Proper New Game+

>Proper New Game+
>Can still go back to earlier difficulties for fun
>Level select
>Can cosmetically change armor to whatever you want
>Can don skins of other characters
>Unlockable Ninja Gaiden shit

Even with everything else the game does well, the player choice on display is phenomenal. I feel like devs had forgotten how fun simple shit like skins can be.

This game is great.

It is a solid 8/10 for me. The only issue I have is enemy variety. Does the dlc add new enemies?

the skins are just a poor replacement for character creation or being able to choose from different playable characters

Tons and if you buy them all, some of them get mixed into the main game tastefully.

You're a retard. The transformation system is just for kicks. It's not trying to BE anything.

Nioh doesn't have NG+.

Tried to play the DLC and gave up when they kept shittinh out the same 2 enemies everywhere, fucking boring


>the player choice on display is phenomenal
It would be if you could also hide ranged weapons and the unequipped melee so you don't always look like a walking arsenal with capes clipping through weapons everywhere. And if the refashion system wasn't clunky as fuck.

Playing this game now and just killed the third boss.

It's okay but it's quite literally a poor man's bloodborne in every single way imaginable.

>If someone else thinks customizing the look of my character isn't integral to the game then they must be a brainlet
imagine being this full of your own opinion

>It is a solid 8/10 for me. The only issue I have is enemy variety. Does the dlc add new enemies?
I think two or three new types, i'm not sure exactly. The Long neck guy, the new Oni guys, the ninja dogs, the foxes. I'm not entirely sure

There are only two things I don't like about this otherwise very good game:
1. Can't fight anybody else as soon as you have accomplished the mission goal.
2. Just too much shit drops. It's as bad as in the most extreme Diablo-clones. They could have reduced the drops to 1/3 and just adjusted prices etc.

Except its completely different in almost every single way, beyond the most basic of mechanics, and even then drastically different like ki pulsing.

>It's okay but it's quite literally a poor man's bloodborne in every single way imaginable.
Maybe from a casual's perspective.
But it's inherently different.

No dude, mario kart is "completely different in every single way". Nioh is very obviously inspired by souls games and it EXTREMELY similar to them. Having a mechanic to quickly recover stamina, sorry ki, doesn't make it "drastically different" you fucking retard.

>But it's inherently different.
yeah, it's worse, like I said

Like I said, you may think so since you're just a casual.

That's three regular enemies and the bosses, wouldn't call that "tons"

You can replay the entire game with your skills and equipment in tact. How is that not NG+?

I haven't played BB so the closest thing for me is DaS, and yes it feels like a poor man's DaS to me.
The gameplay is fine but it's missing the atmosphere and the visuals, it all feels very uninspired.

Where is my sky/mountain temple above the clouds? my great wall of japan? my huge nippon tower?
The level design just doesn't do it for me visually.

>Odachi Samurai
>Tonfa Ninja
>Small Ninetails
>Big Ninetails
>Kusarigama Oni

user Status:

Told [ ]
Not Told [ ]
Told as Fuck [ ]
No Country for Told Men [ X ]

Red Kappa, too, or were those part of the main game?

Oh yeah those are new too. Along with the four armed guys from Bloodshed's End who's name I forget and can't find on google.

That's completely immersion breaking

Ninetails is the final boss, you're thinking of spirit foxes.

dude your insult didn't take the first time, what makes you think it will the second? Calling other people casuals in a souls discussions is auto-lose because it's just so cliche it hurts.

There's also those ghouls with bombs strapped to their backs.

Biggest and major flaw is lack of enemy variety. It really bums me out because it was so close to being great.

Same shit. They're still Kitsunes.

what are
Way of the Strong

>user posts without reading the thread

We just proved the DLC adds like 13 new enemies.

Capes clipping out the ass and you looking like pic related while every NPC looks classy? I wouldn't say completely but yeah, it's pretty fucking shit.

Just started the game. Should I buy the DLC now, or can it wait until I finish the main story?

Soulsfags thinking the game has to be "harder" for it to be NG+

>And if the refashion system wasn't clunky as fuck.
I agree with everything else but how is it clunky, its literally
>pick item you want stats of
>pick item you want it to look like
>change look of item
How is this clunky.

Finish the game and see if you want more of it Id say.

My biggest gripe with the game is how much it lacks direction. If you ever needed an example for a game showcasing that fun and deep mechanics don't go hand in hand, simply point at Nioh. Hell, it's not even "deep" and more like Koei piled up random game mechanics on top of each other and called it a day.

The combat system by itself would have carried the game easily. Why they felt the need to throw in Diablo style loot grind, random drops and a needlessly convoluted crafting system is beyond me. This shit can fuck right off.

Still, Nioh is highly enjoyable if you only go for NG. Everyhing beyond that is for NEETs.

>tfw pirated it
Game stopped being fun after fake Tachibana. Way too grindy, and it's just one of those "numbers mean everything" games. Really glad I didn't drop 50 bucks on this.

Probably because you can't see the actual model of the item you choose for refashioning, so it's a bit of a guess-and-check system.

I told you it's great.

t. Sonybro

God what a shit game lets not talk about ni oh. Have they spoken about porting black to pc yet, now that would be ok

I suppose, I usually equip and look at the set I want before I refashion, so I never really thought of it like that.

cant even create a female character at the start

trash game

I do the same, but it's a pain to have one of every single item clogging up my storehouse just so that I can check its model.

The only thing you have to grind is gear, but I didn't. I've played the with my ninja outfit+2kat/spear without having any real difficulties besides the 2vs1 fights in the end.

gittu gutto you newb

Alright Im with you on that then, couldve been better, but it wasnt what I would call clunky, its very easy to use, infact I wish other games did this.

I'm interested in this but I saw people bitching about the loot system in an earlier thread. How is it?

Do you like Diablo?

Yeah, the system itself is simple and a lot of fun to use. I'm happy that they don't require you to sacrifice the item that you want to copy the appearance of, too.

Dont even dare to compare that streaming pile of shit to anything diablo. talk about that othwer shit trash game poe or grim dawn but fuck off from diablo

People say Nioh has a lot of waifus but I only saw just one (rabbit girl). Also I heard you can play for waifus, is it true?

I dont know why people say this, yes the items drop like Diablo but you can literally use whatever you want, min maxing is for faggots.

The loot systems are basically the same in all of those games

Does it have Diablo-like loot then?


Not really, the loot is pretty much just percentages. D3 has loot that for example spawns some monsters if you hit something, or shoots a fireball when attacking, things like that. I havent played ni oh for long tho so i dont really know if it gets more interesting the further you go

>game throws 50-150 items at you at once
>all randomized shit
>now you go to the blacksmith and sell/disassemble everything that isn't the highest rarity available to you
>check those indivdually to see if maybe one of them isn't worthless
>99% of the time they will all be shit and you just wasted your time
>do this all the fucking time
>and then there's soul matching/reforging/tempering which is a fucking shitfest too

Yeah, the loot system is absolute trash. Easily my least favorite thing about this game.

DLC ng+ is hell. Managed to beat the queen's eyes on ng+ but everything after that is hell.

Do I need to jump ahead to WotD, grab a level 200 weapon and come back? I somehow managed Bat Bitch and Onryoko on WotD but not the random sidequests on WotS

Yeah I wish you could hide the weapons too. It's a good look when you are all decked out in heavy armor but sometimes I just wanna rock the ronin style with the kimono and katana and not look like I'm trying to start WW3 by myself. The lack of a back-sheathe for the single sword while dressed like a ninja in an unfortunate omission as well.

How did DLC fuck with the optimal shit to have on your weapon? Is familiarity attack the way to go? Or Less Armour?

There are only a couple of waifus - Okatsu, Tome, Ginchiyo, Fuku, Noh, Maria, Chacha. Also fuck that nigga who says Chacha isn't a waifu.
You can play as most waifus if you get enough PVP good boy points.

Don't forget grinding for forging texts.

"like something" is to the same as "exactly something", it's "like" diablo because it has rarity tiers, random drops with random effects, there is equipments with set bonuses, you know, "like" diablo has.

It's basically the same as most loot muncher games, like Diablo or Dragon's Crown, which is why I guess I didn't mind it. Individually analyzing loot is pointless after a while, you just kind of set a standard for yourself of what kind of rarity you will make time for and everything else goes in the bin.

Really, at the end of the day biggest numbers>any other criteria. You don't really need to worry about seriously optimizing traits and stuff until the very highest difficulties.

nigga what
just do the missions. when do you ever have to grind in nioh? Im on the fourth region and ive never had to replay a mission ever

Yeah. Only problem for me is enemy variety. Most of the bitching I've heard otherwise can be summed up by either "it's not souls" or "it's not ninja gaiden".

I've spent a thousand hours across the Souls games, within the bounds of the genre Nioh is drastically fucking different and trying to play it the same way will just get you bodied. It takes some inspiration with shit like the Shrines, Revenants and summoning but the actual meat of the game in the combat is incomparable.

NG++ is hell

so its just loot and just loot is nothing like diablo, diablo is itemization, just loot is mmo like guild wars 2 or any mmo since it just stat adjustment and nothing more

I find it way better that you're able to forge the perfect item you want as opposed to some games where you have to drop the item with everything perfect already.

Is there anything better for my 1kat than A+ Heart Scaling, familiarity bonus and an element, big boys?


the only thing you have to grind is glory if you want the female skins
if the game is too hard for you, you can just kill a few revenants and get a full set of gear much better than you should have at that point

You're looking for the game to deliver something it never promised. This ain't "high fantasy gothic undead romp: koei edition", it's a different thing.

You want to find that visual presentation of Dark Souls in a game, play Dark Souls! It's like coming back from watching Yojimbo and saying you were disappointed were disappointed by the lack of european castles and Vatican politics.

It's still not a lot. Specially with how monotone enemy placement tends to be in the game.

Bloodshed's end had some pretty great enemy combinations, though.

What is it

But the NG+ modes are harder.

>It's still not a lot.
You're a fucking retard. It's a shitload.
>Specially with how monotone enemy placement tends to be in the game.
That's not even a meaningful complaint. Not to mention is sounds like you never touched the higher difficulties..

The game showers you with Amrita and money in WotD, as well as +11-14 divine equipment. You shouldn't want for anything.

I played it like a Souls game and beat WotN, but some of the optional double bosses were too much for me. Overall it's extremely similar, but does enough different to not feel like a total clone.

>not even a single micro transaction
>just pure game and DLC
so games with season passes are normal now, and micro transactions in 60$ AAA games is breaking into the industry

>It's a shitload.

With every piece of DLC, the enemy variety goes from "unacceptable" to "just enough". That's not a shitload. That's kind of what should have been in the base game.

Jesus christ my dude, the drop system is way more similar to diablo-like games than to other rpgs where there the items have no random effects attached to them, that's why people call it "like diablo". Diablo is a worldwide famous series of games, that's why people use the name as a reference to something similar, not equal, to the system in the game, to make it easy for the person to understand, don't you fucking know how the fucking world works?
>but x game is much more similar
You see, people use the most famous one so it's easier for people to understand since the chances of them knowing the more famous is higher than the chance of them knowing the less famous, but more similar, one.
Are you now gonna complain i said "diablo-like games" because said games have no diablo in them so they can't be "like diablo"?

modern gamers want microtransactions
why do you think nioh sold so bad on PC

I agree. As Japanese landmarks, castles and temples go, I was pretty satisfied. Azuchi and Honnoji show up, Date's 4-tower castle had a neat gimmick, and finding the Hiragumo shards around Shigisan was great. As long as you approach it as historical fantasy and not high fantasy, it's really quite interesting as setting goes.

The season pass was practically an expansion. Those have been normal for ages.

I definitely prefer it to the souls games.

But maybe that's because I think samurai are neat.

>adds like 13 new enemies

It adds 6. The Snowclops is not a new enemy, by any stretch of the imagination.

Am I missing some NG++ shit because why do people want smithing texts when you can only smith up to purple rarity.

>he doesn't know about divine fragments

But you have Way of the Strong and stuff.

I don’t; there’s like 50 fucking subsystems.

You can smith green too. But still, you'll only make them at a low + level so soul matching them to +20 or whatever will cost a fucking fortune. You're much better off just getting the item as a drop.

I get that you're glad you added rokurokubi, but putting 12 of those fags in a row grouped in pairs is not super interesting.

Shit like having onmyo mages, a couple of foxes and an onyudo was fun. A namahage, a cannon yoki and an amrita warrior sort of close to each other is interesting. Those scenarios could be dealt with in many ways.

How you place and combine enemies is absolutely an important aspect of level design. This game has a lot of isolated enemies or annoying gank squads. There were no memorable moments like the Valley of Defilement Swamp or the spider room in the Nightmare of Mensis, shit that is not necessarily super hard, but that is interesting and memorable.

>play nioh
>find as much info on Sengoku Japan and spend more time watching documentaries and reading about it then playing nioh
I never realized how interesting Japanese history could be, all the shit that actually existed that was in Nioh
what are some good movies about Japan at this time, anime too

You're a moron and again, clearly haven't played the higher difficulties.

There's a trait equipment can have that transfers it's + level when used as soul matching material.

No seriously, where is that on the fucking smithing screen.

>anime too
100% recommend Hyouge Mono (anime) and Vagabond (manga). The former was recommended to me in a Nioh thread around release and I can't recommend it enough. Furuta clan for life. Latter makes the Sasaki Kojiro fight that much more meaningful. There's also Nobunaga no Chef (manga) which I enjoy but isn't quite in the same league. As for movies, watch Kurosawa's stuff, but you probably already know that. Heaven and Earth is good, too. I could really use some documentary recommendations and more movie recs, myself.

Press Triangle/Y when you're on the forge button.