Final Fantasy XV's 1 year anniversary

Today is Final Fantasy XV's birthday. Looking back, how has the game stood up?

Has Square Enix either succeeded or failed in improving the game since release?

Has the DLC made the game better for you?

Are you looking forward to Episode Ignis?

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I look forward to the day it releases on PC and I will be able to try it out. The fanbase seems to agree the ending was botched and the requirement to have seen the movie + anime to comprehend what's going on wasn't the brightest idea. Most still view the game favorably and say it has quite a few things going for it.

Though one thing it's missing is the WOW factor all the previous games have had when they first released on some gen and immediately set the standard of "next-gen" beauty both on consoles and on PC. 13 was still jaw-droppingly gorgeous when it first came out, FF15 had to scale down the visuals a lot to get the open world in even on PS4/XBone.


>Looking back, how has the game stood up?

Better than Star Wars Battlefront 2.

total garbage. genuine 4/10 and probably the worst game relative to its budget I've ever played.

Mediocre. The fact that they are continuing to support the game though 2018 means that they are just finishing an unfinished game.

It's already been a fucking year?

Damn, I guess after 10 years of hype you really start to get a warped perspective of time.

>game has been out for a year
>not even finished
I'll play it once all the DLC crap is available. See you in a year.

I wold have preferred they released the episodes before showing the ending. A lot of people beat the game and have no desire to play the DLC because they were already spoiled how the storyline all ends anyway.

There was a female in the game?

>Looking back, how has the game stood up?
I like replaying side content so it hold ups ok
>Has Square Enix either succeeded or failed in improving the game since release?
>Has the DLC made the game better for you?
Not really
>Are you looking forward to Episode Ignis?
Not really.

Ardyn or Aranea would be a better protag than Noctshit

Why are Noctis and Luna shown together like that in that poster when that never happens because by the time they're that close together in the game, he's paralyzed and she's bleeding out and seconds away from death.

It's honestly a giant fuck up but there's still a lot to like about it.

Apparently they're nowhere near done, they're apparently planning a second season pass after this.

this isn't bad. at least they're providing more content.

normally, developers would stop around the ignis mark and say, there it is. then move on.

It wasn't fun and I'm reminded of that every time I see some ad for the shitty mobile game they made.

One year later and the game is still incomplete.

I want Stella back for crying out loud.

Well what the fuck. I guess I'm never playing this.



Game is still boring

Game still has a terrible story

DLC is pointless and not worth the money

Combat is still terrible

No, the game has not improved. It's still the same pile of unfinished dog shit that SE sold us a year ago, and it always will be. There's no fixing it. It will go down in history as one of the worst FF games to ever release and only retards actually liked it.

I haven't played it but I hope mods will fix it

I'm interested in the PC port and multiplayer but the game at launch was a mess. Story is shit, combat is shit, world and graphics are amazing. Mods will save the gameplay side eventually.

If they happen, people need to stop assuming that every game gets tons of gaemplay mods and not just your usual model swaps and nude mods.
Improving let alone fixinf the combat would need a complete revamp of enemies and movesets and stats etc. I doubt people that actually care enough will put that much effort into it, the only people that really want way better combat already moved on

She was never there to begin with.

pls don't forget comrades

>how do you feel about Squeenix's ten-year open-world boyband simulator?

It made me respect the PS1-trilogy even more, and 13 more tolerable to look at.

I honestly loved the game. It's up there as one of my favorites in the series. I'm probably really biased though. Versus XIII as it was known back then was my introduction to the series, way back when I was only 13. Who knew I'd be waiting 10 years to play it.

Still mad this piece of junk released on my birthday.

The boss attacks look like fun, but I assume it steel feels like ass to play because it's FFXV.

XV is NOT Versus

Please don't. And stay away from these threads by killing yourself.

I refuse to buy DLC for this travesty. I got the game used and still feel cheated.

Maybe. Maybe not.

>tfw no proper dark word arc where adventure around with the bros doing post-apocalypse questing
>the game just has you leave the gas station and insta-teleport to Insomnia

The game fucking sucks. Xenoblade Chronicles does exactly what FF XV tries to do except it does it 50 times better, and on much shittier hardware at that.

>shitty clone of 2006 game that does nothing better

Gameplay's less boring since positioning actually matters and you have to control at least one character. Also, no deserts is always a plus.

So how does this work? You make a character that has the abilities of Noctis? And then you team up with 3 other players online to fight bosses?


FF XII sucks. All the "dungeons" and environments looked like they were randomly generated even though they weren't, the enemies scaled with level, the equipment system sucked, and the towns were also bland as fuck.

I dropped it due to boredom, but all the updates for it over the year since release seem to fix a lot of my issues with it

Yeah it's pretty good.

You can play offline with AI, but they're just a little retarded.


In Episode Luna Noctis and Luna sneak off together before Leviathan summon to go with their little adventure this supposed to have to reveal all Luna past and most romantic scene between those two.

I'm not making this up, it's all according to the leak.

what leak? that sounds like the type of shoehorned stuff they're throw in

Anybody got the new ATR updates ?

What's to come ?
>inb4 leddit

Truth be told is had a sly charm. New Lethallum (apologies for mispelling) was an interesting idea for a town and I loved the cuban twinge to it. The combat wasn't as good as I was hoping and I think I do prefer XIII's combat more.
The story, if it was more padded out and we got to see more of the side character s rather than them dying off screen or just appearing twice (once at the beginning and once the end), could have been fantastic. I really enjoyed the villain this time around but it just felt rushed.

>Today is Final Fantasy XV's birthday. Looking back, how has the game stood up?

It's still in Beta state. Maybe with 2018's DLC's it will have a complete plot.

I played played it on release and spent 150 hours doing almost everything. I loved it, especially the whole ending sequence.

Sure, it had a ton of flaws, but nothing major for me and the good parts outweigh the bad.
The biggest flaw was that you couldn't die unless you wanted and it could've be fixed so easily by simply adopting Kingdom Hearts item system, mainly limiting the Phoenix Downs you could carry. The battles are hard as fuck if you limit your item usage.

I'm planning on replaying the game when all DLC chapters are out and playing each in the correct part of the story.

What isn't there from the plot? It's the world building that's left to rot.

That's what I meant, sorry I'm still n00b at english.

Some user post leak of all update and DLC of FF15 almost year ago and no one believe it even though many of it was already happening for example off-road Regalia and swap character, i can give you more detail if you want.

lol at this game and the fans. you have to brainwash yourself to like the game.

>mfw all those people that celebrate something like characters switching and paid story content that all should've been in the game
The game will be alright in 2-3 years when someone buys it, but man early adopters were fucked

That's fine.

are you talking about that world of versus guy? i think i remember him

No, this is different leak.

I wish they'd add more dungeons, good bosses or optional summons and shit to unlock. Sure i can now switch characters, but i can still just fight the same boring enemies that give me nothing

Is it a complete game yet?



alright then please tell me more. including the stuff that have been correct so far



They literally just started adding that in the latest DLC though. You can't play as the bros yet, but it's confirmed to be added next year.

>the enemies scaled with level

What the fuck are you talking about?

Well i don't really want to pay even more and it just seems to be a braindead grindfest aside from the final boss which looks alright, but the overall combat system is still a bit too flawed imo

>enemies scaled with level


the rest is just like, your opinion, man

>Holds up terribly, game is still at it's core garbage.

The game is actual shit. I'm pretty positive about games most of the time. I give them a fair shake before really giving an opinion. I played this game, ruminated on it for a year, and have come to intensely dislike this game. Its combat is uninspired and automated, the characters bland and story overtly bleak because m-muh beautiful tragedy.

It's garbage, will always be garbage and the only reason I haven't sold it yet is because I forgot I even had it in my possession.

Livestream on right now, they just showed on-the-fly character switching during battle.

I do not see why some people hate Noctis. He isn't even a shitty character and makes for a fine protagonist. Not his fault the story is and content is cut up to shit.

What is it like to be so wrong about everything?

I really hope when the 3 other DLCs are out they'll finally move on, they just need to move on already for other games sake and for the dev teams sake. They released the game and a huge part of the dev team has to still work on it for 2 years.
It will be a somewhat better game with more sotry chapters 2 years after release if someone buys it, but as a day1 buyer every update and dlc just feels like i've wasted my money and time on it early

Mah boi Libertus is there in the stream!


Update that already happened
>Chapter 13 adds Gladio as a playable character to this chapter, you go with Ignis the whole time and he needs to be protected. Some new cutscenes are added with Ravus and Iedolas Aldercapt.

>Adds the magitek suit for the 4 buds. Coming next week, seems like there are negotiations for making some cross publicity with the power rangers in order to promote the movie. If not then they will put the Magitek Suit 1 month after the release

>DLC Episode Gladio: Adds a full 2-3h Gladiolus experience (time depends on the player) with a new dungeon along with Cor Leonis to make Gladio stronger, by the end you encounter Gilgamesh

>add a bestiary feature, in order to complete this journal you need to take pics with promptos' ability Snapshot and the enemy needs to use every single move>add the ability of going out of the tracks with the regalia using an update with a new mission from Cindy.

>DLC Episode Prompto: Adds full 5h narrative experience [with long distance persecution in the snow with a motorcycle while one of Ardyns peasants, The Worm, will chase Prompto, you can shoot from the motorcycle and use special hits with mechanic guns. It begins in a little village in a snowy area.

>Adds multiplayer

>ability to change the controlable character will be added for the entire game.

Man overall KG was quite mediocre, but i think i actually liked the atmosphere of KG and especially Omen better than the whole main game.

Welp, they actually modeled him on a real person?

fucking who?

>mfw want to listen to parts of the OST every now and then
>always get reminded that i bought a full price early access game

It wasn't as bad as XIII, but it may as well have not existed. Outside of the memes and shitshow generated from its time in development hell, there's nothing stand-out or memorable about it. It also doesn't help that one thing it shares in common with XIII is that it doesn't feel anything like a FF game.

Alll of them i think, though some of them are based on their voice actors and other like Nyx and Crowe are based on models

I have to disagree m8. Noctis is one of the reasons why I soured on the story so quickly; he's too much of a prissy little woman for him to be a decent protagonist.
Ardyn was smug but at least he was determined and tough. Noct to me was just a crybaby virgin who didn't know a thing about struggle until he lost his fiancee.

Feels kind of like an NES FF actually.

Yes, most Kingsglaive characters were scanned from real-life actors. Libertus was played by Liam Mulvey, (who is in the livestream right now linked by ).

Regis doesn't look like Sean Bean though, and Luna only looks very slightly like Lena Headey.

to be fair to him though, he is acting his age and it is a massive burden he has to shoulder. I can imagine it is fairly difficult and he will run into problems along the way.

update that didn't happened yet
>adds a new dungeon with all of the monsters from the game with higher level, this dungeon works as an elevator, each floor is harder than the last one.

>adds 2 new playable sequences with Noctis as a child, one is dream state and the other is with Regis. The dream one will give you Carbuncle in case you missed it from the Platinum Demo.

>add Bahamut summon on New Game +

>adds Ignis playable after Noctis enters the Crystal in chapter 13

>Also adds Prompto playable to chapter 13

>DLC Episode Ignis:Ignis takes the ring from Luna and wears it, the Lucii makes a deal with Ignis making him blind but he can only save one, Luna or Noctis, he saves Noctis.

That's the sad thing about XV honestly, people don't really talk about it much because of the story or new mysteries or anything, it's mostly just talking a bit about the paid dlc and updates, about what should've have been and could have been and tons of back and forth between fans. And it's not even lacking story in a simple way like FF1, it's lacking story and characters and shit because they're simply not there or die off screen etc.
Even Insomnia is barely mentioned in the game something that should've been a huge thing to return to

Sean Bean only did the voice for Regis. His design is based on Jon Campling from the Harry Potter films.

>the Lucii makes a deal with Ignis making him blind but he can only save one, Luna or Noctis, he saves Noctis.
lol wut

what is this shit, seriously

Watch Kingsglaive.

Don't mind me, just shitting on your most prestigious title developed under 10 years time and calls it "an aggressive waste of time".

Well he wasn't wrong

>MFW I never played or paid for this early access

So, should I wait for the inevitable GOTY edition?

lmao I did. wish I hadn't bothered

This is just pure guesswork and most of the stuff it got right was obvious or already revealed. Yes, Prompto DLC takes place in a snowy area and involves being chased, which anyone could have guessed based on where he fell off the train, but the leak got everything else about it wrong.