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>those graphics
LMAO is that running on the shitch???? KEK
VR is a meme, it only works with games that keep your character standing still.
oh for love of god.. they fucked up
that "movement" is complete and total garbage, it plays like a really crappy rail shooter
Jealous poorfags. Maybe some day VR will be cheap enough that even you may experience it. Until then, stay mad.
>VR will revolutionize gaming Sup Forums said
And people complained Bethesda was being Vive elusive?
Doom is too fast paced to adapt well to VR in its current state. That slow teleporty movement shit works somewhat alright for stuff like Arizona Sunshine where you're mostly just repositioning yourself for stationary defense, but Doom is too movement based.
>VR is the future guise
They need a new movement system
i have VR and the gimmick wears off after a few weeks, im assuming you just got yours? still in that honeymoon phase?
Doom without movement...just wtf were they thinking?
They have a full locomotion option too where you walk normally and only teleport if you want
how do you move? the analog stick?
also why do no games seem to use the analog sticks on the touch controllers for regular controller style movement? they all do this teleport shit.
Yes, analogue stick movement, apparently it has a bunch of different movement options
>also why do no games seem to use the analog sticks on the touch controllers for regular controller style movement? they all do this teleport shit.
Because it feels uncomfortable, you're sliding forward but you're not feeling the momentum. Teleporting is a solution to that issue, albeit a clumsy one
Can you teleport faster?
Only some people feel uncomfortable. Look at Onward, I can play that game for hours
Yeah I don't know how much it's just normies not used to the vidya. Some people get confused enough with normal FPS games
Watching women try to play FPS games for the first time is hilarious. They have such a hard time grasping the concept that they move and look at the same time, and often stop moving to look around and stop looking around to move again.
not trying to shitpost here but what did you get VR for? were there any games you actually wanted or did it just seem like a promising investment at the time?
Full locomotion is an option you dumbasses.
lol those graphics... guess its the power of the switch
>calling normal walking "locomotion"
>hardware that visually enhances games like stereo headphones enhance sound
>"honeymoon phase"
False flagger. I've had VR since December 2016 and after 50+ hours of use I still enjoy it. Makes no sense at all to say it "wears off"
enjoy vomiting your brains out in ten minutes i guess
Serious sam vr works just fine with standard locomotion.
Its way more high-paced then Doom.
>caring about terminology
>implying that isn't the common terminology right now
Don't tip your fucking hat at me, faggot.
I don't get sick in VR.
>Tfw you don't have the 'cuck' gene and thus don't suffer from motion sickness
>50 hours of use in a fucking year
yeah its gonna be the next big thing just you wait guys
Motion sickness gets less over time.
I will call you out every time Ayzenberg, until bethesda fires you and you fuck off from Sup Forums.
I'll have to give it a whirl if it ever goes on sale.
I'm not recommending anyone buy it yet so your point is moot. That's all roughly 5+ hour sessions too.
Is this an advanced bait? How does it make no sense???? Have you never played a game that had initial appeal due to the sheer novelty of it and have that novelty wear off?
Why do games like Onward manage to have normal movement with VR and fucking Doom doesn´t?
Are those """graphics""" supposed to be acceptable in the current year? Do all VR gaymes look like this?
Why on earth would VR wear off? That's what makes no sense. It uses stereoscopy, the 3D depth effect is real and can't wear off.
For VR, the game has to be rendered twice and needs to run at 90fps.
Obviously some cutbacks need to be made.
Here are some games that people say are worth buying VR for:
>Resident Evil 7
>SteamVR Hub
>Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
>The Playroom VR
>Rez Infinite
>Tumble VR
>Eve: Valkyrie/Gunjack
>Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
>Sportsbar VR
>Project CARS 2
>Cosmic Trip
>Racket Fury/Eleven
>DIRT: Rally
>Pavlov VR
>Assetto Corsa
>Honey Select
>Smashbox Arena
>Doom 3 (VR mod)
>Jedi Knight 2/Academy (VR Mod)
>Serious Sam VR
>Raw Data
>Lone Echo/Echo Arena
>Arizona Sunshine
>Elite: Dangerous
>Eagle Flight
>Wilson's Heart
>Mage's Tale
>Rec Room
>Google Earth VR
>Robo Recall
>Space Pirate Trainer
>Superhot VR
>Tilt Brush
>The Climb
>NoLimits 2
>Star Trek: Bridge Crew
>Fruit Ninja VR/Katana X
>Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades
>I Expect You To Die
>The Talos Principle VR
>Rock Band VR
>The Unspoken
>To The Top
>Organ Quarter
>Alien Isolation (VR Mod)
>Half Life: VR
>50+ hours of use
I have more hours in Rabi Ribi. Absolutely pathetic. The new gaming paradigm, everyone!
To be fair, the game needs to render two images and run at 90fps. On the base PS4. It's going to look like shit unless you use a more abstract artstyle like Rez Infinite.
That's not to say everything else about this doesn't look like shit though.
>(Game) VR
This meme needs to end
So over the course of a year you've used your VR headset 10 times? Wew lad what an amazing and lasting purchase.
If VR were actually worth shit there'd be more than literally zero non-porn games that use it that aren't garbage or cut-down variants on other games
>ITT retards ignore that it's classic map mode, and that regular movement is possible.
>MC isn't even the Doomguy
>He also apparently talks
>retards ignore that it's classic map mode
That's not why people are saying the graphics look like shit m8
still waiting for HOUSE OF THE DEAD collection VR or time crisis collection VR
In case anyone is wondering about the graphics, it's because this is being recorded from the PSVR version (since that's currently the best selling VR headset).
This video has some PC VR footage.
It's less risky to take an existing game and put it in VR than it is to create a whole new game for VR.
People are too retarded on Steam and will buy VR games expecting them to work without a headset if not stated so explicitly that it's in the fucking title.
Blame idiots, not the devs.
>Switch owners saying anything on PSVR looks like shit
The irony m8, VR can't be properly shown on flat 2D screens.
that looks frustrating
I want Police 911 (the one where you had to physically move around to dodge bullets)
You're moving goalposts. I'm arguing that VR does not wear off, it's a retarded notion. I wouldn't recommend VR yet because yes, it lacks games.
But I still enjoyed those 50 hours immensely and I have money to spend so I have no gripes with it. Not like it's losing support yet either, more games are coming out.
VR is a visual enhancer so existing games being made compatible with VR are perfectly acceptable as "VR games"
So then, what is even the point in this VR garbage, if you can only play ugly games that look like they are 30 years old?
Graphics aren't everything.
(game) 64 vr
>I'm arguing that VR does not wear off
Then why haven't you used it more than 10 times in a fucking year? It sounds to me like you get bored of it quickly, forget about it for weeks, remember it, pick it back up, use it for a couple hours, then get bored of it again until you forget about it. That doesn't sound like staying power to me.
Again, if it was actually a good way to play games, there would be more games worth getting VR for than just custom maid 3D2
>Move around to dodge bullets
max payne VR when?
graphics are the most important thing in games today, gameplay is for nerds bruh
You obviusly haven't tried VR that's why you don't get it, most VR games look more like PS3 games but the VR aspect makes it look life-sized like when you play Skyrim VR dragons look as big as they would in real life.
>he says, defending something that's purely graphical
>Then why haven't you used it more than 10 times in a fucking year?
Because there were no other games to play with it, not because I got bored with it.
This isn't The Last of Us.
Why the fuck would I play Skyrim?
I have a great time seeing my Canadian friends brag about their VR and then immediately hate on all the expensive games they get. I don't know why they wasted their money.
My nigga
Dragons don't exist in real life
>graphics aren't important in VR
>VR is purely graphical
Nope, that's why some people get motion sickness from VR because the sense of vertigo makes even shit graphics feel realistic to your body/brain.
>Not advertising that it has full locomotion instead of just showcasing the shitty teleport system.
Why is Bethesda so shit at advertising Nu-Doom?
If you haven't tried the VR version you can't possibly understand.
Anyone got that article from Croteam where they talk about how expensive it is to Develop for VR
>Graphics aren't everything = graphics aren't important
What if you go a workbench? Does the camera zoom out like normal or do you see the bench in VR?
Not what I was saying, what I was getting at is that if dragon's existed in real life they'd be to scale like in Skyrim VR. In other words the game looks life sized in VR.
What do you mean? Like if you look at any object in Skyrim VR it feels like real life, when I control a sword in VR it feels like it's actually 5 feet long or whatever, and other objects like a bench can be examined in pretty decent detail same for most objects in the game.
Why would I try a gimped version of an already shit game?
Why did people buy the Switch version?
Not that guy, but how is it gimped at all? You can play with dualshock + standard movement.
You haven't tried the VR version, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, VR makes even shit like Ping Pong fun as fuck.
I'm guessing it's based on the SE and thus can't be substantially modded.
That's a good question. You have to have severe brain damage to play any version of Skyrim other than the original PC release.
That game was fucking bad ass. I watched some cops play it, they were just as bad as us at it. Shit was hilarious
VR is fun though
It's a pretty good fit for VR.
Regardless of the quality of VR, playing Skyrim without SKSE isn't fun.
We don't even know when Skyrim VR is coming to PC.
Fallout 4 VR is coming to PC 12 December, so we'll see how mods would work in a VR Bethesda game then.
It doesn't matter. It'll be the SE, which is incompatible with SKSE, and thus irredeemable garbage.
The only way this will change is if the compatibility patch for SKSE comes out in that time, but that's dead in the water.
not posting a video of actual doom vfr, the original levels are not even suitable for vr.
oh wait, only this nig nog posted footage from his live stream with normal non teleport movement in potato quality
How many hours have you clocked with other gaming systems?
Because if you use it less than say your PC it seems a bit redundant.
VR makes everything fun as long as it has gameplay.
The SE SKSE version is currently in an alpha state.
You get used to it very quickly. I think the initial motion sickness is the biggest hurdle between VR becoming mainstream.
RE7 worked well
how hard is it to implement VR into a game? i'd love to see some games in VR especially stealth games like MGS and hitman, going around killing fags with silenced pistols in VR sounds Baller