If you could wipe ONE videogame company from existence right now from this list, who would you pick?

If you could wipe ONE videogame company from existence right now from this list, who would you pick?

Guerrilla Games
Sucker Punch
Naughty Dog


Why are Guerrilla, Sucker Punch, Atlus, amd Naughty Dog on the list?


Last Light
Last of Dykes and Unfarted 4

Valve, for obvious reasons.


Valve probably.


for fucking up Sylvannas

If I erase EA from existence, will developers get revived? Like Maxis or Westwood?

EA without question. Doubly so if works as a message to other devs.


reminder that lindybeige is /ourguy/ and scholagladiatoriara a shit

EA is actively corrosive in a way beyond just making shitty games

That is subjective though. And even if they made objectively bad games they are no where near as scummy as Blizzard, Ubisoft, Bethesda, or EA.They aren't even as scummy as companies that are not even on the list like Capcom and Activision.

EA because they will never get any better.

Naughty Dog.
Wipe out the cinematic '''game'' menace.


>Valve dies
>Steam's monopoly is transferred over to Origin
no thanks

I'll go with the boring answer, EA. Ubisoft are about to get VIVENDI'd, Bethesda is stumbling along anyway and excluding Blizzard/Activision the rest are small-fry compared to EA.

The Battlefields are unironically some of the best multiplayer games of all time. Even if you think Battlefield 1 isn't as good as the old ones it's still way better than any other multiplayer game nowadays because they're all dumb team-based hero garbage or boring "realistic" one-hit-kill shooters.
Unless you're a redditor Blizzard is the obvious choice

I want Mythic alive again.

I don't like FPS games so I don't give a shit how good Battlefield is.

>losing system shock 2, original battlefront 2, lord of the rings two towers + return of the king plus many others


I just really want another simcity
I'm not autistic enough to care about optimal traffic flows to care about cities skylines.

wipe out one company, not wipe out every game ever released under them, dingus


Every game and every decision they make is shit and they force an esports community around garbage games like Overwatch

Cities Skylines without any mods is still a landslide better than any SimCity

Kojima productions

>The Battlefields are unironically some of the best multiplayer games of all time.
They're casual kiddie trash for CoDbabbies.

Nigger First Light is better than Second Son. Fuck off.

Cloud Imperium Games -

Not because they re worst but because they get free pass on stuff that other companies wouldnt get.

Fuck off /u/ faggot, that game will never ever be good

There is only one choice.

Activision Blizzard.

Not only would I kill a company that's been actively jewing the gamers since the very beginning, I'd also kill those Blizzfaggots that shit up everything because you're not allowed to criticise their precious company.

Activision Blizzard without a doubt.


I actually cringed at the image you posted

Some other companies are bad too but no one is as bad as EA.
Every other answer is wrong and whoever answers otherwise is a EA marketer/shill.

Its a tie between EA and bioware. They're one and the same tho

I have faith that even with EA gone someone would make a Battlefield-esque game somewhere down the line.

How the fuck is First Light /u/? Have you even played the game or are just memeing since Fetch is ugly? Also Infamous > Festival of Blood > Infamous 2> First Light > Second Son

>getting rid of steam

>Overwatch "it's just cosmetic!" Player detected.

Yep, enjoy paying extra for your $60 """""""complete""""""" experience.

It's really a tie between EA and Blizzard for me, though EA has done way more harm to much more over a far longer time period than Blizzard. Blizzard is really starting to define bullshit with OW though.


2-3 years back I would ea, because that would porsche license open for games. Now I would say ea, before they kill more studios.

Worth it.

Is it me or does anything that Sony makes brings the worst out of this place?

He genuinely prefers the shittier game because otherwise he'd have to like a game with a FEEEEEEEEEEMALE in it.

People like him are why Anita got so much fucking attention.

Blizzard without a doubt. Everyone knows EA is shit so theres a small chance they go under or they change on their own, however blizzfaggots will defend their shit company to their graves. I actually understand them, because blizzard games could be so much better that you end up dreaming arguing about what the game could have been, not what it is

does deleting Blizzard undo the damage to the MMO "genre"?

Americans are desperate to protect Microsoft at all costs.
BUY AMERICAN!! Even if it's shit!!

Makes shitty derivative games with a progressive bent. All you gotta do is ignore the blandness. They don't have that much of an impact on other things.
Actively seeks out talented developers, acquires them, and essentially reduces them to trained monkeys devoid of any creative control. Not only that but the creative end of EA is almost always turned exclusively into contract work meaning the people who make the game don't get stable employment with a revolving door type of job security. What's worse is that they are legitimately bad at market research for being as massive as they are. Their bean counters are fucking laughable and basically force their developers out of business with their blatantly false information. "Make Dead Space into a COD so it'll make more money." "Release Titanfall 2 inbetween COD and Battlefield 1 because... they're not the same market." We probably wouldn't have made a sale with that demographic doesn't even begin to make sense to me as a business decision.
>Guerrilla Games
Made a generic farcry type game that was practically ignored when Zelda came out.
>Sucker Punch
Didn't play Infamous after the first one.
A company filled with people piggybacking off the success of their past. They wouldn't be that bad if their fanbase wasn't so powerful sales wise.
>Naughty Dog
They got props for storytelling and then went full left. It's how you get ahead in Hollywood so it'll probably work on mouth breathing videogame reviewers too.
Makes pretty shitty games but helps support developers in making better ones without hindering too much outside of the Prey 2 debacle.
Stopped publishing, so they stopped being a net good.
Gutted the company of any real talent and now sits on its throne while only rewarding their employees when money is gained thus making a company of people trying to out-Jew each other.
Trying to give the masses what they want to make up for a mistake.

EA is worst for sure.

Ubisoft, easily. EA is fucking cancer but at least they produce technically competent games
because they are trash, user. Pure, unadulturated trash

>boring "realistic" one-hit-kill shooters.
the Red Orchestra games are so much more intense, interesting, and fun than battlefield

EA needs to be exorcised from this realm like the demon it is.

>All the star wars games
fuck out of here. Raven Software made the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games, Bioware/Obsidian made Kotor series and Pandemic made Battlefront

and no it is not a coincidence that those are the only star wars games worth playing

Not him but anything where you run around fast and have shit like rocket launchers is better than anything slow to me.

All of these following companies will die, taking their shitty business practices. All of them will perish, except for the one you choose to save.


giant publishing companies with a lot of developers under their belt

>Guerrilla Games
>Sucker Punch
>Naughty Dog
big developers that are under a larger developer who make a game every few years. atlus releases games a little more often, but those are usually handheld games that are in between their larger titles.

i don't see why the bottom needs to even be there. replace them with 2K, Square Enix, SEGA, and Capcom

Bethesda is the lesser evil in this scenario, so I'll save them.

Ea without a doubt

in my opinion having an objective preference of one over the other sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.

Konami seems to be turning around, so I'll save them and see if they can produce more good Bomberman games.

blizzard is the least cancerous out of all of these

EA, so Star Wars can be set free.

Save Konami just so a man can dream of a new Castlevania or Contra game coming out and it actually being good.

I was going to type "kojima productions", but then I remembered it's are a trailer production company.

Atlus Tax on 3DS games most likely, but their most recent DS titles lack it so they're fine I guess.

Ubisoft has shown the capability of making a good game when they try. Even if they're SJW as fuck, I'll save them over the rest of the shitters.

>Stopped publishing, so they stopped being a net good.


>mfw I don't have to wait a year to play Fatlus games now thanks to based Deep Silver

>he likes steam

Geting rid of Blizzard would make a vacuum for a lot smaller games to grow big it over all inprove number and quality of games.

They used to bring over a bunch of Jappo games that wouldn't have been brought over otherwise in addition to making pretty cool RPGs. They were the ones who brought over Demon's Souls. Hating them before would have been moronic but now you could have an opinion about the limited stuff they release.

They've been swallowed by Sega now, though.

That would be nintendo. The amount of buttblast you sonygroes endure evetytime something nintendo releases and gets praise is near limitless.

In what way? Having preferences is natural.

>Still using steam

Yeah but I wouldn't really say that it has effected the way they make games.

>Star Wars hack n slash by Platinum

My dick got hard for a sec.


>The amount of buttblast you sonygroes endure evetytime something nintendo releases and gets praise is near limitless.
The same could applied to Sony, I mean TLOU was released years ago and the sole mention of the massive praise it got still brings an inhuman amount of hate, also thanks for proving me right asshat

Blizzard is easily the least productive

Whoever makes the most Nintendo games.

all of them
just fucking start over

Konani because they make good stuff occasionally

Stupid list. Many good developers on there. Sad!

EA is the obvious answer though.

>my opinion is greater than everyone else's!

because they can both offer completely engrossing gameplay utilizing completely different mechanics. Being able to appreciate one and not the other is a little brainlet tier. You should be able to see how longer respawn times, slower movement, faster TTK, and more reliability on accuracy at range in turn makes your decisions matter more since death is more consequential, precision aim is more important because 1-2 accurate shots is more important that 5 shots with only some being accurate, and team play is important because you are not powerful enough to dominate more than a few opponents on your own. These are all positive features that don't exist in fast paced arena games, which have skillful movement, tight and vertical level design, mastery of different weapon types, more gametype variety, etc.

both have their benefits. you need to be a little childish to NEED
>muh speed
because without it you cannot appreciate the benefits of other types of shooters


Do you mean 'close them immediately' or 'they never existed'? EA for the former, Bethesda for the latter.

>Trying to give the masses what they want to make up for a mistake.
No. Wii U was mismanaged, but Kimishima's Nintendo is a desecration. Mobileshit, $80 controllers, forcing phones for matchmaking aren't what anyone was asking for.

battlefield is made by DICE though,not EA.
erasing EA would only remove most of the funding for DICE but if they went freelance they could still be making vidya,obviously not with the same scale but they could still be there

though I agree battlefield is a fun game and Sup Forums is full of fedora redditors

Close them down permanately

>Do you mean 'close them immediately' or 'they never existed'? EA for the former, Bethesda for the latter.
holy shit, why not the opposite? It seems self evident and almost objective
EA has been swallowing up and destroying good developers and franchises since they've existed. If EA never existed we'd still have these studiosbioware might still be good, ultima might still exist, and star wars games would still at least fucking exist
Bethesda, on the other hand, essentially created the first person open world RPG (muh ultima underworld) with TES and essentially every game they'd made is at least worth playing with mods (besides fallout 3+4). And not even their developed games would disappear too; games they influenced would never come out. No Daggerfall? No Gothic, no Witcher series.
They've also produced some great games with Doom, Prey, and New Vegas. Obviously they're going down the shitter with Skyrim and Fo4, and even their published games are getting worse (Wolf 2), so I wouldn't mind if they died suddenly but fuck off if you legitimately think they never should have existed


FROM Software

DICE doesn't exist they are owned by EA, DICE is just a name EA owns the rights to use.

then who makes the battlefield games shitlord?

search "battlefield 1" on google right now and click on the developer.

I just don't really enjoy slow paced shooters. You're overthinking it.

Ubisoft because the keep wrecking my favourite AC although latest kinda of improvement. i dont buy from EA btw