I really, really enjoy Primarina's design.
She quickly became one of my favorite pokemon.
I really, really enjoy Primarina's design.
She quickly became one of my favorite pokemon.
>75% chance male
>Not resetting the game until it is female
>tfw female on 1st try
He really is the best.
Gay as fuck merman.
>get female
>it has the adamant nature
I hate natures so goddamn much.
Lucky, got mine on the second. Named her Licia.
You poor bastard. Did you reset?
>modest nature
All at the first try
Yes, I did. It took a hour before the game was nice enough to give me a neutral nature female, the rest always being fucking adamant.
Primarina, you have failed this city.
yes and?
This always triggered me.
It's not how a bow works you dumb birb!
Same thing happened to me with my Stufful, gender didn't matter to me but I kept getting Modest or no Stufful at all. And don't get me STARTED on fishing up a Mareanie (named her Marcy).
That is why I hate natures. It always leads to shit like this where I have to catch half a box of the same damn pokemon just to get the one I want or one that isn't horseshit for it. God help you if you need said poke to be a specific gender and/or have a certain ability too.
that image looks pretty vorey
You probably won't be playing competitively so why even care at all?
This. My first Stufful had Klutz so fuck that and my Mareanies kept turning up with the second ability instead of it's signature one or being modest/something that would lower it's Defenses.
Aren't there ways to influence that, both when breeding and in the wild?
Don't know about that wild other than certain abilities attracting certain types, but yeah, there's things you can do to try and get the right ability via breeding, same with moves.
Yes, but the latter isn't 100%, and both require having a Pokemon that already has the Nature.
Personally I just wish there were more Natures and Characteristics for flavor reasons. Functionally I'm fine with Natures, though something like Hyper Training to change which stats get the boost and cut wouldn't be bad.
Too bad it isn’t really
Because I like having them as good as i can get them for playing against friends.