I refuse to say "Poe Kay Mon" It's "Poe Kee Mon" I don't care waht anyone says

I refuse to say "Poe Kay Mon" It's "Poe Kee Mon" I don't care waht anyone says.


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Accent mark ya dingus

It's not "Poe-kay-mon" either. I would do the IPA for it if I knew anything about IPA.

It's "poe key mans" retard

It's po-ke-mo-n

pock - ayy - money

It's Pikmin, losers

Poke 'em on

>Talk to someone about video games we played growing up
>The person is clearly ashamed to admit they played pokemon as a child for some reason
>They misprononce the title as Pokeymans to try and pretend they forgot
>It's painfully obvious

I don't actually judge people on what they like to play in their downtime or whatever but come the hell on. It's way more cringeworthy when people try to play dumb

>friends with some kid in middle school, we play Pokemon all the time
>he gets mad and stops being my friend
>like 10 minutes later he comes up and makes fun of me for playing Pokeymon
You're a faggot, Dan

Why do anglos have a harder time pronouncing foreign words than anyone else? Is there any historical reason for this? And I'm talking strictly about Western societies, I know chinks asians speak broken English too.

Is it man-uh or mah-nuh? Magic or majick? Health points or heart points? Lives or dudes?



>Announcer in Smash Bros Melee literally yells it out when you start the game
>People still get it wrong

It's poe-keh-mon, retard.

>Say the word "pocket"
>Now remove the -t and replace it with -mon



>tfw steenee is too cute to evolve


No, that's literally correct, you dumb EOP.

A lot of Pokemon are

cute pokemon

It is factually, demonstrably incorrect.

It’s poke-A-Mon anyway so...

It's fucking Pocket Monster. Do you pronounce pocket Pokeet you autistic fuck ?

I'm pretty sure it's Pi-ka-chu.


Akchuwally it's Poketto Monsutaa

I know it's pronounced po-kay, but I never say that when discussing it so I don't look autistic, so i go with pokee like everyone else.

or actually now that i read it back, I pronounce it more like, poke-a-mon.

Except that virtually no one pronounces the middle part as “kee”.

Thank god for Everstones

it's neither you sperg

it's pokkee-mon