About to buy a $500 Nintendo. Please talk me out of it

About to buy a $500 Nintendo. Please talk me out of it.

buy an original or get an AVS instead

Put that $500 into an IRA instead

None pay enough of a dividend for it to make any money. I'd rather buy litecoin.

What are you fucking stupid? There's no way 500 is the cheapest price for a NES


Don't do it, the Switch is only $299.99 plus tax! You're spending too much!

It doubles as a flash cart though. It also plays Game Boy & Master System/Game Gear if I hack it.

This, HDMI mid your NES or go with AVS.
Unless you really want zapper support then just go NES.

What the fuck user? Even the nes classic isn't in this butt fuckery of a price

I plan to use this on a European CRT that has scart, so RGB basically. Buying a real NES & modding it with an RGB board would be around the same ptice...

The Troubles are over, user.

in person from a local buyer, you should only be paying $60-$80 for a front-loading NES with all the cords and controllers.& at least Mario/Duck Hunt, and you should get to test it to see how good the PIN connections are so the game doesn't get all snowy/glitchy as you play with the graphics. You're getting jewed

>None pay enough of a dividend for it to make any money.

Are you a 90s Mom buying an Xbox One X?

Buy an HDMI-connector and a controller of your choice instead. NES emulation is almost 100% accurate anyway.

Don't be that guy please.

It has no games.

You leave it in for like 50 years, user.

So then you buy a raspberry pi for a fraction of the price so you can build you own.

>not EOS

Do whatever you want, dork.