Is pic related worth giving a try? I'm interested in it just to see what's the matter with the supposedly balls bustingly hard combat system and because the setting sounds interesting, kinda reminiscent of the first NieR.
Is pic related worth giving a try...
Yes it is a great game and highly underrated
its more anime and moeshit
not like nier but more of star ocean or something like that
play drakengard 1. the gameplay and the camera suck big time but the story and the characters are fun af
Taro fag so I already played the first Drakengard.
>its more anime and moeshit
You mean like there's an interesting premise that's only explored on a surface level? I guess I can deal with that.
I know there's a character-dressing mechanic. Is there anything other than that that's "moeshit"?
I think people exaggerate the combat system's difficulty. it just feels hard at first due to limited resources and messing up most likely losing you the fight. Get enough action points (or whatever they were called, been awhile) and suddenly the game isn't as unforgiving as it felt like the first 2-3 chapters or so.
Hey cool, I get to shill for Butterbuns
the characters and the story are the problem. the others arent that bad. its a "playable" game. if you are immune to blatant anime tropes, i mean this game is actually cringy and too edgy, then you can enjoy it in some way
Yes it's worth giving a try, don't be like most of Sup Forums who just ride on other people opininon
pirate it and let us know
I played it for a bit a long time ago, the characters are good and it's aesthetically nice but it's not worth trying unless you don't mind grinding for hours every time you progress even slightly into the game.
Tri-Ace games love to do that.
Combat isn't hard until they introduce poison. Then it becomes total bullshit.
There is no inbetween. It is fun enough to at least try at a low cost.
>supposedly balls bustingly hard combat system
It's just very badly explained because the in-game tutorials were so bad sega had to roll out youtube videos explaining it more clearly. Game's really fun once you get into it, fuck around in the arena until you wrap your head around the tri-attack, rotate weapons between characters so they can level faster, explore the map as much as you can to find cool shit and get ready to have your ass handed to you by the mid-game.
It's good, customization of your weapons and characters is nice.
>It's just very badly explained because the in-game tutorials were so bad
I think people are just retarded. I did the in-game training at the arena and literally never had an issue with the battle system after that.
The combat never evolves beyond what you learn in the first 2 hours, the story is under developed and non nonsensical, the characters have almost no development, and better yet to get the true ending you need to beat the incredibly grindy and unfun secret dungeon and even then the ending is a cliff hanger, i wasted my time twice on this turd the first time my save got corrupted, take my advice find a better JRPG Tri-Ace died with the PS2 and VP2.
The arena is great for teaching you about positioning and doing crazy trick shots but I remember the tri-attack tutorial taking me fucking ages. Shit gets way more manageable once you beat some bosses and dig up some more bezzle shards though.
Yes it's worth a try, the combat is complex but not necessarily difficult (that is, there's a lot to learn and manage but once you get it down it's not so bad).
Once you master the system you'll find it's pretty satisfying/rewarding. The setting and music are great, the characters and plot not so much. There's not really a need to grind as long as you play intelligently. Dual-wielding rocks. Poison is dicks. Leanne is cute. Give it a shot.
Have it on PS3 but haven't played it yet. Can they port it to PC already?
I have Persona 5 and Nier on the ps3 (and dragon's dogma + the souls games if you count those) as JRPGs.
What else would be worth it? I've read mixed reviews of Ni No Kuni and the Tales of games.
Trails games
Mate, friend, brother. I fucking love this game.
The way it looks, the way it moves, its so damn cool but still has substance. It's hard to put in words, but this game is incredibly....comfortable. I think thats the best way I can describe it.
Yes, the combat system is difficult to understand. I had to start the game 3 times before I started to understand, this game could really use a proper tutorial system.
My advice is to read every gamesfaq guide, every youtube tutorial video, dummy save games where you can practice until you fully understand how to play it.
When you've got that, just sit back and enjoy a great example of what JRPG's are.
BTW to level up characters more you need to rotate who does scratch damage/machine guns - who does grenades and healing - who does direct/pistol damage. Rammed my face against Tesla Tortoise boss twice before I figured that out.
P.S. I cream my pants every time you leave the base house and walk down the road to the guild. That camera pan......oh boy that camera pan.
P.S.S End of Eternity is a way better title than Resonance of Fate.
It's a good game
Despite its flaws I'd still recommend Tales of Berseria if you haven't played it already.
You forgot about the soundtrack being fucking godly
People thought it was hard? I mean, I died a bunch in combat but the only time I thought it was extremely challenging was that one time you just have the one guy against that priest.
Most of the time it felt like it was giving enemies new abilities to introduce new elements of a puzzle.
>balls bustingly hard combat system
Its not on the early difficulties at all, most people just take a while to figure out what they're actually supposed to be doing. If you play through it enough to go through the ten difficulty settings it has then it does become very punishing on the higher ones but very few people will bother to play it that much.
>the only time I thought it was extremely challenging was that one time you just have the one guy against that priest.
Even that wasn't too bad if you saw it coming and gave Zephyr machinegun + grenade combo. 2 turns to scratch him to full and one more to seal the deal with a grenade.
Mah man!
I dont know why but it has the feeling of watching old anime in the 90's.
1-Tales of Graces F has a fantastic battle system and good OST, the character interactions are fun and the extra dungeon is fun and it's story is funny BUT the main story is so cliched and cringe worthy.
2-Tales pf Xillia 1&2 are very good games in all aspects IMO but the environment does get samey especially in ToX2.
3-Trails of Cold Steel if you like overarching stories and PS2 era RPGs then give it a chance although i highly recommend you play Trails in the Sky first.
4- The FFXIII trilogy is pretty good if you could look past it's faults you'll find a very good battle system and great music and some cool characters/lore, get it for cheap.
Kohei Tanaka did do the soundtrack
It's shit, the combat get's repetitive, and the gameplay goes stale quite fast.
It's nice to look at but that's it.
Would you a Leanne?
I've never played a Tales of game. What's the appeal gameplay and storywise that makes them stand out? Do they all share the same universe but with little real connections so that new comers can jump into the newest entries?
Some of them share the same universe, i.e. Symphonia (5th entry) takes place in the same world as Phantasia (1st entry) but Symphonia's story predates Phantasia's by at least 1000 years. You can draw some lines connecting the two but each is enjoyable on its own with no knowledge of the other. As far as the gameplay, it almost always uses some variant of the Linear Motion Battle System which started with Phantasia. Basically, you and the enemy you're targeting move at each other on a 2D plane that is dynamically created from where you and your enemy are on the battlefield. From there, you can move backwards, forwards, jump, and use attacks/special attacks/magic. It plays remotely similarly to a fighting game in that you can make combos from normal attacks -> special attacks -> super moves, complete with some juggles, knockdowns/OTGs, jump cancels, etc. Each installment features its own twist on the system. The stories generally aren't anything too noteworthy but the characters are what keep people coming back because there are "skits" that take place in between major plot points that are small moments where the characters interact with each other and we really get to see their personalities develop and unfold. Newcomers can approach most games in the series with no trouble but if you're looking for a starting point I recommend the PS1 version of Phantasia.
It's not difficult, just repetitive. Also you spend most of your time staring at a grid. Also the story is dripfed to you at an extremely slow rate. It's the sort of game where you just play it every now and then inbetween other games really.
No none of them share a universe or characters except the direct numberd sequels like Xillia 2, Destiny 2, Symphonia 2, so you jump in to whatever game you like.
It has interesting ideas but you see pretty much everything the game has to offer once you have a basic understanding of how the combat works. Most encounters fall easily to the exact same easily executed strategy, they might not on one of the 10 harder difficulties but in order to unlock one you have to beat the preceding difficulty so fuck that. There's very little enemy variety and dungeons are grinds full of piss-easy trash encounters that don't even have the excuse of attrition, since your power gets topped off after every win.
Outside of combat there's pretty much nothing else. Gun customization is cool at first but loses its luster once you realize one stat is vastly superior to everything else. Exploration is non existent. The characters are boring and you won't care about the plot because your characters spend so long being almost completely detached from it (they get actively involved at something like chapter 14 out of 16). There's zero interesting sidequests, all of them are fetch or kill X quests, the kill X quests make you kill the same encounter four times for no reason other padding.
What's too small?
>once you realize one stat is vastly superior to everything else
Charge acceleration?
you're entire post is why i despise this game with all my being, it had potential, a JRPG with guns and flips instead of swords! A steam punk setting and some nice character design, but they shot themselves in the foot from the begining with the story intro to anything outside of the novel yet incredibly repetitve and shallow combat system and instead of wasting their budget on shiny graphics they could've created an new classic, and for fuck sake who goes to Sega to help publish their game?
Yeah, that shit gets nuts when you pump it. Though I guess it's less important at the early parts of the game due to how low your max charge levels are at that point.
She's cool. One of the few NormalBoots-style vista reviewers that doesn't shove liberal politics into everything.
Anyone who likes Jak 2 is always cool in my book.
>P-past f-four years of m-me asking e-everyone to be p-patient on weekly basis d-didn't h-happen.
>vista reviewers
what does this mean
It's an amazing game
I've already seen the raisins joke, does the rest of the game have scenes as good as that one?