Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

Gameplay progress is more important than graphical progress.

Lol haha so where is it faggot?

>same games with less content and more microtransactions

shooters are the most boring genre

all of them are literally the fucking same

>gameplay progress
There has been little to no gameplay progress in the last decade. Having huge crowd of NPCs you can't really interact with isn't progress.

>all of them are literally the fucking same
I wish, maybe then the new ones wouldn't be so boring, slow and horizontal.

>b-but vidya isn't dead
and yet kiddos that are 18 or less refuse to see the truth.

Alright, I'm a bit curious here. What would gameplay progress look like? Better AI? VR?

Better AI? yeah, would be a start.
Better mechanics, improving gameplay, instead of less enemies on screen to interact with, do more, or if not possible have the ones you can do interact better.
Instead we have every single game focusing in better graphics and meanwhile aI is dumber or the same as in the last years.

zero differences between 2007 and 2017
the industry has been stagnant since video games became mainstream

>less interactivity
>setpieces and facades because of muh graphics and muh story
>hobbled design freedom: huge graphical standards making it nonviable to make arbitrary changes to levels that deviate from original plan
>DLC and macrotransaction garbage
Wrong, wrong and wrong
When Deus Ex came, people were dreaming of the possibilities the future could have, if contemporary games could be that deep and immersive. Later, we get Human Revolution, a hamhanded attempt at replicating the original game, and people applaud it for being "the best we could get at this age". Actually taking it for granted that modern games are shallow and have simplistic gameplay. Is that progress?

Add to that all content must be able to be experienced in a single playthrough, can't have exclusive questlines.

>mfw we'll never get an other Witcher 2 Act 2 ever again

That fucking 8 bit grass texture in mario odyssey.

Yeah Titanfall 2 plays just like r6 siege righ you fucking retard ?
I swear single player fags are pathetic

(ignoring sound for a second)
Atari to NES, more colors, and building maps as u move.

NES to SNES, more colors, smoother world building, and more complex actions.

same difference, along with early stages of 3d.

PS1 to N64 smoother 3d (ignoring sound quality of cartridge and storage space) and textures, along with larger possible maps.

N64 to PS2 (i know there are systems between all of these) they focused less on larger maps, and started the "hallway/corridors" level design, so as to get higher levels of graphics (something that was possible with N64, since thats what PS1 did, to reach ist 3d quality, like crash.

PS2 to PS3
all games became hallways, probably due to low RAM, and the desire to surpass the graphic standards of the PS2 (honestly the PS2 wasnt as pretty as u think in open worlds.) games nearly look like PS4 games in these hallway games. but in open world games, the graphics start to lessen far more. (Putting large mountains in your way, to lessen what has to be rendered, liek in skyrim)

PS3 to PS4 a lot more RAM, and the means to actually have open world content, with the higher HD graphics set in PS3s hallway games.

TL;DR If PS4 made more hallway games, they would surpass the PS3 by leaps and bounds, rather than by small fractions.

Of course hitting this amount of graphics, the idea is how large can worlds be, and how much can go on at once, such as NPCs, objects, AIs, etc all going off at once for PS5+

There's no need for graphics to surpass the current teirs best. (Not saying there arent some bad looking PS4 games, because obviously there are, but some are pretty much good "enough" there's no need to hurt performance for such a minor gain.)

I dont enjoy them because I cant get over the fact im pointing the mouse at someone and clicking
I know there is more depth with cover and choke points or in some cases loadouts but I just dont enjoy the core gameplay enough for those to entertain me
I did enjoy nosgoth primal carnage and depth though. Unsymmetrical shooters can be pretty rad


>Handpicking hyper-specific games to prove your point.
Compare any of these games to games with actual fucking graphics and you have no argument

Obvious bait.

jrpgs are the most boring genre

all of them are literally the fucking same.

I wish it was still 2004 but we're set for eternal suffering with shit games

*puts one foot up on a stool*
Really gets the testicles a tingling
*scratches nuts*


64 to Odyssey.

>Mario 64
>ancient 3d platformer that didn't age well
>Mario Galaxy
>waggle shit
>Mario Odyssey
>waggle shit


>collect moons at every corner

And here comes the sonybro

Imagine Shitshine but instead of shine sprites you just have more blue coins. That's what 06yssey is. No wonder all discussion has died this soon after release. What a mediocre game

you could fit entire SNES games in the single texture files in those 2017 files

if it's mediocre why am i still playing it

what the fuck am i looking at

switch has nothing else

Easy to make the average casual gamer follow breadcrumbs and reward them with meaningless cosmetics and a jingle.

but i also own a ps4 and a pc

No evolution in 10 years, I'm guessing.

No you don't

ok i guess i don't

It doesn't really make me think because you can't fucking compare the images with them cycling that fast.

>le ebin diminishing returns meem xD

>Expand the open-ended nature of 64 whilst still taking players to all the locations in the game
>This is somehow a bad thing

>video game graphics began to stagnate when we reached the architectural limits of hardware components

>strategy games are the most boring genre
>all of them are literally the fucking same


I've also noticed the irony in a lot of recent critically acclaimed games being praised for playing like their older counterparts. If anything it shows how fucked publishers were releasing so many flops and claiming there's no demand for their series or genres when it was just they forgot what made those games good in the first place. That shit wasn't just rose tinted goggles, those games were considered good for a reason.

Having 60 of them instead of 6 makes them feel a lot less special

Indeed, my noggin is joggin.

thats a bad example since the 3d marios kept getting worse