Hey Sup Forums,
So I've recently discovered I really don't get enjoyment out of video games anymore unless I smoke weed or drink. I'm 23, is it time I stop playing vidya? I have other hobbies but vidya just doesn't bring me the enjoyment it used to.
Hey Sup Forums,
So I've recently discovered I really don't get enjoyment out of video games anymore unless I smoke weed or drink. I'm 23, is it time I stop playing vidya? I have other hobbies but vidya just doesn't bring me the enjoyment it used to.
You should stop playing video games because you sound like an annoying cunt and I never want to run into you online.
It's these kind of remarks that make me think we would actually get along online user. Appreciate the feedback
Well if you not seeking out games you like and just playing stuff to fill time and taking Sup Forums scattershot recommendations. By all means stop playing videogames better yet stop browsing Sup Forums. If you get in the Sup Forums mentality of always trying to be fault finding to feel superior to whatever it is you're playing you're not going to enjoy it. That probably why have to do all the drugs and shit to enjoy it.
are you me?
actually i'm 23 and a half, but you could've been me
You should stop smoking weed and drinking. If quitting vidya helps you do that then do it.
congratulations on reaching the first milestone on your route to psychological addiction!
>That probably why have to do all the drugs and shit to enjoy it.
This sort of stuff isn't exclusive to people who browse Sup Forums by any stretch. I find myself going though spots of intense gaming, like I used to when I was younger, followed up by weeks of doing nothing but drinking and smoking with games being a non-thought.
Excessive drink and drugs are terrible coping mechanisms for anything but they are generally socially acceptable so lots of people go down that road.
But don't give up on games OP, there's thousands of titles out there that you've not played. Trying something new and finding that you enjoy it is one of the best feelings, no matter how brief.
What games are you playing?
t. 23 year old who loves games
I play a lot of multiplayer shooters, indie games, and some stealth games too.
OW, Cuphead, LISA, Splinter Cell, etc.
>This sort of stuff isn't exclusive to people who browse Sup Forums by any stretch
never said it was rather it's just the suggestion of an ill mind. Conversing and reading the opinions of ill minds (such as Sup Forums) is likely to afflict you similarly. Resilience to such things often stem from people being grounded in their life (having a "support network" and healthy coping mechanisms in place). Playing video games too much can also lead to a negligence habits in your mental and physical health. One of depressions main symptoms is the diminished ability to enjoy things you once did or not being able to enjoy them at all. If you going to get the most of gaming like the rest of life you have to strive for also being mentally and physically healthy.
smoking and drinking is bad for you. it's like you want to kill your organs faster
>Conversing and reading the opinions of ill minds (such as Sup Forums) is likely to afflict you similarly.
Defiantly so, I'm sure I was a much happier before I discovered this hole but like a hopeless housewife I just can't seem to let go. Surrounding yourself with negativity is going to affect you negatively for sure.
Hopefully OP isn't like myself, in that he needs to cloud his mind with substances to ward off dark thoughts.
>been thinking about how video games just fill time now
>dont usually play unless high
>been slacking in school
>to compensate been getting extra high but feel guilty about it
life is a fucking mess but thank FUCK theres others in the same boat.
OP ive accidentally stopped smoking for short periods when i have loads of work to do and i always feel kinda proud that i made it that long and didnt think anything of it so maybe try a short break at first and go from there.
also are there any alternatives to Sup Forums that arent fucking horrible because i want a community like this minus all the bullshit. maybe im looking in all the wrong places though
op dont be afraid to stop if thats what you need to do. were all here for you as well and some of us are in the same boat
Maybe you're just getting tired of those genres. Have you tried anything new?
Nice blogpost faggot. You lucky I didn't respond with a:
>also are there any alternatives to Sup Forums that arent fucking horrible because i want a community like this minus all the bullshit
Impossible, where there are people there is bullshit, drama and conflict, both in online and real world communities.
OP Here,
Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I'm just gonna take a break from everything and write a lot of music for awhile and see if games are fun again in a few months.
Also dont forget that I am a tremendous homosexual