Shin Megami Tensei V on Nintendo Switch is Coming to the West!


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No, AtlusUSA did it. Get your names right mate.

Nintenbabies is beta testing SMT V for PS4 and XBox one it seems

what makes this weebshit stand out from the rest?


Nintendo often pays for the localization of niche third party games


Yeah, just like they did for Strange Journey and 4

Only SMT game I've played was Strange Journey. Didn't enjoy the dungeon crawling much. Is this going to be like that?

Some of the best gameplay and atmosphere in the entire RPG genre period, western or eastern. And while most weebshit plot is character focused, SMT generally puts its focus on its message and ideas.

Sassy demons and a whole lot of "well this situation couldn't possibly get any worse".

I hear Redux is actually shit and I should play the OG Strange Journey?

Redux add harder dungeons, new demons, new final boss and expanded endings that’s a bit more optimistic (not Bonds tier though)

I say go for it. I don't really know what changes the redux made but the original is a clunky yet enjoyable dungeon crawler for the most part.


yeah. It might be worth playing both because I heard the new endings you can get are interesting, but the gameplay of the original is pretty casualized and it ruins the atmosphere. You can save anywhere, you can see enemy healthbars, the game as a whole is easier. A lot of what the original did right was making it feel like you were going into an actually dangerous, hostile, alien environment, and the new gameplay features detract from that.

i dont care about the game and the meme console

give me that soundtrack!

Honestly, I'd say Redux is worth it just for the updated sprites

>I called something weebshit do I fit in yet?

If this remains exclusives, it's a reason for me to buy a switch for this and Super Mario Odyssey.

if you legitimately love anime style games in general I just feel bad for you
thanks. what about the gameplay makes it so great? is it turn based combat? branching story paths? party style with good companions? romance?

ugh anime so creepy :/

more like shitty characters, shitty art, shitty music, shitty editing, shitty stories, shallow thematic material, shitty VA, and in games shallow gameplay. Do I need to go on?

Is Treehouse going to fuck with this one too, or are we safe?

You had to be pretty fucking braindead to not know it would come to the west.

Anyway, I wish my 3ds could last forever. The switch is looking great but it doesn't change the fact it's still too early to buy it. Only people with low self control buy consoles at release/this early in their lifetime. You pay more for less, considering that later it usually drops in price and also has more games.

xD ur right

MH6 3DS soon, they're going to finally bring back swimming

The turn based combat is pretty good, it has branching story paths with different ends, Neutral, Chaos, and Law. Some entries have more than those three. It barely has any anime cliches (if you don't count 4A), and some spinoffs. Your party members are demons who can be customized (skills), and swapped out at any time. The music is good, and there's no romance mechanics.


That boat's long gone user. It'll be back sometime around January though.

Not gonna lie I'm fucking burned with MH. I feel like I played enough of it for 2 lifetimes and I don't wanna see it ever again.

SMT is a whole different story though.

thanks, I will at least pay attention to this game when it comes out. Thanks for the response

this shit makes me legit angry here's your (you) mega faggot

>mfw SA was the hottest shit until it got cucked into oblivion by CB
But SMT is also the same game

>generalizing thousands of games that you've never played

Is there an overarching plot in SMT or is it akin to Persona where I can start anywhere in the mainline series?

every game stands on its own besides a few entries.

>graphics are still ps3 era shit

What a joke. Can this shit company do anything right?

You can start anywhere. Just know that I leads into II and IV: Apocalypse branches off from IV.

I know 4 and 4A are connected.

okay but is KODUKA BACK?

fuck i meant kozuka

The music. It doesn't have shitty anime/jpop soundtrack.

If you listen closely you can hear the laments of lost souls who have never found their way in Tokyo maze.

Xenoblade 2 is like the peak of weebness. That is the most standard JRPG plot and script ever written. SMT is pretty different in comparison. It doesn't even pretend to have a particularly complex story. The world is in ruin, you get the power to converse with demons, go on an a series of adventures through apocalypse land.

>not buying it on everything to keep supporting SMT releases


All the games are technically connected due to them taking place is a huge multiverse, but outside of the obvious sequels and a few callbacks you're free to start anywhere.

Atlus does their own localization via their US branch, AtlusUSA. Treehouse won't even touch it.

ok but will krishna be in it?

The persona series isn't even on nintendo and they still get fucked by translation. You're screwed no matter who is screwing you.

Pretty sure they said that he'll be the composer for mainline from now on.

good. he's my favorite

didn't persona 5 get beter scores than 98% of your westcuck shit released in the last 5 years?

or it's not like a game like Breath of the wild doesn't have animeish artstyle to begin with

like it's fine if you don't like these games, but don't pretend you aren't shitposting with the shit memes when spamming your epic 'weebshit xd' replies.

>shitty VAs

>Xenoblade 2 is like the peak of weebness

Dude I've been complaining about the rare blade designs a lot but you're not allowed to call it the peek of weebness when shit like senran kagura and neptunia exist.

I prefer the Apocalypse version


I like the both equally. I do really love the synth in the Apocalypse version

I can't even call those that because they're self aware of it. They use it as a kinda wink wink joke in their own scripts and play it for yucks. It's like the The Asylum of weebness. Sure it's pretty close but there's just that element of self awareness that they use to create their own personality for better or worse. Xenoblade 2 is played 100% serious while dialing the weeb up to 11.
I think this is better


How is the PS4 version of Bayonetta 2?

Fuck yes. Meguro has nothing against Koduka.

Both are 10/10
SMTIVA has nothing on this.

nothing, plz never go into a smt thread again.

>Persona's worthless elder brother

I mean, the waifu rare blades are what I would call the weebest part of the game and using those are completely optional. Other than that, I don't see what makes it any weebier than most other jrpgs.

>SMT after IV and A

Honestly I'd say SMT's combat is the weakest aspect of the franchise. It's about as deep as Pokemon and in the majority of the games the depth never evolves past the first few encounters you have.

Generally the idea is 'Hit an enemies weakness, get another turn/attack/benefit'. The trade off being that enemies can do the same to you. So generally every encounter is 'Kill every enemy first turn or get wrecked'. It's interesting at first but when that format persists for a 40-80 long game it starts to wear then and it never really changes. Aside from boss fights which are usually pretty good

i want to play it but i don`t think i`ll buy a switch for one game. How is the emulator doing?

Yeah but ourobourus and mem aleph were serious bullshit.
Also fucking sector e

Will there be a VIT stat this time, or will battles still be like playing with rockets?

>Generally the idea is 'Hit an enemies weakness, get another turn/attack/benefit'. The trade off being that enemies can do the same to you. So generally every encounter is 'Kill every enemy first turn or get wrecked'
No??? That's mostly IV and IVA. DS, DeSu, and DDS don't even go like that.

How does SMT compare to Persona? I've played 3 and 5. Is it less socializing and more dungeon crawling?

>switch emulator

I hope we get downloadable dual audio.


Like I said, the story and scripts. Maybe we have 2 different definition of weebs. It sounds like weeb is mostly just moe for you. The perverse humor and cute underaged girls. I'm more looking at just how extremely typical JRPG this is. The badass anti hero, girl with amnesia following you, the floating islands and societies that make no sense, main character has a pure heart, mascot character, NEED MORE POWER VILLAIN, inevitably going to fight god at the end.

You said it yourself, it's like every other JRPG plot, but I mean like EVERY other one, played 100% seriously like all this is badass and supposed to hook us in.

Doesn't DDS have press turn? Strange Journey does it. The newer Persona games do it (haven't played the older ones)

SMT IV sold like cupcakes and SMT is Atlus flagship series, They would bring this game with or without Nintendo help

>That is the most standard JRPG plot and script ever written
and you know this how?

>The world is in ruin, you get the power to converse with demons, go on an a series of adventures through apocalypse land
hilarious, this is essential xenoblade 2's premise

To be fair smt is completely weebshit up there with neptunia and senran kagura

It does, but you don't get fucked on your first turn, it's still easy to recover.

A few questions about SMTIVA:
is there a DEF stat?
is STR still useless?
do physical skills cost HP or MP?

No it is not fuck right off. You'd have a point if you mentioned Persona 3-5 or DeSu.

Which are worth playing?

i really hope it will be in third person

>Press turn

the irony here is insane, what you described as SMT's story is exactly what's going on in xenoblade 2, except switch demons with blades

>Sup Forums loves weebshit now
What went wrong ?
Where are the people that are still sane?

No they fixed it, use Strength if you want
MP, but demons have affinities and they use less MP for skills they share a high affinity with. But it's not that helpful.

Even the Persona games aren't particularly out there. I mean again, compare the cast designs to Xenoblade 2. Persona games are pretty grounded in comparison

Honestly the most egregious things they do are the mascot characters and the inclusion of honorifics in the english dub

All of them imo.

>0.5 mil
>sell like cupcake

>hilarious, this is essential xenoblade 2's premise
What demons? You mean blades, which are totally different from SMT's demons?
>The world is in ruin, you get the power to converse with demons, go on an a series of adventures through apocalypse land
Also that's incorrect, the world is in ruin, you get to befriend or kill demons, kill your friends, and choose humanity, law, or chaos.

Sorry, maybe I worded that poorly. I meant in reference to my original post:

>Hit an enemies weakness, get another turn/attack/benefit

Not that SJ specifically used press turn. I just meant DDS's interpretation of the mechanic was press turn

how come the spin off series persona got its 5th game before smt?

I mean if you count Strange Journey (which you really should) then 4 was really 5. And even then 4 had two titles