Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?

Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?

Play it an find out retard.

Overhype killed it

Because no third chapter or extra content can fix the WOLBACHIA story line.

>Why does Sup Forums hate this game again?
Cause it's popular and normies started hopping on the kojima bandwagon plus it being open world makes it more casual

It was a really bad way to close out the series

Because it could have not ever existed at all and the series would be exactly the same. Its literally a non game.

Oh yeah because MGS was so niche before

Empty ass world and boring repetitive sidequest.

Because i already took out the tank squad 15 times and extracted the soldiers. Why do i have to do it 40 more times?

at least it gave us the best girl

I don't hate it, I just wish it was finished

Sup Forums thinks 2+2=5, that's why they hate it.

People will like it better when chapter three comes out

why do people talk so much about her?
shes pretty meh i really dont get all the hype that surrounded her

Bunch of virgins who have never kissed a girl.

Because it's a painfully mediocre open-world game, and nowhere near as good as it should be based on its pedigree.

because it's an unfinished turd

But a fun unfinished turd

Sup Forumsirgins played it for the story, not the gameplay and then they were massively disappointed, started to shit their pants and proceeded to throw their own shit towards the game

It was literally unfinished. Also
Small detailed level>Big Open world
Ground Zeros was the best mission in MGSV because of this. MGSV is still better than MGS4 though

They polished the fuck out of the gameplay. I just wish there was more to do with it.

It has a shitty version of "The Man Who Sold The World".

So... We will never really know what happened to the real Venon Snake, right?

Venom Snake doen't exist, it's all a lie. The game is not so secret about the misinformation theme (1984 references, hallucinations and psichic disorders), still players acepted everything for true.
Sup Forums loves to suck each other's cocks about MGS2, but in reality really few people learned from it.

so its a spin off?

Didn't he die in outer haven in metal gear 1?

Heelllooooo roastie

"Good gameplay" is a meme. This game has bad gameplay with good main character control. What a fucking shitfest of a game.

As far as I am concerned MGS ended with 3.

As this guy says Venom Snake was killed by Solid Snake in MGS1 during a FOB attack. It's at the time Venom listened to BB's tape, knew he's not the real Boss but still kept on living as him.

Before dying, he tells SS "We will meet again, Solid Snake" which basically means Venom acted out of character, knowing he's not the real Boss, just so he can keep the legend still going, mostly still having faith that the real boss is alive and will return some time which would fuck up with everyone's minds after finding out he ''survived'' the mother base attack.

MGS4 fags were expecting another movie-game and were upset that V had actual gameplay.

Non autists are disappointed with bad story and missing 3rd chapter.

>were upset they got a radio drama instead

You know how they promised "something never done before" and revisiting Camp Omega? It's not exactly what you think it was. The truth was Ground Zeroes was originally supposed to get periodic updates, new content, and ongoing events to it. These would include new missions and events that players could compete in with leaderboards and the such, which would all unlock new content in Phantom Pain.

only content you're getting from GZ to TPP is a few soldiers with shit ranks that wont matter once you get a bunch of S ranked ones, and an outfit and golden arm skin

what's wrong with 4 and pw?

That's why it was "originally". It's not exactly cut content this time, just abandoned content.

ActuallyI liked a lot, best gameplay in the series and less codec\endless talking bullishit. Mother base management it's the only awful part, but pretty skippable if you want.

Because it was supposed to be the greatest thing ever that every future game would aspire to come close to.

Instead it was never finished.

>the pajeet got mad

>no one brought up the mobile game tier timers and MB coins