What games can be considered nu-fun?

What games can be considered nu-fun?


>people think they are having fun, but they actually aren't

Do you have an issue understanding logic? That's impossible.

Fire Emblem

Le Souls games

Any new nintendo game

Destiny 1 and 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Actually, pretty much anything made by EA at this point.

Your favorite game

No Man's Sky

"It's a good podcast game" means the game is shit and you're using it to pass the time the way depressed people use sleep.

Splatoon fits the bill.


Diablo pioneered the idea of nu-fun

So do you guys play videogames or just come to this board to shitpost?

The first post wasn't Overwatch?
I'm ashamed of you faggots.

Posting on Sup Forums

the later souls sequels

any rogue-like or "rogue-lite"

League of Legends

BotW, aka, the "press up to win walking simulator."

It's not built around being fun, but being addicting. I would play and say "just one more quest, just one more discoverable location" and end up playing for hours. But I never actually had a good time. There's not a single quest or fight I can look back on and say "that was fun, I'd like to do it again."

PUBG, Dota 2, CS:GO

Fallout 4


Sup Forums

Your favorite game


DotA and DotA 2.

I gotta agree only because most roguelikes are pretty shallow games that rely on trial and error or abusing mechanics and luck

Any MOBA, MMO or survivalshit tbqh.

Any game that you like and I don't.

Playing games on easy to "experience the story without any hassle" is nu-fun

>that meaningless definition.
You brainlets always make me laugh.

It's called a Nocebo, You pseudo-intelectual.

t. Brainlet

Most games that use psychological trickery to make the player think they're having fun when they aren't. Think the drug addicts who say they enjoy being addicts just so they can rationalize their addictions so they can avoid having to overcome them.

All games

Why are poorly compressed jpgs so popular these days?

Overwatch. The pinnacle of nu-fun

Most (if not all) MMOs
Pretty much the entire PS4 library of walk-cutscene-walk-shoot-walk-cutscene games.

No, they're just not fun in the first place for the most part. What little blips of fun that are there are legit but most of the time you're just pissed off about the inevitable flow of the gameplay.

If Sup Forums would spent more time making up word/drawing pictures/being paranoid, they would actually find a job/be able to leave their moms house.

These guys understand nu-fun.

Pokemon, it's loved by millions but there is a lot of tedious grinding baked into the design. I can't be only one that ran away from most random wild battles.

Horizon. It's an grouping of all the wrost things in open world games

