I thought gaming journalists all loved Horizon, though.
I thought gaming journalists all loved Horizon, though
>Game made for SJW
>SJW still find things to bitch about
For fuck sake, they should have just made the MC hot instead of looking like a gorilla if their intended audience would act like this anyway.
Is she calling natives cavemen?
Is... is that SJW feeling marginalised for being white?
What the fuck does that even mean
>try to pander to SJW's
>they still fucking complain
What's the fucking point?
I think she's saying that anyone who could even offer a retort, no matter how tactful and on point it could be, is a whiny manbaby.
>someone who uses a hunting now, wants to commune with nature, or doesn't bath is native american
Wow really progressive thinking here ol sport
I thought them all being white and professionally dressed was a big component of it.
There's no endgame for these people. When people have legitimate beefs they have actual win conditions. "We want the right to vote" or "We want X,Y, Z." These people just want to be mad and will move the goalposts however far they have to in order to keep justifying their flailing, unfocused anger. Trying to appease them is some Neville Chamberlain level miscalculation.
In the end, that's all politics are. They do not benefit the common man, and only cause trouble when people try to get behind a policy or party.
Want a policy to benefit everyone, certain individuals take advantage of it and ruin it for everyone. Make a policy that benefits the few, people still exploit it.
>In the end, that's all politics are. They do not benefit the common man
What the FUCK, you're insane.
Whats with this Sup Forums meme and Horizon being SJW shit? Is it because muh female protagonist?
>Cultural appropriation
I'm still not sold that this is a real problem.
I wouldn't mind how Alloy looks if her hair was less retarded.
It's like they saw the models face and decided to design a hairstyle that doesn't fit her facial features at all.
You literally cannot win by pandering to those people. No matter what you do they will find some insignificant thing to complain about.
When will the marketshares reflect this? When will we finally hit that breaking point where developers and shareholders realize pandering to the 1% that give a shit about sjw agendas and ideals leads to shit sales?
You just have to ignore the shitheads. Do what maximizes the good and accept that some people who take advantage is the cost of doing business. It's like draconian DRM. Some people will always pirate. You're not going to stop that. So just build that into your bottom line and stop fucking *everyone* over.
Not sure, really. I mean, yeah, it's made by a Western studio and those typically are filled with those types. Maybe because the game h as matriarchal society?
They scanned someone's actual face, user.
It likely means that the Horizon Zero Dawn DLC uses a Native American aesthetic to lend it an exotic flavour in a way that she considers disrespectful but she feels that going into more detail will draw the ire of white men on twitter and she does not feel with dealing like that, though since this has been posted on Sup Forums, she probably will anyway.
Definitely not.
Have you tried asking them what they want?
Anything else I can help you with?
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
I don't know man we'll probably just look at it like a phase that passed.
Doubt we're ever going back to huge titty bitches as a matter of course but I can live with that one.
They definitely have an endgame. Right now they are trying to make sure men who commit sex crimes don't get away with it.
Still a ways to go.
But keep hammering the "hurr durr first-world feminism they already have equal rights"-button on the keyboard, you dropout.
Look at the concept art. Alloy was a real cute, they changed her for obvious reasons.
It just not her being female it's the fact that they made her look a ugly ape to appease the SJW's
>Maybe because the game h as matriarchal society
Only in one of the tribes though. All the rest are run by dudes.
>ever replying to anarchists
Let them rot in their LARP clubs
It's not really, the dlc on the other hand is very SJW oriented. Absolute shitloads of strong females, the men are either idiot comic relief or stubborn xenophobic assholes.
>No matter what you do they will find some insignificant thing to complain about.
Because they're not actually concerned with making anything better. Their goal, to the extent that they have one, is self-promotion. Being loud and playing the morality card is a marketing tactic. A game that doesn't offend anyone would actually *hurt* these people.
>though since this has been posted on Sup Forums, she probably will anyway.
You really think there's that much of an overlap between here and twitter?
I couldnt get into Horizon because of the "native" details.
>Actual face
And? Kojima also did the same, and look at how ugly Quiet is in the game while her model is kind of okay cute.
Go back
Well maybe they shouldn't have scanned a gorillas face then
i unironically want to marry Danika Harrod, she didn't laugh in the slightest at the chris benoit killing his family drawing on the miiverse giantbomb video but i still love her.
Has there ever been a game where they use a real life females face for a character and don't fuck it up?
>Dumb males
>Women power saving the people
>Virtue signaling
Did you play the game? The DLC aftertaste is still there.
>Right now they are trying to make sure men who commit sex crimes don't get away with it.
>Being accused of a sex crime means you did it.
I mean, nevermind the fact that the world and the police are likely to side with the accuser over the accused, fuck due process, right?
They scanned someone's actual face.
My issue with Horizon was that it looked like a generic Ubishit game that's alright in the moment but too bland to give a fuck about once the credits roll.
It's funny because they were originally going to give her darker skin and hair plus she was cuter too. Nobody really noticed that they whitewashed her.
inb4 Sucker Punch's appropriating Japanese culture.
>A game that doesn't offend anyone would actually *hurt* these people.
Well then you know what must be done
... right, Sup Forums?
>Have you tried asking them what they want?
Yes. But the only answers are vague platitudes like "realistic women" or "better representation" but the nitty gritty details of what that means is conveniently absent. So it's all one big motte and bailey argument where they'll make sweeping claims about "why can't games just..." but then when presented with a game that "does just..." they nitpick *that* to oblivion and then return to the vague platitudes.
>Aloy made deliberately ugly
>muh strong woman talk everywhere
>matriarchal societies
>gaia is a muslima
>ham-fisted pro-migration propaganda with not-nigel farage
Pure coincidence all.
Its a AAA Sony game,of course its SJW shit.
You better stop being a male feminist then. I don't want you to go assault some poor woman.
They don't give a fuck about japan
It'll happen 100%. These people will never be happy with anything. I can't even imagine having an existence where I get offended by literally any and all things. How fucking exhausting it all must be.
Waiting for someone else to pay the pic but they actually changed her facial structure after scanning. Shorter forehead and pushed the nose and jaw out from what I can remember
"due process" would let a lot of those kikes walk free
Fuck off, false flagger.
Ugh, can she not... She's just, ugh.. This is just, ugh.. Gross. You don't just objectify men like this, ugh.
>he says this on Sup Forums
further adding proof that pandering to these people is useless because their entire reason for living is that they enjoy bitching and nothing will ever be good enough for them.
Maybe Until Dawn?
Even if there wasn't (there is), it's not hard for the determined shitposter to make a throwaway account just for the occasion.
Kojima confirmed for incorrigible SJW.
I never went anywhere.
The problem is imperfect facial capture techniques.
>a female appropriating gay male culture just to fulfill her own sexual fantasies
t. Ninty manchild
I realize the irony now, but I still enjoy playing games.
This is just.. I'm getting tears reading this, is this how they see us? As their objects, I'm shaking and tearing up reading this.. Cis females are fucking disgusting, ugh.
I bet they're being paid for this. Anything to get people to talk about the game.
That's just a concept, user, not her "original look".
fuck drumpf and Sup Forums+white people.
It's not. "Cultural appropriation" is literally just the lefty version of "muh racemixing." It essentially means you cannot learn about or enjoy another culture because that's racist, but in demonizing the act of learning and understanding another culture they block the road to peace.
>People saying Aloy is ugly
She's no Team Ninja character but I wouldn't go as far as say she's ugly. Looks like an average girl or above average considering the hambeasts these days.
Yes, but what of the other people? The small side-effect of putting "kikes" in prison isn't worth the precedent of "woman says thing, therefore man is guilty."
I don't want to live in a world where a man's life is ruined just because a woman deemed it so.
>call everyone who commits wrongthink an sjw
>be suprised when they actually have varying opinions
Appropriating what ? Dino cromagnons hunteres ?
>But the only answers are vague platitudes like "realistic women" or "better representation" but the nitty gritty details of what that means is conveniently absent.
I'm pretty sure they could bore you ad nauseam with the nitty gritty details. Wasn't there a woman who did a whole youtube series about it? I think the problem is that the game that "does just..." according to you actually doesn't and when they explain why it fails to live up to their expectations you accuse them of changing the goalposts.
I unironically think she is gorgeous. A little manish, but not overbearingly so.
I was only answering questions, user. And what makes you think I'm male anyway ;3
Can Drumpf posters please fuck off back to /pol?
Aloy is hot. Much better than you faggots will ever get your cheeto-stained fingers on
Who do you think I am?
Just saying, if you think a game that doesn't offend anybody is the worst thing that could happen to SJWs, isn't that something Sup Forums ought to strive for?
>made a plainly obvious joke about 'white males'
Come on blud
>native culture
wait, did the DLC add the ability to siphon the gas from the robots and huff it?
aloy looks like aboy
Seemed to me like you were trying to say someone SHOULD hurt these people. Maybe I misinterpreted it.
They encourage learning about other cultures, user. That's not what appropriation is. Appropriation is wearing a feather headdress on Halloween.
And redefine harassment as well as rape
It's all a power play. It's someone (ironically usually white) who wants to play gatekeeper for how other cultures are represented.
There was a situation a while back where WB stopped airing Speedy Gonzales cartoons because of accusations of racism. But that turned out to be a little more complicated because there was a pro-Speedy outcry...from Latinos. The irony of the SJW is that they're usually white people with a grandiose sense of self-importance imposing themselves on people of color and telling them what they should like and what should offend them. And they like to think they're the good guys while doing this.
Literally who?
>that fucking hair
why ruin a completely good character design with that buttugly hair?
>Appropriation is wearing a feather headdress on Halloween.
It's not...because cultural appropriation is a made up thing that no one really gives a shit about except numales and women in California.
Sure if you are into fucking monkeys then be my guest
Still a better looking concept than what they turned out with and is still something I would think people would get angry over because even for a brief second they thought about giving her darker skin and hair.
Does he think whites are aliens or something? They have some of the most well documented tribal history.
Ooga booga dirty hair
Cultures are made up things, user.
Except you're wrong, because they pile onto people doing shit like wearing kimonos, even if that kimono is a gift from a japanese person because japan fucking loves it when someone is interested in their culture. They SAY it's totally fine to be curious about other cultures but their actions say otherwise.
They're definitely extremists on the opposite end of the spectrum of Nazis and white supremacists. Nothing good comes from extremes.
>implying WB didn't orchestrate that themselves to boost the public awareness of a character with exponentially fading relevance to raise consumer demand as they sell off the rest of their old speedy gonzolez merchandise
Most people don't know jack shit about history and it gets kind of hard to be racist once you figure out everyone was pretty awful at one point.
Like 90% of tribe members are mostly white now anyway.
The whole Social Justice thing is basically White Man's Burden 2.0
>Wasn't there a woman who did a whole youtube series about it?
Aloy doesn't look like her actor.