Are you ready for lootboxes in RDR 2?
I warned you guys
I told you that Take-two is going full Jew with this game
Are you ready for lootboxes in RDR 2?
I warned you guys
I told you that Take-two is going full Jew with this game
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>Not expecting this after the GTAO microtransactionfest
Damn near everyone is trying to force this shit into games. I hope the government does say it's gambling and force these fags to abandon this lootbox craze.
>I told you that Take-two is going full Jew
Breaking news, water is wet.
Even if you didn't see it coming from the fact that they're the third largest publisher behind EA and Activision, was adding microtransactions to GTAV and 2k18 games not enough evidence?
Yeah, this shit must stop
Lets hope they have enough heart to leave them out of the singleplayer. If they don't, I'll mark this as the death of Rockstar.
I'm still gonna buy this game day one. I hope the microtransaction / lootbox bullshit is going to only affect the multiplayer because I'm personally really interested in how the single player works out. As long as it has great gunplay, engaging story, dynamic open world, scenes of female cowgirls dancing the gallows jig and overall lot of good content I don't really care if they sell some pink dildo skin in lootboxes for MP. Sure it sucks but won't destroy the entire game for me.
It's Take-two the one behind this shit with their "engagement"
Rockstar only wants to make a good game
They'll leave the singleplayer as it is and add 80gb of new content to the multiplayer that's not accessible in singleplayer but bloats up the game nonetheless.
I'm inclined to agree, simply because gambling implies you have the chance of getting something of tradeable monetary value, whereas loot boxes in most games tend to guarantee you get things, but they can't be traded and are thus typically not worth any monetary value. So loot boxes are a fair bit worse, in a way, especially if they have gameplay effects and aren't just cosmetic.
They hinted on possible microtransactions for the single player
they are right
The same thing is going to happen to this game that happened to GTAV. The singleplayer will exist solely as an extended tutorial for the multiplayer.
They might not be gambling but the concept is certainly close
They cause addiction
without selling those garbage boxes in aaa games, they can no longer make games. japanese devs have put them in mobile games that are the offshoots/spin-offs of their main franchises but western aaa devs cant take the same approach to their own franchises since they dont have their mobile games of such kinds and even if it got released nobody in the west would buy it.
Yeah GTA V is the last TakeTwo game I will ever buy.
>GTAV multiplayer
>tfw if Bully 2 ever happens it will have GTAO shit in it too.
Rockstar is dead to me.
Educate yourself
Loot boxes, as they are now, are not necessary to make up for AAA "budgets."
I really don't care if you're baiting. The fact that this rhetoric is out there actually harms games.
Oh for fuck's sake, stop whining about lootboxes already. Just buy the game and play it without lootboxes if you don't like them.
Take two have always been retarded big deal. I will always buy rockstar games. You can't beat quality.
>the developers are good boys
>it's all the evil publisher's fault
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter who had the idea. Both of them are fucking you up the ass. Rockstar is a big company and doesn't need you trying to make excuses for their actions.
But of course they do, they're just as shit as EA.
TakeTwo are genuinely terrible people. I am not even remotely surprised by this.
>just buy the game
Where is the fucking SP content expansion you promised for GTAV Take Two?
Take two has single handedly killed any future excitement for rockstar titles for me. I used to obsess over new news related to games like rdr/gta and now I barely even give a shit. The rockstar games formula is a bit stale at this point too. They need to improve their overall gameplay and interaction with their large worlds
You're going to buy it anyway. You can't call yourself a gamer and not buy RDR 2.
>Bully: Online
>you just bully other players online
Now this is cyberbullying.
>sack the guy in charge of the sp expansions because he was against the loot box grandfest the multiplayer had become
>scrap the sp expansions
>stop adding GTAO content to sp
Truly the heroes we deserve
sonybros will literally defend it though
Same. I used to have vivid dreams about how amazing the next R* game would be. Now I don't even think about them. Keep forgetting RDR2 is even coming out. Such a shame.
Stop! You're making me want to buy a Rockstar game.
Ive lost all interest in Rockstar Games after the shit fest that was GTAO
i know your tricks todd
Absolutely! Their targets are teenagers that are spending real money on that garbage. They know their profits will dry up if they expect old-school gamers to pay for "extra" content.
>They hinted on possible microtransactions for the single player
I hope they do this on top of no modding allowed. I want to see this industry crash and burn
Take Two is going full JEW with all its games
Time to boycott just like EA got destroyed by gamers
It would quickly turn in to street gang guilds.
by your logic games wouldn't have been made in the first place.
RDR2 having coyote cards was obvious, but the things they can actually sell are probably going to be hard to sell. At best, you have a few old timey automobiles.
Every new piece of content released in GTAO was free and any given addition was easily obtainable through just playing the game.
companies need to make a profit. what you gaymers are complaining about is merely a very moral faggy unrealistic fictional narrative/slogan that forces them not to grow anymore. who takes a moral faggotry/moral high ground when they need to make more money to extend their business.
they arent craftsmen who judge things based on their craftmanship. or thats what japanese devs have obscurely been doing in the niche market. most of you gaymers however hate those methods and ways of marketing because they all have shit graphics. you cant eat your cakes and have it.
The multiplayer was a no fun allowed grindfest
>At best, you have a few old timey automobiles.
>Implying the RDR2: Online reveal trailer won't be a shot-for-shot remake of the following
RIP gaming industry
We had a good 25+ years together but it's time to say goodbye.
You are very naive
The multiplayer was plenty fun.
hell president of TakeTwo
Sure, if you dedicate every waking hour of your life to grinding gta online, you can earn enough money to obtain every single piece of content. That isn't very reasonable though.
GTA San Andreas MP is fun
GTA:O is a no fun allowed grindest
Even GTA5 didn't get that crazy in the context of it GTA. They could have gone way crazier than rocket bikes. I am not sure how hyped people are over clothes in GTA5 either.
In GTA you buy apartments in huge skyscrapers, and 8+ car garages. RDR2 might have like 4 story hotels and a stable?
>I wanted you guys
>I told you
Nobody is surprised by this, retard.
Except playing any of the multiplayer missions was a boring grindfest and a chore navigating in and out of menus all for jack shit as a reward in all cases
Alternate idea: Don't buy the game, don't support shitty practices. Continue to watch the industry burn from the outside.
>you just bully other players online
That's literally what GTA Online free-roam sessions have become with the absurd military vehicles and shit. It's like a simulation of the River Styx, but where some kid uses his mom's credit card to out-spend you like he's the fucking United States Airforce.
what does a publisher even do in 2018? Could Rockstar really not get their games into stores on their own?
>You can't call yourself a gamer
Good thing I don't.
"any given addition was easily obtainable" meaning any one thing. Not every single thing is easily obtainable by every single player.
You can literally say the same thing about singleplayer, but virtually nobody wants "every single piece of content"
>what does a publisher even do in 2018?
Be the official "bad" guy so that gamers blame them and not the devs who are in on the money making scheme
It's amazing how they whimper and beg when the bigger dog comes sniffing around.
>b-b-b-but it's not gambling mr government man, I swear!
I hope the EU grinds every last one of these cunts into the floor. This kind of attitude disgusts me
I liked GTA:O's more than SAMP or GTAIV's multiplayer mode for passively encouraging multiplayer interactions to happen outside of autists RPing military training camp.
GTAO was pretty fun in the early stages before they started heavily shilling sharkcards, why did nobody object to all the shit before it was too late? It's like a totally different game now
You can say the same thing about singleplayer because those no fun allowed kikes haven't added any of it to singleplayer. Everything that is in singleplayer was easily obtainable without grinding though.
If they don't want all that content, then why are they buying shark cards?
>people flying around in jets and riding around on bikes with silly hats on
>people flying around in jets and riding around on bikes with silly hats on, except one of the people in a jet spent real money to get it faster
You're right, shark cards made it a totally different game.
Were Shark Cards not enough for these mega kikes?
Because it's easier for some people to pay $50 than to replay a couple heists. Ever heard of whales?
>Well...I’m still gonna get RDR2...I trust Rockstar won’t go full jew
Like cucks to a bull, reddit and nu/v/ have no standards.
I guess that's another game I won't be playing. I haven't bought a rockstar game since RDR1.
>why did nobody object to all the shit before it was too late?
Because from my experience on PS4 adults were no longer playing the game and it was mostly little kids (going by the screams through the mics) who are easily milked for that kind of shit
>Bully: Online
>get banned for cyberbullying
Well they aren't, but still a Jew move.
That girl is too clean to be a country chick
But in all seriousness I don't know what people expect after GTAO
I'm hoping it has a good single player but my expectations for online are next to nothing.
As long as they keep loot boxes out of the single player aspect I'm fine with it. Fuck the multiplayer in Rockstar games, I don't even care.
>AAA is the only people to get vidya from
I hope they all crash and burn though and then hopefully we can have people who actually like video games to be the one making them.
What the fuck is wrong with these developers today?
They need those shekels to feed their empty lives.
You think they have any care for vidya besides it being a money maker for them?
>Except playing any of the multiplayer missions was a boring grindfest
Some were genuinely good fun, but all became repetitive quickly, especially the Heists with the arbitrary restrictions that flew in the face of open-world game design.
>a chore navigating in and out of menus
Underrated post. Rockstar only really started concentrating efforts into Free Roam content when they realised that nobody wanted to sit staring at clouds and voting screens for years of their life before actually playing the game.
I like that Free Roam is the game, it's the way it should be, but the way they designed the online experience has turned deathmatches into a ghost town of "10000000000$$$$$$$$$$+9999999999RP PARKOUR DM"s. Races are probably the least cancerous, and almost every "Adversary Mode" is complete trash.
>jack shit as a reward in all cases
You're fundamentally right, but there are exceptions. The free-roam work is great money, relatively speaking, if you don't get PvP'ed. Shylockstar (of david) only want the best money makers to be a gamble, where other players can ruin hours of grinding in one strafing run with a Hydra.
>got PC version of GTA V gifted on PC
>never played MP but finished SP on PS3 when it came out
>load up MP after dealing with Rockstar Club bullshit
>get some money and buy weapons
>faggot shots at me and i return fire
>gets in car drives away and i use the rocket launcher to blow him up
>get a "Bad Sport" warning because its his personal vehicle or some shit
what the fuck is this shit?
I tried so hard to like GTA:O, but it was so boring. It was like playing an even emptier version of the campaign, but with lame mini-games sprinkled about.
Gamedevving has always been "follow the leader", user.
>mario makes it big
>suddenly everyone's making platformers
>Wolfenstein and DOOM make it big
>suddenly everyone's making FPS
>WoW makes it big
>suddenly everyone's making MMOs with identical gameplay
>LoL makes it big
>suddenly everyone's making MOBAs
>DayZ makes it big
>suddenly everyone's making open world survival crafting early access games
>Overwatch makes it big
>suddenly everyone wants loot boxes in their game
Only Sony, Sega , Nintendo, Square Enix, Atlus and Bandai Namco is left today for gaming.
Notice how all high quality gaming companies are all Japanese.
I could probably beat them all in a fight irl.
After all the money they made from shark cards in gtao everyone was expecting this. Time for Grand Grind : Wild West Edition
I'm genuinely curious, why are loot boxes considered gambling but TCG booster packs are fine?
you can sell/trade the cards you dont need
Is that why TF2 has been left alone as well, because the items can be traded?
Welcome to nu vidya.
TF2 has been left alone because it's free and all of its shit is cosmetic.
>TF2 has been left alone
How do you not remember the massive shitfest around crates?
most likely
>gets in car drives away and i use the rocket launcher to blow him up
>get a "Bad Sport" warning because its his personal vehicle or some shit
You will also have been charged "insurance" for destroying his personal vehicle. You'll also notice that the best vehicles can only be obtained legitimately, despite it, ostensibly, being a game about stealing cars.
This dates back to Day 1 of Online, when Free Roam mode existed only as a money-sink, there was virtually nothing to do there but kill other players, except for the occasional Simeon vehicle or Armoured van. Oh, and you could make chump change by robbing convenience stores before being stomped so hard by the police AI, incurring a 5% penalty on the totality of your GTA$ (both held and in bank) towards "medical expenses".
Bad Sport is a half-assed attempt at regulating player behaviour, but it's almost impossible to get in bad sport to begin with. It's a type of Shadow Ban where you can only play with other "bad-sports". Unfortunately if someone attacks you persistently enough in a bullet proof vehicle, and you keep destroying it, then the act of self-defense gets you stuck in sessions with CoD retards, and you can't leave until you've done your time.
TCGs get you a physical, tangible product, as well as one that you can resell down the line, sometimes for exorbitant prices.
The real massive shitfest was when they added the Mannconomy store, which sold community-made hats for real money.
Some of the hats were part of a set, and completing the set gave bonuses, so they were effectively selling gameplay bonuses. They removed the set bonuses from the hats and the fuss went away.
I remember people being upset but I don't remember Valve encountering much legal resistance.
Is that true? It's been years since I played TF2 but I remember guns dropping having different stats.
That would make sense to me then, so why don't these companies just make their items tradeable? I'm not trying to bait, just understand this thing legally.
>Just buy the game!
Hello shill
Guns drop for everyone for free and they're not in any of the paid crates.