How could this happen?
How could this happen?
Battered Wife Syndrome.
MGS V appealed to a wider audience which had not really been exposed to earlier games in the series. Therefore they think that the game is good, which arguably it is because of its solid controls and gameplay. The story is shit which is mostly a gripe for older fans of the series.
The story is better than the previous ones. It's told in a very different way though and that pissed off the nostalgic manbabies who wanted 8 hours of cutscenes.
there's already a mgsv thread faggot
But I’m super cool and unique and special so I should get my own thread.
I've been with the series since the launch of MGS1 and I love TPB.
My theory is that I never watched the trailers, so I didn't get rused by Kojimbo. I went in pretty much completely blind, without even knowing it was a true open world game.
excuse me for not checking you faggot
I have literally no idea
In previous MGS games you played a bad game to see a good story.
MGS5 is a good game with a bad story.
>previous games
>good stories
Did we play the same games?
what in the fuck
What is wrong with this one? I honestly do not like all that grinding and openworld meme: make all that a set of enemy bases and it's good. Free roaming is a joke.
fun game that even people who havent played earlier games can enjoy
Runs well on toasters and it's kinda fun.
Plus, people who are buying it right now aren't the ones who were hyped and expected it to be a 10/10
You’re not excused. It takes 5 seconds to CTRL+F the catalog. Fuck off, kid.
I actually fail to see the difference. Previous MGS games had pretty much as schizophrenic story as V has.
>tfw the maps from MGO would actually work really well with single player game
ctrl+f what, the other thread doesn't have any metal gear tag word in it, sorry for stealing your thread then fag
what a fucking baby
Nostalgia fags who think they're fans of Kojima when they think his stories were good beyond the meme potential and occasional emotional climaxes.
MGSV is the best released game of this generation, you don't expect it to have positive reviews?
I always thought MGS story sucked balls
My gripe was that it should have been like 6-8 GZ tier maps/bases stitched together
Not that shitty world
Nah that's bloodborne
The storytelling isn't what's bad, user. It's the story.
Not an argument
Granted the PC release wasn't as bad as the console releases were.
gameplay > story
would have been nice to get the ending though
>MGSV's story is bad
Yeah I'm sorry you didn't get le ebin baby sniper wolf and you didn't have Biggu Bossu go NUUUUUUUUUUCLEARRRRRRRRR and kill younglings before screaming at the sky
sorry your headcanon didn't hold up under scrutiny and wasn't pandered to by Kojima
the ending is in the game though
they took out the boss before it
both the storytelling and story are decent but occasionally terrible
>bad storytelling
code talker tapes
>bad story
pretty much anything after skull face's death
I don't disagree, but it's not like MGSV is perfect on that regard either. Most Side Ops suck or are boring slogs, the game has easily the worst boss fights of the series and it has muh bloody screen shit instead of healing items like in other games.
It's not like past games have bad gameplay either, MGSV stacks up against the rest of the franchise but not in the regards that make the other games so legendary.
Doesn't change the fact that MGSV has the most replay value throughout the series and anyone can sink more than 100 hours into the game. Maybe the majority of the hate comes from that. MGSV had a great premise, but failed to deliver it properly due to inner conflicts within the publisher and studio or just Kojima being Kojima.
That's not what replay value means. I played it for a hundred hours and finished it once and I never want to touch it again. MGS1 only takes 10 hours but I will replay it once a year for the rest of my life.
Padding with 200 side ops that all boil down to "tranq the dudes, fulton the thing" is not value.
It does, of course. Even if I would've prefered more focus like in MGS2's VR missions I can't deny that playing MGSV is almost stealth perfection, and that there's plenty to play. My personal gripe with the game is that MGS1-4 felt more significant in the relation game-story. MGSV feels just aimless and after visiting the same bases over and over it gets mind numbingly repetitive.
>sneak or shoot your way
>fulton everything you might need, if you are too high in resources you can afford to not care, sometimes making the game more fun
>go back to base
That's MGSV for you, at least in MGS3 I can enjoy it's gimmicks, boss fights and story. Which might not be attractive to many, but as a fan of the series MGSV is just disappointing in that regard. There's not a single "UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moment that I can recall in the story.
It went nowhere and added absolutely nothing other than more plot holes to the overall series. I think people were right to be a bit pissed considering it was the last game and was meant to tie up all that shit.
>it was the last game and was meant to tie up all that shit
This has been said since mgs2
Nostalgia has nothing to do with replay value either. MGS1 is very limited in the way you can play it, just because you can happily go over the same 10 hours the exact same way 15 times in a row doesn't mean it has good replay value.
The PS4 version is supposedly the best version there is now because you can hurt colored enemies with all weapons despite what color of weapon you have equipped is.
It's dumb that they never updated the PC version.
I think we can call it this time all things considered.
>tfw never heard of nirvan or david bowie
>tfw thought that song was some original song they came up with for the game
i am fool
the phantom bait
The new review system that Valve has put out makes it pretty much impossible for games to be voted badly unless EVERYBODY gives it a negative review. Fallout 4 is already bouncing back from the shitstorm of reviews it received for the CC debacle.
MGSV is fucking trash and I literally cannot see how you could think otherwise.
>Openworld is the most bland, lifeless fucking shit imaginable
>Every single 'map' in the game is less complex than the one in the fucking prologue (that was sold separately for twenty bucks) and most of them are reused so heavily that by the end of the game you'll have seen them a dozen times if you do side-content regularly
>Side-missions in general are a recycled handful of objectives and conditions as well so there's little point to do them except for...
>the fact you have to grind to unlock more gear and tools, to upgrade motherbase, to buy basic consumables, and generally play the game with the full array of possible options - except now the online elements can totally fuck you randomly also and the grind itself is significantly worse than both Portable Ops and Peace Walker
>Online is a fucking bad joke of boring maps and modes with shit netcode and is practically dead
>Microtransactions deliberately designed to fuck with the singleplayer experience and nickel and dime you for cosmetics
>Bossfights are all fucking shit or repeated, and there's few of them
>Story is literally incomplete and the actual writing for most of the cast is trash also - but most notably Skullface, Code Talker, Liquid, Hal, and Quiet suffer from some atrocious writing.
>Clunky as fuck menu system that puts several layers between you and what you want to do most of the time if it isn't just changing gear or your settings
Literally the only good parts are the controls, music, optimization, and the aesthetic. Maybe some of the gear itself as well, but it's still largely less interesting or diverse than the stuff you had in Peace Walker and that was a fucking handheld game.
>I literally cannot see how you could think otherwise
That's because you have legit autism.
how autistic could you possibly be?
the online mode is pretty much active though, even on PC. the player base is small but still existent nonetheless and it's always nice to join a match and see a bunch of people you used to play with before on it again
That p2p connection though.
Probably because it's a good game.
nah, there's no such thing as p2p connection to it, im playing it right now
It’s a great game.