What's your favourite Star Wars game?

What's your favourite Star Wars game?
Do you think they'll ever make a good Star Wars game again?

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The second Disney bought the franchise any hope of quality went away. It was only confirmed when EA got the license

Bounty Hunter

Dark Forces, and no.

You posted it
City level was kino

>favorite game
Dark Forces
>will there ever be a good game again?
No, and honestly probably never a good star wars anything again.

Even if there was a "good" Star Wars game released it would be bad because of the new progressive/SJW cannon. Pushing an agenda will be more important to them than making a good story.

You posted it user.
Though also enjoyed Rogue Squadron and Super RotJ. Not really played much of them but SW as a whole seems less inclined towards shit than other movie tie-ins.

Hell I even got some enjoyments out of Rebel Assault 2 and everyone hates that one.

EA made decent games at one point. If it was 15 years ago things would be better.

Yeah but this isn't 15 years ago


Battlefront 2 may have ass ground combat and bad progression but Starfighter Assualt is fucking amazing even with M+KB. I would drop 60 for a full game with way more maps, modes, ships, customization, etc.

Jesus most kids these days don't know EA for the Legendary publisher/studio it once was

because it doesn't mean shit when dealing with the present


Yup fucking hell EA has become disgusting


Game fuckin sucked.

Battlefront II the first one is the best Star Wars game. My personal favorite is Galactic Battlegrounds, but I'm autistic.

>What's your favorite Star Wars game?
Kotor, Republic Commando and OG Battlefront 2 are the big three for me.

>Do you think they'll ever make a good Star Wars game again?

Maybe eventually.

The sheer amount of different control schemes and dynamics to the levels is enough to keep me coming back.

Sure it's old and clunky, but it's got charm to it, and not to mention the best edition of the Battle of Hoth in a Star Wars game to date.

Mix in the fucking train missions, glider jet missions, and the other aircraft battles, holy shit you've got one grand fucking epic masterpiece, with TPS doom shooting mechanics.

>not to mention the best edition of the Battle of Hoth in a Star Wars game to date

This one.
It's basically full blown sequel-tier "mod" for Empire at War.

>What's your favourite Star Wars game
forces of corruption, jka, & old battle front 2

>Do you think they'll ever make a good Star Wars game again
my hopes of it died when they canceled 1313 & re-written the lore

tie between podracers and jedi academy.

Depends on genre.
TPS: Jedi Outcast 2 for unmodded, Jedi Academy for Movie Battles 2 mod
RTS: Empire at War with Republic at War and Thrawn's Revenge mods, but Galactic Battlegrounds with Expanding Fronts mod is pretty swell too
Racer: Ep1 Racer, the PS2 sequel was fun but overall worse
Flight Sim: X-Wing Alliance, especially with the remake of TIE Fighter mod
Arcade Flight: Rogue Squadron 2
Hack n Slash: Force Unleashed 1 (fuck you I liked it)
FPS: Dark Forces with Republic Commando as close second

RC was amazing, derelict ship is still one of my favorite levels in an FPS. KOTOR is my runner-up for sure, couldn't get into 2 like I did 1.

>What's your favourite Star Wars game?
Kotor 2

>Do you think they'll ever make a good Star Wars game again?
pic related

Fuck I hate this pay to win garbage


One of the first games I ever played, never liked the gameplay or controls that much but the atmosphere was always 10/10 and it had cool environments and characters. The train ride on Ord Mantell stands out in particular.

Still probably my favorite game trailer

BattleFront 2 (2006)
Jedi Academy
Jedi Outcast
Republic Commandos

Closing LucasArts was literally the dumbest fucking part of the Disney deal. They churned out some consistently awesome AAA Star Wars titles.

And some even had some great stories.

Really rough game, but I went back and played it recently-ish (bout two years ago) and enjoyed myself.

>prequels come out, not as good a original trilogy, but at least we got some good games
>Disney Wars comes out, we get nothing - shit movies, absolute shit games, even worse EU than the old one it was supposed to fix

Thanks Disney. Thanks EA.

>When you will never find out what happens to Sev
Why even go on living?

>Even worse EU

I think this is the most telling part. The EU was hit-and-miss for quality, but at least they were willing to go balls to the wall, and sometimes it worked out really well.

New SW EU... is pretty fucking lame.


A tie between TIE Fighter and Jedi Outcast.

I'd be shocked if we even get an 'okay' game out of the IP nowadays. LucasArts managed to achieve something I don't think we'll ever see again in terms of being a big corporation and still managing such a diversity of titles. They even published a Grand Strategy game for Star Wars before Paradox even existed.

I just hope that the new trilogy they announced has nothing to do with KotOR.
I don't think we can handle the massive amount of steaming shit they'd turn it into.


Literally Battlefront 2 2005. I played the shit out of that with my friends and online. Still remember the excitement when I got home and played it the first time on Utapau.

Imagine Disney Revan... Imagine what could and should have been the greatest story in the Star Wars mythos in the hands of the mouse.

This game was underrated

We;ll see. Last rumor I heard was that they were going to officially bring MMO TOR into canon.

That's been a rumor for a while, but if it's true, then I could easily see them making the new movies KoTOR-ish. Same era maybe.

>Imagine Disney Revan

That's easy. A genderqueer black latino "woman" who don't need no man.

Still the best.

Dark Forces 1-2, jedi Outcast, jedi Academy, fucking TIE FIGHTER, Rogue Squadron 1-2, Republic Commando, even Shadows of the Empire

Goddam KOTOR 1 and 2

There's a lot of good Star Wars vidya out there, and wasn't really until Force Unleashed when it started to get shitty. EA will never make a good SW game, they can barely make functional games to begin with. Just replay the old good stuff. Meanwhile,
imagine being this fucking stupid

>What's your favourite Star Wars game?
>Do you think they'll ever make a good Star Wars game again?

X-Wing vs Tie Fighter

You can be my nigga

this user right here gets it.


So many good games tho.

Republic Commando isnt even that good.

>Republic at War

I've tried playing a Galactic Conquest of that mod as the CIS, and it's way too hard for me, even on Easy. I always have the Republic soon start attacking me with fleets of about 10 Venerator Star Destroyers.

Disney-KOTOR has been confirmed for a long time. Current predictions are;
>Black Carth
>Less rapey Malak
>More Bastilla romance
>Jesus Revan made canon

This game, or Jedi Knight II

I've never played a single game as CIS, but maybe the Hypervelocity canon turtle works for CIS aswell.
Just get enough cash to buy hypervelocity canons on as many planets as you can, then just turtle and wait until you can build capital ships.
Hypervelocity canons can take out any medium to large sized ship even outside of your radar range, just select it and sweep the map.

KotOR II. Humped my way through their shitty MMO follow-up only to realize that there will never be a proper sequel. Feelsbadman.

>mobile game
Come on, now.

You underestimate how they market it. It wouldn't mean anything if Revan, Bastilla, and Malak were also in, but the only KotOR characters in it are him and HK-47.

Fucker, I came in to post this.

My only gripe with SWGB is that the Republic and Confederacy have their troop bonuses swapped somehow.

A friend told me they were working on an expansion to introduce episode 3 factions, I kept waiting for way too long. Fuck I miss this game and will forever be jaded by Empire at War because it only had two factions.

Those who never played from 2003-2005 will never know what a true MMO experience was. I pity them .

Theme park MMOs never did it for me after playing SWG

>being so insecure that you feel threatened by anyone different than you having even the tiniest character arc

White dudes are so delicate, like precious little dandelions

After everything Disney and EA did to Star Wars I think I prefer it if KotOR remained "Legends" non-canon.
They can never hurt it that way

There's nothing I'd love more than a AAA original trilogy campaign. Action rpg you play as various characters but lore can be flexible for the sake of a good game

Theme park MMO?

What is this you speak of?

What's the faction on the far right?

SWG is a sandbox styled MMO, WoW and similar MMOs are themeparks

Kotor. Followed closely by Jedi Outcast.

>Do you think they'll ever make a good Star Wars game again?
No. And they won't make a good Star Wars movie again either.

TLJ is the make or break point. If they fix the shit TFA didn't answer, and actually innovate a bit while doing so, there'a a chance SW might correct itself. The issue is that Rey NEEDS to be knocked down a dozen pegs. She's not a Mary Sue, vut she's right on the border of it, and TLJ will determine if they can actually do her right.

I think it's more than Rey being knocked down, it needs to be unique and not copy ESB, as well as a couple dozen other problems, and even then that won't fix the franchise if JJ doesn't follow through.

Not him, but I agree

>What if AoE met Star Wars
It's cheap as fuck too: store.steampowered.com/app/356500/STAR_WARS_Galactic_Battlegrounds_Saga/

I'll try using those then. I gave up before I could get them in my last games.

>still have the isos I ripped off my brother's SWGB discs
Only question - What's that last command center in

I'd be happy with an adaption of the Tales of the Jedi comics with Ulic Quel-Droma and force magic shenanigans. Even has Sunrider for muh female protagonist.

Rogue One, the firing of Lord and Miller, and the firing of Trevorrow for a barely-better filmmaker in JJ - a-fucking-gain, proves the SW movies have no interest in being good or interesting ever again

also a SW movie a year

it's a great way to make me not fucking care about Star Wars. in the early 90s I couldn't get enough. so many good video games, comics, the THX VHS tapes. even the Special Editions, so at least then i could see the films in theaters. then the prequels happened and they were shit but at least they were fucking interesting. TFA and R1 and TLJ... I just don't give a fuck.

It also has to do with movie business in general changing. EVERYTHING is marketing now, just look at the fucking Porgs or whatever they're called. It's all about the safest way to market toys and media, rather tham the two forming around an already made movie.

Empire At War. Not unless EA loses it's license from Disney.

>tfw forgot to get kotor 2 on sale so now i have to wait until christmas before it gets discounted again

Just pirate it then? It's not like it matters anymore anyway.

Isn't it like $15? Are you that fucking poor?

>be star wars fan
>have a ton of disposable income
>spend hundreds of dollars on videogames a month
>the last star wars vidya i bought at full price was pic related

its like they literally dont want my money

>No good Boba Fett game still
>No hunting ayylmao bounties across the galaxy competing with ayylmao faggots

I never hear anything bad about this game

I have no idea why they never made a Star Wars smuggler sim. Choose a side, or don't. Evading Star Destroyers to get illegal stuff to some Hutt or other would be cool as hell.

The star wars franchise is paved with great concept ideas that never come to fruition,

There was literally a good Jango game about doing literally that.

Was there?
Gib name/platform pls
Shame it's jango and not the superior fall into pit man

I miss SWG so much

This issue with star wars is it creates this cool universe you'd like to explore, but then you follow a pretty boring good vs bad story rather than ever explore any of that
Not that in opposed particularly to the classic good vs evil story, but in a universe like that you've got room for more interesting stories

star wars: ayylmao hunter for the ps2

>lore can be flexible
There's a story group for keeping the "canon" now
No fun allowed

FUck this game is addicting.


>Do you think they'll ever make a good Star Wars game again?

shockingly good game