Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck were they thinkng?
Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck were they thinkng?
Other urls found in this thread:
>black female character
what did they mean by this?
>Doesn't even have the knight's movements
Diversity in Middle Times 'innit?
I truly want these nignogs to either die or work for free again. Turning football into a joke. Can't even play chess anymore. Stupid retards don't jump anymore on TV so what purpose do they even have?
Funny how nu-Sup Forums actually defends having a mary-sue black woman be far and away the strongest unit in the game who also sucks away any and all fun you might have had with the game and yet they'll still pretend they aren't all from reddit and tumblr.
I love Sup Forumss semi frequent pretend chess is a videogame thread.
Right? there's some game I saw on Steam that makes white Poop colored and black the same with those bullshit cutesey-dutesy animations we've all come to expect from that sector of "humanity". In short we're fucked if we don't do something now and like I said they deserve to be rounded up at least.
There are chess video games. It's a valid topic.
they literally designed it to be a symbol of black """fertility""" and """strength"""
the top is a breast, flowering out from the raised fist of power, a simultaneous shaft of penile strength
it's bullshit kikemania designed by the inventors (1400s jews) designed for the long game to inspire """confidence""" in our friendly neighborhood cons and ex-slaves
Where do you stand, OP?
How can you call yourself a real gamer if you don't use the only acceptable way to play it?
go back to your hugbox, the grown-ups are talking about real-world issues.
nerf queen in next patch pls
>tfw I played this
>Those old ass animations
This is something that keeps bugging me. How do board game designers and card game designers balance their games without the ability to revise and fix oversights via patches? Games like DotA have been worked on for a decade yet STILL receive balance changes.
Where's the porn?
thanks doc
>white always moving first
>pawn can kill a queen
Who the fuck balanced this shit?
Also the map design is so uninspired, jeez it's like an intern designed it.
I wonder if there have ever been attempts to give chess some more dynamic battlefields.
There was Archon, it has a sort of Terrain Advantage thing, but it's also not exactly traditional chess.
They should balance the pawns better. Not a fan of the drone behavior.
Kek. The deepest lore.
what is listening to playtesters and rule updates ?
Chess has too much gameplay, wish you could skip it so you could pay more attention to the riveting story.
The story mode has it all.
White privilege, class struggle, black peasant rising to the rank of queen and other themes totally relevant to todays political climate.
In all seriousness, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make the piece no longer look like the things they were representing?
Chess rules changed many times in the past. Originally the queen could only move 1 square diagonally. Basically a pawn version of a bishop.
Not even to mention that if you want a change of setting you need to buy an entirely new doc. What in the Hell were thinking with this!?!?
Chess gets patched all the time.
>The en passant capture rule was added in the 15th century when the rule that gave pawns an initial double-step move was introduced. It prevents a pawn from using the two-square advance to pass an adjacent enemy pawn without the risk of being captured.
>The current version of castling was established in France in 1620 and England in 1640 (Sunnucks 1970:66).
>Chess was brought to Europe via a muslim invasion of Spain
Really makes you think.
>Community patches
Devs are lazy af
Devs were a bunch of filthy SJWs libcucks, of course they'd make the black womyn the strongest character and the male king the weakest character. Chess is anti-white SJW propaganda
>White has an advantage
What's the point of playing then?
Nice fucking stalemate faggot.
To rise up against the w*ite man against all adversity.
>Thinking Chess can be fixed at this point
>took centuries to add content
and we think vidya devs are lazy
>not that egyptian themed chess with sex animations
I should really play a porn game again
tell me the name, I'm a little curious
>people call chess SJW shit
>no one points out white always moves first
The dev is /ourguy/
It hurts reading these unoriginal middle schooler memes. Not least because the Queen was not even called the Queen a long time ago. He was a general/vizier.
Love Chess
In Russia it keeps its Persian name of ferz to this day. Queen is colloquial and is never used by professional chess players.
Not canon. Not an argument.
>doesn't need electricity
>still didn't reach all possible games after 4500 years
Really boils my almonds.
you're pretty based user
Anti white AND anti male user.
Be thankful this piece isn't used anymore.
Holy shit, now that is OP...
>The amazon has a very high value (estimated to be about 114 times that of the ordinary queen, that is, about 11 or 12 points) because it controls every square in a 5×5 square of squares centered on itself and therefore attacks everything nearby, filling a whole area with attacks once it moves into position and forces checkmate by itself
>see also
>Empress—the rook+knight compound
>Princess—the bishop+knight compound
>Queen—the rook+bishop compound
the fuck is this shit
>114 times
was meant to be
>1+(1/4) times
knight blanco
>He doesn't even capture pawns en passante
Chess noob filters?
>when you pawns en passante and your opponent thinks you're breaking the rules
Because I spoonfed you?