West thinks preferring right is wrong

>West thinks preferring right is wrong

Can we stop this degeneracy?

Stop westerners from eating/drinking soy and stop women from voting.

On the left a goblin and on the right a barbie doll. Everybody is wrong.

Stop everyone from voting.
The last 50 years have proved that civilians are just way too fucking stupid and easily brainwashed to let them have a say in the government.

left is Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle and right is an alien

No just women

the west needs to be destroyed and conquered by asia, there is no recovery

No, everyone.
In fact, that pic you posted shows a man.
Civilians need to be kept under a tight leash, no matter who or what they are, and also crush anything close to political activism, be it neo-nazis, antifa, feminists or whatever.

was he always like this? are they contidioning him through the soy milk?

How about we just kill all the buzzwording meme faggots so we arent stuck hearing all the children repeat the same shitty jokes.

Can you stop making this same thread ten times a day?

at least overshit has actually scrapped some parts of the values

"Think about it. Do you really believe public opinion influences the government?"

Honestly the only reason you think Aloy doesn't look good in the game is becasue of her hair style that's it.

Japan consumes way more soy than the West



why do you compare a man to a woman?

If your females aren't like the right, I don't want them

It doesn't, but it's making people fucking retarded.
If I have to read another news article saying that Trump is Hitler because he decided to have milk for breakfast instead of coffee I think I will kill my dog.
This is why political activists need to be eliminated.

>"""""people""""" still think aloy isnt attractive

Hello ACfag, nice of you stop by.

is that the one kid who didnt want to be adopted by him?

Better yet, drop this "character" and plot bullshit and focus on making fucking videogames.
No videogame has a story good enough to make me give a shit about it's characters.

Stop spamming these threads you stupid fuck

Is this the incel thread? Hello fellow redditors.

What is the endgame of normalizing ugly people in mainstream media? I truly don't understand.


have mercy on your dog man he didn't mean you any harm


I agree on people in general being fucktards, but who should rule ?

They do that in every media in every country, not just west. Pic related are the contestant for Miss Japan. Notice how ugly they all are. Weeb idols are prettier than this.

I swear Armored Cored is fucknig patrician.

Sonys western 1st party studios are literally the most cucked ones


both are cute

Todd Howard

Who's this ACfag? I'm just a random shitposter posting this image whenever I get the chance

Obviously exagerating, but you know what I mean.

Whoever is ruling now, but kicking out the ones forcing all this obsession with race-baiting and forcing immigration everywhere, they are in part the cause and the enablers of the joke that modern political activism is.
But whoever does should never listen to what civilians say.

>models not fitting my tastes means a global conspiracy is in work

>Japan consumes way more soy than the West

i guess thats why their birthrate is so low


Aloy has the face of a toddler, it just looks like her head is too big for her body.

They are not really ugly, but they are all too scrawny.

She isn't.

i dont see it

Why call him "ACfag" specifically?

Her face is literally perfectly proportioned and symmetrical. She is beautiful.

>Left has a man jaw
>Right is underage

What are you saying OP? Or are you a typical anime nonce?

their birth rates are higher than germans and most ""western""" countries are pretty close to theirs.

keep counting immigrants in it or quit that meme

Armored Core is his favorite series.


problem is, the government is also made up of those same people.

the closest thing would be to make "Scientists" the politicians, but even then, that comes with various problems too.

She has a manface, she isn't attractive at all.

no shes not

>the fusion of the two best doa girls

>why do you compare a man to a woman?

you are gay if you pick the wrong one.

choose wisely.

>Right is underage
She's 18 though.

Then eliminate those, too.

Feminine personalities thrive in bloated corporate environments, because office politics is similar to tribal social dynamics.

Well the wrong one is clearly the left.

This. We have same problem in Korea where most actresses in dramas and movies are more ugly and "realistic" to relate to general populace.

>Whoever is ruling now, but kicking out the ones forcing all this obsession with race-baiting and forcing immigration everywhere, they are in part the cause and the enablers of the joke that modern political activism is.
>But whoever does should never listen to what civilians say.
Okay you're more wrong and stupid than whoever you feel superior to. You're the worst kind of subhuman, a monarchist. You think that because you enjoy being ruled by a man who has all power everyone should be the same. Go hang yourself.
The worst thing retarded people do IS putting the wrong people in positions of power. The current rulers are shit because they were elected by badly informed people who made shit decisions using shit election systems.

>I NEED muh fap bait on muh video games
Kill yourself incel

How are those soft features in any way masculine? she looks like she needs to be bred asap

Compared to voice actresses for example they are ugly.

No, just totalitarian.
It's the only way a country can do something.
For now i'll just wait until political activists decide to do something other than cry on the internet, give the governments an excuse to start crashing down on their rallies and get rid of their pointless noise.


Are you attracted to Barbie dolls by any chance?

Because the agenda of that clip isn't trying to shill ugly people. It's trying to shill jews.
It just so happens the two go hand in hand 99% of the time.

bruh look at the bottom of that jaw

Stop sexualizing video game characters you virgin manchild

>independent strong white woman who has a personality
>plastic altered nip who pretends to be weak and innocent

If you prefer the right, you are one of the following.

>a weeb
>a pedophile
>an underage kid
>afraid of real women
>possessed by yellow fever

a different hairstyle can really make a difference

The real actress is attractive. Her ingame equivalent is not.

>there are people that fapped to the thing on the left

I don't.
Then again, I don't like other people.

ive been curious about these posts, are you a woman?

Is it the same guy who made the "go be cinematic somewhere else" image? He's fucking right and spot on. Videogame storytelling is always fucking shit because it is in a videogame, an environment where the player has to easily understand evrything he needs to to be capable of playing and enjoying the game.
There's very little room for subtlety or reflection, even less with those nips.
Plus videogame being interactive, enforcing a fixed narrative is very difficult if the player isn't set on very strict rails.


take it to tumblar you faggit liberal numales

>independent strong white woman
Wait do those exist? I've never seen one

Shut the fuck up already Wesley

I wish that every nu-male playing anti-white propaganda games was shot.

>left is from a game
>right is from gachashit

You mean this one? If so then yes.

no wonder the mixed one won. geez

>Weeaboos decrying degeneracy
Pot calling a kettle black

Fuck you redheads are the best

The game on the left has shit gameplay as nearly all open world games do.

Soy Milk is good for you though. Why would you want to drink literal Cow waste?

Confirmed for not playing the game.

I think it's ok to look cute chicks but man eastern characters can really sameface.

Western characters badface so I guess I still prefer eastern designs.

this isnt that bad but still heavily tumblr'd

Left is canonically male. She's revealed to be transexual in the latter end of the plot.


>No, just totalitarian.
Okay so you confess being a bootlicking sissy dreaming of manly authority to take care of you.
>It's the only way a country can do something.
No ? What kind of retarded nonsense is that ? Have you ever looked at our world ?
>political activists decide to do something other than cry on the internet
Pretty sure that happened a lot of times.
You only come across as a huge cockmonger who shouldn't be older that 19, and particularly ignorant at that.

never played the game

Fuck off webm shillfag

tell me what's wrong with Horizon
inb4 Ubisoft becasue you'll already be wrong there

>Okay so you confess being a bootlicking sissy dreaming of manly authority to take care of you.
I don't need to be taken care of, although I won't refuse a helping hand.
I just want whoever is in charge to take care out taking out the trash, in this case, political activists, it's not like they will ever achieve anything of value ever agian.

>Have you ever looked at our world?
I have and it's full of idiots fighting over dead ideologies and welcoming terrorists to their own countries.
These people don't deserve anything but death.

>Pretty sure that happened a lot of times.
Not many times before were 100% of the political activists manchildren for whom there would be nothing worse than having their phone screen cracked or getting spoiled on the latest episode of GoT.

Its open world
Its shit