>playing rng the game
Just play gwent and really test your skills.
>playing rng the game
Just play gwent and really test your skills.
I think you mean Faeria
I think you meant shadowverse, the most balanced Free2play card based game on the internet.
I think you mean Eternal, the true heir of online ccgs.
Just play yugioh instead. I recommend Dueling book or YGO pro if you don't wanna buy the actual cards.
Was reading for more rng cards see this..
I think you meant Hex, the real TRADING card game.
>not playing Yugioh
Fucking Brainlets.
Game became complete garbage in tempest and went even further down the drain in wonderland.
Everything is just unga bunga and if you even try to have fun with slower decks dshift is there to make sure you dont.
>at the start of the game, add a random number of this card to your deck
>when drawn, this card is assigned a random mana cost
>when played, this card randomly randoms a random random randomly, targets chosen at random
>1 overload
Every time I play HS I remember why I'd rather be playing MtG. And then I remember that all my friends no longer live in the same town and I'm too socially anxious to show up at random FNMs by myself.
mtg arena when
>i'd rather be playing MtG
>he doesn't know about all the retarded shit happening in the MtG community
I do know and couldn't give less of a fuck.
because you don't play MtG.
Turtling ad burning your opponents with red deck or doing otk water meme was fun for a while. How shit has it become?
Whatever you wanna believe my dude. If you wanna get up in arms over "drama" that doesn't even affect how the game is played that's your prerogative.
You mean faceverse, where strategy is all made up and the board doesn't matter
>build deck that is good against aggro with good late game.
Oh I see you try to have fun.
Let me fix that.
Going full Casino in Hearthstone Wild is the best.
wont fix shit.
It will just be even worse against midrange and aggro but still curbstomp control.
The thing that I hate about these CCGs or rather their current business model is that you can't really experiment with cards since the cost is so high, you're just forced to target one deck and try to build that and if you don't like it, grind for months to get a different deck.
What's the point if you can't play around?
Shadowverse is generous with cards so you can experiment.
But you still cant do it because the game is so god damn fast and rely so much on curve that its almost impossible to do it anyway.
even worse is that they just keep printing more and more direct hand to face dmg in form of storm cards and spells.
Thats just card games in general
Even if the Dshift nerf changes nothing for control, Dshift will be rotated out in a month.
But of the 5 storm cards they printed last expansion, only 2 see moderate levels of play.
Shadowverse is just a shitty weeb bait for fat otakus.
This isn't rng idiot. The only rng involved is how early you draw him, which can be said for any card. It's fucking stupid and gimmicky and a waste of a card in the expansion but not rng.
Is there anything from DE that actually impacts Dshift decks?
>He isn't waiting for Magic Arena
No. Dshift dropped Levi this expansion.
>implying gwent has no rng.
>Not playing the one true card game
Hopefully artifact will fix this genre a little bit.
Man I fucking miss yugioh online 2
>Dozens upon Dozens of cards from over half the colors.
How would this deck work? I presume it's a deck because several colors are absent.
>dimension shift nerfed after a year
godfuckingdammit, i'm so glad i dropped this shit
Shadowverse is Hearthstone without the the RNG, but that just means it's incredibly dumbed down because HS was never complex. The entire game just ends up being playing shit on curve and bullshit like endless storm and burn.
Also control doesn't exist and the only viable combo archetype is solitaire.
it's not a deck, it's just showing the cards currently owned
>shadowverse, the most balanced Free2play card based game on the internet.
>deterministic effect
do you not know what the term "random" means?
my fucking nigga right here
my body is ready
>Just play gwent and really test your skills
Yes, basic addition and subtraction are such intimidating skills. Soon maybe you can move up to harder things like long division and multiplication tables.
>swap back
Card games by definition have some form of RNG because you're drawing random cards from a deck.
Fuck wonderlands.
That expansion made me quit this garbage after I gave them 1 more chance after the Eachatar bullshit of Tog.
Yeah, no shit.
I don't know how anyone can find Gwent fun (which is probably why it's seeing less numbers than Eternal). There is no sense of game speed or anything you're building up. People in games like magic want to build armies or do cool interactions. In yugioh certain archetypes play out in a semi unique way. In Gwent you just use like half your deck to make a number go up and this is the same for every deck.
Holy shit i forgot about this fucking game. Me and my buds would play this when we were younger when we couldn’t afford MtG lol
Why complain about RNG In a card game?
Not pictured: The 5 Mana swap decks back card
>playing rng the game
name me a card game that isn't. I hate this shit logic when defending a card game you like.
Reminder that there are more meta control decks in hearthstone than in weebverse
At least Alice got nerfed, and Cygames have backpedaled and said they'll do emergency card nerfs in addition to monthly balance changes.
But I agree RoB, TotG, and WLD were awful with their ham-fisted pushing of classes with clearly imbalanced cards.
this game might be fun but upgrade is so pay to win
Plants Vs. Zombies: Heroes. It's not good, though, since the high-rarity cards are so ridiculously overpowered at times.
Cakes by definition have eggs in them so why complain when I shove five thousands boiled eggs up your ass?
>tfw got banned for cheating into my collection the non collectible april fools token
Really fun game, wish it wasn't dead.
played the tutorial of gwent and uninstalled it.
complete boring garbage.
I truly believe the game becomes fun later when you learn it more and play it more, but unfortunately for it there are plenty of card games out there that are entertaining and make sense from the start.
The problem is that they have to many direct face dmg cards and the hero only got 20 hp.
I sure enjoyed Rob being chipped to 10 hp and lol T9 Albero of maximum balance.
Control Warrior is back on the menu boys.
Pvz heroes has rng too what
>5 mana do nothing
But it's not RNG: The Game
For all the criticisms of hearthstone being simple, at least it has strong control decks. Wallet warrior, freeze and control mage, Raza priest, and handlock were all dominant at one point and continually pop back up. Japs just can't into keeping a consistent game pace without going into hyperdrive through power creep like xyzs and shit
Best part of heartstone is all the angry kids from spain and south america that will send you an angry message after they loose lol
>this card randomly randoms a random random randomly
wow you sure are original
Hex: SoF. Has algorithms to minimize complete RNGBS unless you are using a retarded deck.
Guess what else is 5 Mana do nothing.
Cabalist's Tome.
The current meta literally has no aggro decks
Most physical card games end their rng at drawing cards.
Yeah, some cards do involve coin flips, but none of them make it into the meta game.
HAS has dickloads of RNG, and I'd rather play slot machines.
Just praise Yogg
Not going to say no but you could get 2/3 of an upgrade from winning against the hard AI or farm the easy AI for 1 - 1.5 hours and get those 1500 gold it cost to upgrade 1 card.
Comparing it to hearthstone this is nothing. Besides you could not pay to get things iirc.
But Cabalist's Tome adds cards directly to your hand, 3 mage spells in your hand is usually better than 5 random spells in your deck.
No he's right.
HS sucks but it at least has control. Shadowverse has been an aggro and midrange meta for over a year now. Control is autolose because
Except it's not actually 5 random spells in your deck. It works the same as an Ambush Spell. When you draw it, it is auto-consumed and does its effect on top of "draw again."
>mfw adore tcg's
>don't like hearthstone mechanics
>played weebverse but it became too grindy and boring
Should I just restart hearthstone or wait for the dota card game?
I don't much like HS, but I am kinda excited for the next update because of the Dungeon Run thing. Infinite replayability, solo, don't need a good deck just to play.
Remember the fallen champion of CCGs.
Fuck blue byte for being incompetent fucks so Ubi pulled the plug.
>8 mana 5/5
>swap decks
>end turn
>your opponent draws a card from your deck
>pays 5 mana to swap decks back
>does some other shit
>your turn
yea, no
that card is dogshit and wastes 5 mana at best
>not playing Togwaggle and Explore Un'goro the same turn to destroy their deck
I want to play this meme deck so bad already.
And then if they play the ransom you use Skulking Geist
Play Eternal. It deserves more players.
I know a certain pair of Legendaries who think you're wrong; one's in charge and the other's found in death.
mother of moot..
>doesn't trade back decks
So do you play with the top of your deck revealed or does this just shuffle in face up? Seems like a really value oriented card, but not oppressive or anything.
how about that Tavern Brawl?
then they're using your shitter deck with no wincons and you can find something off explore Ungoro.
I still cant believe those retards though the could get away with MTGO model
When a warp card is on top of your deck, it's revealed to you and you can play it from there as if it was in your hand.
And yes it's a very good value card.
What spicy kinder garden drama am I missing?
No one?
I love RNG.
Cards like Deck of Wonders actually need to exist sadly. Mage has so many random effects that they need filler shit to muddy the pool so you aren't getting good removal or finishers off all your random effects.
>implying I didn't explore un'goro my own deck before swapping.
>come play this game with a small playerbase that has already grinded out the best cards, we want more newbies to crush
lol no thanks
You will love this class.
>dust all cards to only have shaman and neutral cards
>shaman sucks
>dusting anything unless you already have 2 copies of it
absolute retard, you made your bed now lie in it
user you grind for cards in all digital card games.
But it's very generous with packs anyway.