>if all 1.9 Million current Star Citizens got a Land License, there be room for them all on a Single planet in our Universe,and that's with like half the planet to spare
If all 1.9 Million current Star Citizens got a Land License...
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So Star Citizen is a Minecraft server now?
>you can buy land that doesn't exist
>a feature that doesn't exist
>in a game that doesn't exist
>all that land to spare
>still charging $100
fucking lmao. When there's more supply than you can possibly imagine yet they're charging like there's no supply but all demand.
But remember. You can only buy it with real money.
Someone needs to compile a list of the most predatory business practices and biggest scams of this century so that people in the future can look back and see how not to fuck it all up.
how is this predatory tho
it's literally freelancer again
How the fuck did you get this picture of me?
>mfw trading imaginary lands rights in markets for a nonexistent game
Wiill Star Citizen land plots be the new Bitcoin?
What is there to do in Star citizen now? Is it still demo tier or is it an actual game now?
Buy it, goy.
When will SC related purchases be classified as gambling?
it's not like space is going to run out if don't buy now... or is it?
Demo would imply a fully functioning level. Its not even that
Selling people fake land for money, can't blame them for low class people being shit with money though.
Most importantly people could see how much money was spent by consumers and their desire for something that could never be delivered. The worst part about this is that it takes people's hopes and dreams and promises them only to shatter them into millions of glass which are forever lost just like all the kickstarter money. Kinda ironic.
How about instead of requiring 2 hours of pay, they make it take 2 hours of gameplay. If you are acknowledge that playing your game to unlock stuff isn't fun, the game sucks.
Waiting for them to start charging for fuel.
No user. We don't have even that
I make it my business to capture sweet pics of sweet lolis sitting in a room full of sweets.
How is is this HD? All the blurays of Haruhi I've seen look like ass
I don't get Star Citizen's backers. Let's say that it comes out and isn't a massive failure. What is there for the backers to do when they already bought big capital ships and now plots of land? They just fly around looking smug?
Is Star Citizen just Feature Creep: The Alpha?
that's when you see buyers remorse posts from reddit talking up the barely implemented features as a fully functioning, quality product.
It's a donation though, any one backer who doesn't understand that doesn't deserve sympathy
Don't give them ideas. I'm surprised they haven't announced premium ammo yet
Yes, it's all about the smug bullshit and being right.
Their feature creeping is definitely out of alpha. That shit is fully fleshed out and realized at its full creeping potential. If their feature creep were a game it would already have a sequel.
>I g-g-got my money worth!
If you've ever seen supersize me you realize that the average person is an idiot that can't help himself. Either we have to decide as a society to step in and stop it or we let people have the freedom to do what they want. I'm really tired and can't really for a good argument right now, I just think that we are slowly losing more and more freedom under the guise of protection and yet with freedom there a thousand regulations and rules you can't possibly know and you don't have the money or time to figure it out.
pretty much. then they will whine because the game will have no players until they make it a good experience for new players, like removing all these advantages for paying. or it just straight up dies
Its just "I never heard of the word scope: the game"
>"It's a donation though"
>you give your donation in a 'store'
>you're getting something in return
donation my ass, are these guys a charity or something?
It's not a donation anymore when you get offered a product for your money. Even if the product is a promise and a jpg
>Paying for DLC for a game that has no release date
This industry is fucked
Boy I wish I made 60-100 dollars in 2 hours.
This is literally a game for rich people. I suppose it has a right to exist, but it's not for me or the average faggot I guess.
4 months ago, 1 bictoin was worth 2 thousands USD. I considered buying 5 but didn't.
Today 1 bitcoin is worth 10K USD.
That means i could have made 40K while doing nothing.
It's definitely time to speculate on this game, you have no idea how much money some guys are ready to spend on these games but some guys have made a shitload of money that way.
Stop posting this image
>It's definitely time to speculate on this game
how is that at all comparable?
Star Citizen """""players""""" are truly the best goyim
I backed on Kickstarter, I just wanted a new Wing Commander style game, now I have a DLC delivery system. At least Elite was good
Supply and demand my dude.
I'm sorry.
what does that have to do with star citizen?
>having $100
no its a game for smart people
Are you somehow retarded?
>fiat money
Top kek
please explain to me how star citizen is comparable to bitcoin. how is a currency comparable to a fucking video game in development? exactly how are you going to 'invest' in star citizen the way you can with bitcoin? how are you going to 'cash out' of star citizen when it 'succeeds'? you're fucking dumb kiddo
Real enough to exchange it for resources or manpower.
Star Citizen should be the fucking shining example of how to bleed funds from its fanbase for the foreseeable future. They have brought in what? 200+ million at this point? With no release date still in site?
Shhh, let him spout the few economical words he knows. Free market, brother, the invisible hand comrade, Pareto equilibrium, senpai.
I still have to see someone buying actual physical goods like a house with bitcoins. I always see the bitcoins people creaming over numbers on a screen but that's it.
The hate for this game is severely overblown. I already got my money's worth.
If the buyer has enough bitcoins and the seller values bitcoin then I don't see why they wouldn't. The only trouble would probably be the paperwork since it always assumes everyone would use a bank and the dollar.
t. Star Citizen backer
Someone forgot to pay their parking ticket in EVE and it spiraled into a massive, gigantic war.
I could see this happening irl
Can (You) make it to the bottom of the page? 95% of anons can't!
People were paying 10x mark ups for ships that don't exist because you couldn't buy the lifetime insurance versions anymore.
If it's a donation are people using this as a tax right off. ESO should apply for federal funds then
CEX in Scotland used to take Bitcoin, it was just a marketing stunt though. No idea if anyone actually bought anything
Why are Sci-fi fans so bad with money?
We will soon have a nanny state/ thought police in about 5 yeards.
you can only write off charity donations, you ding dong.
all i did was buy the 30 dollar backer thing and ive gotten loads of free shit for it. If it turns out to be good, then I got a real fucking deal paying 30 dollars for a game and a ton of free shit. If it turns out to be shit, then I lost a day of eating out at a good restaurant.
I made it. The last item is $3690. And it's fucking "out of stock".
just like their taste
>tfw to intellagent too pay just $60 for a whole game
>Before you had to worry about your shitty F2P ship getting blown to pieces by hoards of whales who have entire fleets of the best ships in the game from day 1
>Now you have to worry about being a peasant with no property, land or ship compared to whales who will have bought entire countries
Wow gee star citizen sure sounds like a good game.
Scam Citizen
I just wanted freelancer 2 with more stuff to do in multiplayer, that was all, CiG.
Decent space game NEVER EVER.
It always amuses me when these things run out of stock, like what the hell?
What happens if a bunch of poorfags band together and destroy one of those expensive ships? Does the owner lose the ship permanently?
Nothing because there's insurance to cover all that.
No one knows, because as far as I know they haven't actually designed multiplayer interaction yet aside from vague "You can do everything!!!"
Probably edited by some fag to be cleaner. I have the actual BRs and they don't look this good
>still caring about this scam
lel, is there anything new to actually dowload and play with?
wouldn't the point of creating poor players be to create a population that the owners of the big ships can hire as crew or some shit?
What a shitty game then. What's the point if there is no risk?
Christ. Next thing you know RSI will be backing fucking mortgages, then the players will go full EVE-tier autism and form Corps to start trading CDOs or some bullshit.
To jerk off to your expensive ship I guess?
Why dont they just sell victory points in every game so you dont even have to play it?
>What are you? Poor?
Is this the biggest scam in the history of video games? The fucking page just keeps loading more and more
There's some second life vibes from this.
Buy a plot in a primo location. Wait a few years. Sell it and buy a house in real life.
I will fly around my capital ships looking smug kill poor noobs like you, lol.
Of course, it doesn't exist. It's a fucking video game. Nothing in it is real.
Good fucking article, Andy Chalk. You figured out land plots in Star Citizen are fucking make believe. You're the Woodward and Bernstein of our generation.
how do they manage to steal so much idiot money for a product that literally doesn't even exist?
Good luck finding any.
>hard drive that contains the data about the purchases of the players fails
>Oy vey we need your support goyims
How much time before they start selling mechas?
We're facing some extreme level kikery here
>literally "hahaha if you don't want to spend thousands of dollars for virtual items then you're poor lol haha"
These fuckin people. Same type of retards that spend hundreds/thousands on loot boxes and LoL skins.
The page crashed chrome so I failed
You know what, EA should be second on the list. This game just needs to be dropped by Stream.
>Right here and now you can buy your own transforming mecha!
>Lowest pirce is over 5000$
This game reminds me about that Tullip boom in the Netherlands.
Do you know how long it took me to find this fucking image again
good taste tho