Alright Sup Forums, you're playing an MMO and you have to pick one.
Will you go for the reliable Iron Sword?
Or will you risk getting mocked by everybody you play with by going with the Great Dongsword with only slightly better stats?
Alright Sup Forums, you're playing an MMO and you have to pick one.
Will you go for the reliable Iron Sword?
Or will you risk getting mocked by everybody you play with by going with the Great Dongsword with only slightly better stats?
Style over substance is the only way forward in any MP game
dongsword cause im a huge faggot
Iron sword. I'm not some filthy casual that needs that extra point of damage.
For years, I literally played Ragnarok Online, and chose to not become max level (150), and chose to stay at level 149 because getting to 150 would cause my character to permanently have this stupid looking, flashy aura around them.
Iron desu. It's all about aesthetic.
But the flashy aura looked cool
Wrong, it was ugly and completely spoiled idling in towns and chatting casually
>not wanting to humiliate everything you kill with the Great Dongsword
t. level 149 pleb
Yeah but they would call you a fuckin faggot for attacking people with a giant dick
what this guy said
>mocked by everyone
Well with DPS like that I don't see how you'd be mocked since you'd be killing them with the superior dongsword. If anything you'd be mocking them for getting dicked so hard.
The Dongsword of Legend.
stats are love, stats are life. I would put my noble knight in bondage gear if it gave 2 extra protection more than the flaming armor of hell.
When the great dong sword is erect does it do double damage?
>Or will you risk getting mocked by everybody you play
Why? I strike enemies with dick, it's not me who will be mocked.
You mean they'll be CALLED fucking faggots for having been defeated by a giant dick.
It's like you don't even rhetoric, bro.
What are some games that do this?
well it's my dick sword that's fucking them, so they'll be the fags.
>not killing them over and over and spamming emotes,crouch,chat,etc. to make them rage quit
iron sword. minmaxing nerds can have fun with their fagblade.
i don't need the extra edge............. i've already got enough.... heh....
>be Mythic raider
>have to pick the dongsword
>if you don't pick it, guild leader has promised to gkick you immediately and blacklist you from the server
the t-things I do to stay h-hardcore...
such a pro gamer
Guild Wars 2 has weapons that are objectively better than others yet look like fucking dogshit. Plus it costs money to transmute them into something that doesn't look like ass.
>not re-skining the iron sword to dong sword
It'll get bigger if you pull on it
>get DongSword
>transmog it
Dongsword, and beat down all of my competition.
If there was a significant damage change then the dongsword. 1 point of damage isnt going to effect much.
I (used) to do the same thing in league of legends where I'd give up a damage rune for a crit chance rune so I could have 1% crit even though I sacrificed like 2 or 3 damage.
I hate it but the second.look like some sm pronstar in d3 now thanks to some armor that has really great stats compared to one that looks great but is shit statswise
I would choose the dong sword even if it had a point less.
I don't give a shit what your weapon looks like. If you're a DPS you better be using the best fucking DPS weapon even if it's a dick and balls flail.
>played ragnarok for years
>lvl 150
in the "old days" of 2013?
haha, fucking noob
>he doesn’t want to kill his enemies with his fuckmeat
Yeah but how am I supposed to immerse myself in the game if I'm forced to use a ridiculous fuckin weapon
Be careful, you could rip the skin
no reason not to take the dongsword honestly. I can only imagine the rage from pvp people getting beat down giant a giant pink dick
Take Dragondong and transmog it into a reasonable looking sword
You can have an immersive experience in town because you won't be in my raid. If you're doing group activities and worried about your aesthetics over optimization you can fuck off.
I've seen this before.
Dong sword to slap it in their faces
Looking bland and generic generally is not bad at all with arms and armor
Most fantasy design looks like fucking shit compared to historical shit
dongsword then transmog it into iron sword
Sword on the left looks generic as fuck. Go for the damage.
dude, I would make a character around the right weapon
>Not picking the dongsword even at less damage and then styling on and enraging shitters who are min maxed
Just LMAO at you
actual weapon not related
I realize I'm playing theme park single-player massive online game, and log out.
>not using best in slot
Only respectable choice is to use the dongsword.
>pick dongswong
>wear the most obnoxious set of armor possible
>go pvping.
Easy pick.
the only person you're going to humiliate is yourself since everyone is just going to think you went for the tryhard stats
Enjoy being called a queer
Just transmog the dicksword into something cool looking.
100 is a more aesthetically pleasing number than 101.
no transmog in threads like these, this is oldschool
And you faggots wonder why some people prefer to stick to offline games.
Saints Row games let you hit people with dildos. And guess what, it got old in a few minutes.
Or he'll just raid with someone else who doesn't give a damn.
>be a boring autist or the fun bro rocking the donginator
More like the stylish chad vs the virgin faggot with the cock sword
Iron sword
So just two positives?
>i don't need the extra edge............. i've already got enough.... heh....
depends, can you fuck the anime girl sword?
>+100% virginity
Should have made it a reddit sword if you really wanted it to be shit people hated.
>Xenoblade 2
Because they're human garbage who can't handle words on a screen?