Monster Hunter World

How are you guys holding up?

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*For the beta

>pre order tracking way, way lower than X, the worst selling MH game on 3DS

>tfw thought its gonna be this sunday

Wait one more week

Yeah, Nobody gives a fuck
Fuck yeah beta.



So I dont have to preorder to play beta right?

Only ps+.


Don't start now pls

>PC still TBA

Give it time, it'll be a success on Gabe's plataform

It will likely be 1-2 months later as usual, since sony need to sell more PS4s

last i checked it was 1/3 of XX's preorder sales, which isnt bad considering the 3ds has 5x the playerbase the ps4 does in Japan. still 2 months to go. still topping the charts.

then why isnt the xbone version delayed?

The PC version will be dead within a year after release. Have fun.

I want to play it already.

Any idea what monsters are in the demo?

>paying to beta test

Very well, I don't play casual games.

>you’ll be tasked with hunting a Great Jagras and an Anjanath in the Ancient Forest, and a Barroth in the Wildspire Waste. While these are your main quest targets, be on the lookout for other deadly monsters roaming each ecosystem.

>tfw cryosleep hasn't been invented yet
Fuck this timeline.

Filthy hardcore trash

you you don't play any MH besides Frontier?

Frontier = ultra hardcore
All other MHs = hardcore
MHW = casual

Still no word on PC release right?

>Playing the game with random and not having a dedicated group

I came here to laugh at you.


10 grueling days

So probably those and unstable environment Rathalos. Fair enough.

>everyone waits for it on pc and doesnt buy it on console
>not enough people buy it on console
>seen as a failure
>pc port never
stuff of nightmares.

why would you think its not coming out day of release with the ps4 version ?
until said otherwise at least

not enough resources or manpower for the team to be working on the pc port. better hope it sells on ps4 and xbox or it will probably get canned

It is at around 400k I think versus 1m at the same timeframe till release. Not bad considering it is console only. If it manages 1.5/2m in Japan, the west/PC market can hopefully push it to 3-4m.

Don't worry it'll be a failure regardless

Diabolos is confirmed as well.

>1-2 months

Try 6-8 months. They haven't even announced a release date yet.

Assuming it's the same build to what we've seen so far, Ancient Forest will have the Rathalos and WIldspire Waste has the new mud Plesioth and Diablos.

Do you need a JPN PS+ account to be able to get the beta?

Play my game.

because the MonHun team already said it wasnt, just ps4 and xbox in january

It's not on the steam store. Typically they wait a few weeks after the console release to announce the PC version along with some intensives so the console players buy it on PC too. Gotta make that crapcom dolla.

Why the fuck would you need a JPN account? It is a worldwide beta same for the release.

Are you that retarded that you cant google?

Is this still a thing? Have not heard shit about it in months.

Frontier=ultra hardcore
all other MHs= casual

world= to be determined

I mean if it's 60fps on base ps4 i'll pick it up there, if not i'll just wait.
I'm not playing an action game at 30fps in 2017.

will it be cross platform multiplayer like ffxiv

Is it worth getting a PS4 just for this or wait until PC release? I'm worried about the lack of players on PC - but maybe that's a good thing? Could be similar to MHFU adhoc party.

no crossplay
4:23 if timestamp doesnt work

Confirmed 30 FPS for all consoles. Almost no MH were 60 FPS or at least anywhere near consistent 60 despite looking like garbage.

Monster Hunter will always sell more on a portable console. I still play on the 3DS and I think the games are great. But I also support a portable console and a home console version of MH. So we need MH World even if it's going to be casualized (from what I played it wasn't that bad). Besides, if you want the real experience the 3DS version is always there. I'm afraid Nintendo's push to make the Switch their portable console is going to kill portable MH though. The Switch is just not a good portable console, it's too large and the battery life is shit. The 3DS is a great console, it only lacks in processing power. And Nintendo might not think it but having it be the best hackable console has helped console sales overall.

capcom seems to port good games so its all fine by me,still waiting for resi 2

ok well have fun with that i guess

>Linking Wife Beater

Fuck off user

depends on how much you love MH
for me, waiting is not an option. my PS4 pro is on the way.

So yeah, like I said, a few weeks. Once they have a stable build and feel confident with their pace they will announce a release date.

No ps4 -> pc but it will have something like US server -> JPN servers

Conspiracy theorists please go.

I would have gotten a Pro if they actually released the MHW edition of it here but I'll just stick to my regular PS4 and get the PC version when that comes out as well.

I bought a PRO anticipating just for this

PC games don’t die retard. I can still get games of Avp2


>tfw old group of friends will split up between ps4 and pc
why did it have to be this way sony?

It doesn't matter what you think about it, the actual MH audience has clearly adopted it as a handheld console.

Your 140 zinogre solo?

the Switch has a battery life on par with the OG 3DS, and it will only get better with the numerous revisions ninty is going to shit out

Not that user but it is, and it's still in beta/alpha/early access/whatever, so not coming out any time soon

It plays okay, but still has quite a few things to work out, the monster styles are cool though

souns like a dumb thing to do seeing as its 30 on pro too
enjoy the game

w-what about your old pal Xbox? I-I'm getting the game too! Y-you didnt forget about me, did you user-kun?

Japan dont like pre order though. they like lining up and gets told "sorry sir we are out of stock". thats why japan has a high suicide rate

You mean the ones that didn't buy the XX port?

I heard them say that Pro has unlocked frame rate?
It still wont reach 60 most of the time, but that is better than locked I guess.

even so, the best selling PS4 game, DQXI, barely sold a million copies on PS4, and DQ is Japan's lovechild, I doubt World is going to get close to that or even on par with Tri's sales

You solo all of FU you retarded 4Ubaby?

>but that is better than locked I guess.
depends, frame rate fluctuations often are more jaring than consistent 30 FPS depending on how big they are

what is so hardcore about frontier?
thats the MMO right?


it has teleporting monsters that 1hit you and move a million miles an hour, harder=more hardcore and less casual

FU Grank is much easier than 4U Grank

>PC announced
>It's on Origin or Ubishit

FU is fucking nothing, idiot. I hate how that game is dick waved likes it's the best game in the series, when it's not even close. I swear it's pc retards who have never played another monster hunter in their life.
t. Been playing since the very first monster hunter.

Monster Hunter 1 is the best

and 4U Grank isn't even the hardest part of 4U, guild quests are.

who fucking cares about sales, we have the first HD monster hunter on not nintendo shit for the first time in forever, I could care less if it only sold a thousand copies

The port of the rerelease of the game that people didn't even like? The Switch could very well catch up to the PS4 this holiday Christmas, they didn't release World on PS4 for the Japanese audience.

It's not really an MMO. Think of it like a normal MH game with online akin to Tri/Dos that requires a subscription.

Frontier leaves the other games behind in difficulty around mid G rank, after that it only gets harder until you are fighting superbosses that kill you in one hit regardless of your defense and have movesets like they are a fucking Touhou boss on crack.

Please die.

The 3DS battery life is also bad. And do you plan on buying new versions of the Swtich when they are made? It's a 300 dollar console. When 3DS revisions came out it wasn't that bad. I'm not going to keep paying 300 or more every time the Swtich is improved.

the 3ds was $249 on launch, $270 with inflation, $30 difference

Yes, but even at Grank 4U is much harder because of superior monster AI

are they adding styles like in generations?

nah, FU was harder because of limited options and janky hitboxes
>when your game is so hard information given by the UI is no longer relevant

grinding for materials off that thing must be hell

I don't get it how people play that with such stiff animations and nonexistant blood splatter

it doesn't drop materials normally since it isn't a monster but you do need its blood for certain tower decorations

>since it isn't a monster
what is it

the hunter's guild doesn't know what it is, but it is implied that it is of ancient civilization creation.