, it still takes 15 shots in the head/torso to down a zombie stalker in this game. i've been playing off and on for like five years, what am i doing wrong? i'm at yantar lake trying to figure out why i can't open the x-16 bunker door and i guess it's because all the zombies aren't dead but damn if it isn't going to take 500 rounds to kill them all. what am i missing?

Other urls found in this thread:


i just counted. 32 rounds to kill one.

If you want a Stalker thread just say so, there is no need to bait

Is it that hard to headshot someone?

have you considered aiming

aiming right at their head. i'm not new to this. i'm asking pretty please, what am i missing?


Player is fucking garbage, is this footage from ign

What are you trying to say?

nah it was on single fire, real slow and careful aiming.
i just switched to full auto and even though i obviously missed tons more it killed after like 5 shots
i think everyone has been lying to me about this game for five years

they're fucking radioactive

yeah weapons are absolutely more powerful with autofire
i'm even missing more but downing them with less ammo and fewer headshots
fuck you guys

ever heard of gravity?
If you are aiming into head then you will most likely hit the chest

Are you sure you were actually hitting them? Early game weapons are pretty inaccurate

Zombies just have high endurance, especially with certain mods, they were always a pain in the ass.

at 10 yards?
to be sure of that i stopped inbetween each shot to make sure they were moaning. so i'm assuming i hit every time.

there is not that much bullet drop on a real gun, you won't even really notice it if you're not shooting past 300 yards

stalker has a recurring problem with iron sights on some weapons not actually lining up with your shot, might be your issue

blame drunk slav programmer


Zombies never stop moaning
You should be able to see the bullet flying or at least an impact spot

or maybe your weapon is in poor condition


This. They have a metric assload of health, but they also have a completely ludicrous headshot multiplier and even a couple of pistol rounds are enough to end them with some careful aiming.

i don't know, it sounded like they were hurting
like i said i just kind of play this game for twenty minutes every six months so i'm trying to remember without starting all over again
thanks to everyone for not just shitting all over me, i know i usually do to threads like this

Seriously what's the deal with the ak and the aku 74 being so different in this game, aren't they supposed to be the same gun with different barrel length?

it's in great condition.

Maybe you are just shit OP, have you considered that ?, everyone who's not shit and played the game can tell you that a single shot in the head with the starter weapon will kill an unarmored bandit

Bullet physics.

of course i've considered these.
i've been playing fpses for twenty years though, so i don't know....that would not necessarily mean i'm not shit but it should mean if i'm being honest with myself i could realize and admit i was shit. and i don't think i am.


But you are, at least in Stalker, that is. "Veterans" can kill those Army guys in Cordon with only starting gear, It's not hard to learn the game, and when you do, only then it becomes fun.

I dunno man my air rifle drops like 2 ft at 80 yards, and my airsoft gun is even worse

so after playing for a second i think using iron sights is what's fucking it up. i'm headshotting things in one shot using the crosshairs but it's 5-20 shots with iron sights. what is happening to me

a 10sec look through youtube clearly shows you are full of shit


Killing the guys in cordon is just a matter of grenade->kill the patrol for a gun->camp a corner in the base

a ten second look through a 32 minute video? hmmmmm.........

Is this bait?

You cannot be fucking serious

You have to aim slightly above the head.

yeah what the hell
everyone knows a video needs to be watched in it's entirety
skimming for relevant content is an ancient technique reserved for the long-forgotten race of capable humans

>Do ironsight aiming because I thought it would be more accurate
>Can't even kill a group of bandits
>Try hip firing
>suddenly wipe out about 7 bandits easy
Did I do something wrong?

My dream game would be New Vegas rebuilt in Stalker engine with stalker assets.

I would literally never need another game.

10 seconds to find the video and pinpoint the assault on the bandits, come on user, its not hard use those neurons

learn to read faggot. he's talking about the zombies.

>He fell for the "no bullet sponges" on highest difficulty meme

If you actually don't want that try using the Complete mod (which is hated by most of the Stalker community for removing bullet sponges)

both are equally accurate but the actual location of the 'center' of your iron sights is a bit counter-intuitive
I used to have an easier time with hipfiring using inaccurate weapons too, but it turned out to be nothing but luck and it's far easier to learn how to shoot consistently using the ironsights

Sounds like you are indeed extremely shit, and don't know how to aim:

yeah, keep attacking THE most armored part of the human body. Especially one of rotting undead that feel no pain.

But yeah, gonna repeat the ages old mantra:

-Single shot firing mode
-Low Crouch

>there is not that much bullet drop on a real gun,
Yeah, there's actual bullet RISE first, THEN drop. And if your sights happen to be poorly zeroed, and/or your stance is bad, you may hit even the most stationary, high-contrast target by several feet.

Absolutely ridiculous LIES.
Complete is just obsolete, casual piece of shit, that actually REDUCES all damage values by a huge margin, all while also making enemies half deaf and blind to the player.

I dont remember there being a single enemy in STALKER that survived a headshot, maybe you arent noticing the bulletdrop or something?

learn to play fag, zombies drop from 2 shots from a shitty weapon in the head, or 1 from a good one and they also drop from a single knife in the head

you just need to know how to aim

STALKER gun physics are catoonishly exaggerated. I just installed a mod that made all the guns shoot straight (like real guns)

watching five point two one thousandths of a video isn't going to give much info.

>Complete mod (which is hated by most of the Stalker community for removing bullet sponges)
yyyeeeaaahhh.... that never ever happened, you twat.

If you want everyone, you yourself, to die brutally, all the time, you use AMK1.4. Don't come crying about the game being "2hard" then though.

OP here, i just finished new vegas after putting it off for about the same number of years and finally ended up having a great time, that's the reason i picked up stalker again, because i thought i finally got the open world shooter meme formula. but the mechanics are so crazy


>I just installed a mod that made all the guns shoot straight (like real guns)
No-guns detected.
Seriously people, unless your weapon is in tip-top shape and zeroed, you use good ammo, and you have actually practiced with the piece as well, hitting things with guns is actualyl pretty challenging. I came to realize this once again when I took a bunch of barely 18yo teens to the range last fall, and they had trouble hitting a chest-sized steel plates with my rifles.

I'm not a gun guy or a physics guy, but I'd be willing to bet money that any bullet fired from a modern rifle is flying at multiple times the speed of a bullet fired from the spring of an airsoft gun.

It is difficult
But not at 10 yards

>i just finished new vegas
Casual Bethesda console action-RPG. Absolutely nothing like STALKER, which is an actual PC FPS game, first and foremost.

>the mechanics are so crazy
No they're not. It's practically just a fancy mix of FarCry (the original) and System Shock 2, with a tiny bit of old Fallouts as a flavor.
You're just clearly too inexperienced with anything slightly less... "modern-AAA".

Jesus, not even my wife complained this much when she played vanilla SoC. I'm gonna leave this rookie guide here, if it would be any help.

People hate the Complete mod because it changes the game mechanically.

made me snicker


you see tovarisch ))
if were got armor liek me, u bullets make fall off like rane on steel )))

Super realistic. I love how STALKER accurately simulates the precision AND feel of real life guns. Fuck, not even ARMA comes close

The STALKER fanbase is the fucking worst on Sup Forums and /vg/
I love the games though

what did you expect from people with mentality of rootytooty

>But not at 10 yards
With a handgun? It sure can be.
And in case you didn't know, bullets are tiny. And if the game's bullets happen to be actually simulated projectiles as well, hitting things becomes harder.

I can't recall the name any more, but several years ago, there was this new MP shooter coming out, that also had very detailed bullet physics and practically per-polygon hit detection on characters. First playtesters kept complaining about the guns being inaccurate, but research showed that they were just not hitting their targets for various reasons; some shot might've zipped past just beneath the players' armpits, miss their ears by inches, or just not reach the targets in time if they kept running around. Same shit applies to STALKER, you gotta get hang of things.

Still, if you are indeed having issues hitting things in STALKER, especailly at borderline point-blank ranges like 10 meters... sorry mate, you are just bad.

I've never given a shit about fanbases. They just come with popularity. I'd rather a game have an annoying fanbase, and it made tons of money, than the games to be failures.

btw, if you buy the game, does anyone in Ukraine get the money?


kill yourself you fucking nigger

>Still, if you are indeed having issues hitting things in STALKER, especailly at borderline point-blank ranges like 10 meters... sorry mate, you are just bad.

It's actually because certain guns in STALKER are simply "bad". Once you mod the game up it starts to make sense

>All games are enjoyable without mods
>SoC crashes every 15 min cuz fuck you


People STILL have difficulties in this game? Against zombies of all things? What are you doing? Enemy ai is braindead, hide in one spot and let them flood you through the same tactics they use against you over and over (they even walk the same paths to flood you). Save behind a wall and just lean you fuckers, LEAN and take pot shots, when their aim gets rediculous, just choose a NEW spot and repeat this tactic. I wasted tens of high armored lifes with the kalash like this in one go, destroying whole camps and you faggots struggle against braindead ai. PATHETIC

Yeah the publisher is ukrainian

muh realism

Works perfectly in my PC and I'm using a modern gtx card and Windows 10.
Use the ZRP for bugfixing.

the developers don't get shit, pirate it


10/10 made me legit upset

I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you.
Either skip to CoP or keep pushing on until after Yantar where you'll find guns that aren't complete ass. Seriously, it's a world of difference.

>can't aim for shit
>misses multiple shots at point blank range with shotgun
>blames the game

>shotguns universally known to be garbage and wonky in stalker
>make webms of shotguns being garbage and wonky to try and prove a point

>It's actually because certain guns in STALKER are simply "bad"
No, it is literally not.
I've seen first timers clear the Car Park on Master difficulty all on their own, popping cheeki breeki heads with the shitty Makarov alone left and right. I've personally done a "hobo run" playthrough that allowed me to only use low-level clothing, sawnoff and handguns.

Majority of big mods only work to destroy the fine balancing and design the game has, making it practically pointless to upgrade your gear as you progress towards the Zone.

>That webm
Fuck man, I'm already downloading Stalker again. And December was supposed to be Stalker-free

Anyone played this? youtube.com/watch?v=-eNs9trwZr4

You literally find a perfect condition ak in agroprom and you cant possibly fucking miss it

thats more than enough for all the enemies in the game if you where somehow so shit that you forgot you could pick up a better weapon

system shock 2... what? and i've never played a modern-aaa. really. i've never played halo even. i'm 33 years old.

That pure hysteria after the enemy actually did come for him, that madman

>shotguns universally known to be garbage and wonky in stalker
As a 10 year Stalker veteran, this claim is news to me. Please explain and demonstrate citations.
If anything, STALKER is often HAILED for having some of the most realistic shotguns in gaming history. Landing a clean hit on your enemies just past 100 meters, using Toz-34 and slug / dart ammo never gets old. On top of that, a pump-action + buckshot is the #1 mutant repellant in all 3 games.

Have the demo on my drive, but I didn't play it. Hope they release full game and don't get stuck in early access.
There's also threads on Codex, the developer of Atom talks to users, cool guy.

Hey kid, want some artifacts ?


every gun is viable if you shoot them in the head.

>keeps shooting after the npc goes back around the corner

>system shock 2... what?
You gotta be quite thick to not notice the similarities of gameplay, like the wearing down weapons, ammo-types, firing modes, limited inventory, getting hints from PDAs...

I played both SoC and SS2 back-to-back in 2007, and was very surprised to play two so similar games, from two totally different eras.

>i've never played a modern-aaa
Bold claim, a bit hard to believe.
You have, however, clearly played too many hit-scan shooters.

Did they liked game?

Idk last year i tried it unmoded
>Rescue that dude from the house
>Omw to Sidrovich

>using Toz-34 and slug / dart ammo never gets old.

what? no. slugs and darts in stalker are flat out worthless unless you get a headshot. it takes like 6 bodyshots with slugs to kill normal bandit type guys

You really didn't want to play then.

>6 bodyshots
dude... seriously?

>Getting my hands on Saiga
>Entering tight corridor
>Full of snorks
>Toss all grenades I've got and back the fuck up
>Anything that gets outside gets mowed down with buckshot
Best. Feel. Ever.

Why the fuck you would aim for the armoured part with ANY gun, not to mention shotgun?