Is this fair, v?
Is this fair, v?
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Nope. They should fix the game. Also, not an argument of fair or not fair here, but it was illegal to release the 14 year old's name.
It sure is
So now that Fortnite sucks again can we go back to gobbling PUBG’s cock again again? I mean at this point we might as well, there’s literally no other games that do Battle Royale like Fortnite and PUBG at the moment.
No sympathy for cheaters desu
>from mom xDDDD
her lawyer.
fuck em
fuck both parties.
cheaters suck, but shitty devs also suck.
No it's dumb
Can't wait to see them get btfo
fuck off
Yes, it is. Stop being a fucking cheater that keeps advertising cheating at YouTube.
>legally savvy note from a mom
She just got her lawyer to write it for her.
I really don't care
While the users are scum going after them in that fashion is wrong. They should ban the users and sue the suppliers.
I hope that kids milf fucks Epic up.
it's not illegal to cheat in a game, it's not a public property, it's a private toy.
>suing a minor
Nice freedom there.
>Reached for comment, Epic Games said that the lawsuit stems not from Rogers using the cheat but for publishing what amounts to a how-to guide promoting it on his YouTube channel. When Epic Games issued a DMCA takedown notice, Rogers chose to contest it. That puts Epic in the position of having to push back to protect its own rights.
>“This particular lawsuit arose as a result of the defendant filing a DMCA counterclaim to a takedown notice on a YouTube video that exposed and promoted Fortnite Battle Royale cheats and exploits,” Epic told Polygon. “Under these circumstances, the law requires that we file suit or drop the claim.
>Kid uploads youtube guide on how to hack
>devs file completely legal DMCA takedown
>devs: "OK"
>kid: "M-MOMMY?!"
Top kek, do people still play that shit game?
contest*, not content
>i-it's just a minor!
>he wuz a good boy!
code injection and modifying proprietary code is illegal. the fact that you even understand its PRIVATE is the reason its illegal.
>minors are free to do whatever they want
fucking idiot
> She says that Fortnite’s terms require parental consent for minors, and that she never gave this consent.
> She says the case is based on a loss of profits, but argues that it’s a free-to-play video game, and that in order to prove a loss Epic would need to provide a statement certifying that Rogers’ cheating directly caused a “mass profit loss”.
> She claims that by going after individual players, rather than the websites selling/providing the software necessary to cheat in an online game, Epic is “using a 14 year-old child as a scapegoat”.
> She claims that her son did not, as Epic allege, help create the cheat software, but simply downloaded it as a user, and that Epic “has no capability of proving any form of modification”.
> Finally, the mother says that by releasing her son’s name publicly in conjunction with the move that Epic has violated Delaware laws related to the release of information on minors.
> (OP)
>Yes, it is. Stop being a fucking cheater that keeps advertising cheating at YouTube.
Learn English dipshit
Bet he's white, always thinking they can do whatever they want with no consequences.
>LITERALLY all of history
>thinking whites can't do what they please
They're probably in Russia or China and can't be sued easily.
It's fucked up that the kid is being sued but he literally asked them too.
>Finally, the mother says that by releasing her son’s name publicly in conjunction with the move that Epic has violated Delaware laws related to the release of information on minors.
that ones actually illegal, so even if epic had a shot at winning the case, they could counter sue on this alone
epic wont win though, no judge would take seriously a multi million dollar company sueing a child
For those of you who didn't read:
Kid is not being sued for hacking. You cannot be sued for hacking. Kid is being sued for counter-claiming a DMCA takedown.
Kid is not being sued for money. The company cannot get any money out of him or his family. The company never even wanted to get money out of him or his family. The company is just contesting the counter-claim to the DMCA takedown.
Kid's mom didn't even read the letter the company sent them and is pulling legal advice out of her ass.
Literally the ONLY thing happening here is the devs are trying to (lawfully) take down a youtube video and the kid forced them to take legal action because he was stubborn about it.
The game is a service being provided to a group of people, by cheating he lowered the value of the service to all other participants.
So yes, cheating in an online game SHOULD be considered a criminal offence.
But he's not even being charged with that, which you would know if you weren't a retard. He's being sued because he counter-claimed a strike after his youtube video (of him cheating) got removed for breaching the ToS.
Yea he is a shitty brat who dug his own grave by not knowing the repercussions of counter claiming DMCA take downs. Epic is basically forced to take him to court because he filed the counter claim and hasn't retraced it rather than them going out of their way to just stick it to 14 year old kid.
I swear people are just reading headlines and not reading the court documents.
This. Now Epic Games is going to face litigation themselves for their stupidity.
>I did nothing rong this strike is all wrong
Oh my fucking lod tell me it's real
He would be right 99.9% of the time though.
>cheating in an online game SHOULD be considered a criminal offence.
no fun allowed authoratarian detected, i hope this is bait
>I can't have fun unless I'm provided an artificial advantage over other players
so this... is the power..... of generation z..
they arent forced too, they could always drop the dmca strike if they werent greedy jews, theres literally nothing wrong with him posting a video of him cheating, its actually an abuse of dmca to take down specific videos you dont like that use your game and leave other ones up
After he got hit he probably watched some shitty youtube e-celeb video that said to always counter claim because it gets the video back and no one ever bothers to do anything more about it.
>Defendant has been banned from playing Fortnite for this conduct at least 14 times. He nevertheless continues to play using other accounts he created using false names. He has also continued to cheat and to publicly perform and display video of himself cheating on YouTube
It's actually a damn fucking shame the kid is never gonna be hit with that 150k$ fine.
this makes me wanna dl the game just to cheat over and over again but the game itself is so absolutely awful i dont even feel like doing that
>he thinks people should be sued and opr locked up because they messed with a free to play childrens toy
authoratarians get out
> theres literally nothing wrong with him posting a video of him cheating
There is if he was telling others where to go to get the cheat scripts. Just read the court documents you fuck.
It doesn't matter, his mother blew them the fuck out.
Nope she didn't
It's YouTube's shitty policy's fault
>not even trying to refute my statement
thanks lil' guy, I quite needed a laugh
In burgerland you can sue anyone you want. I can even sue you for being a faggot.
>"sue me"
>get sued
>"wooooooow mommy"
He deserves to be taught a lesson but these cunts are going too far. We were all 14 once doing stupid shit like this.
tell me I'm wrong Sup Forums
I'll just keep playing the game for free and laughing at anyone with cosmetics like I have been
theres literally nothing wrong with showing people where to get cheats, for a GAME, its not like he's making fake money or murdering someone, he cheated in a video game who fucking cares, only the jews at epic care. kid did nothing wrong
You're wrong. He put Epic in a situation where they would have to sue him or risk other people doing the same thing as the kid without repercussions, so they sued the kid.
why would i bother refuting the arguement of some boomer who will be dead soon anyway
You're wrong because in law you can't just intentionally let something pass. It becomes a precedent. Then in the future, any DMCA you file will have the defendant pointing to this case and saying "HEY LOOK YOU DIDN'T SUE THIS KID THIS ONE TIME! MY LAWYERS SAY I CAN GET AWAY WITH IT NOW!" and they would actually be right because the dumb law works that way.
They unironically have to sue.
>cheating in an online game SHOULD be considered a criminal offence
I REALLY hope that is a typo and you meant to type civil.
you shouldnt sue anyone for what he did, regardless of age, its grand jewery
>oh no he showed people how to cheat in our game, maybe we should patch it out? nah that would take too much effort just sue the kid
>nothing wrong with sharing where to get code that injects code/modifies the engine
You know how copyright law works right?
>dude cmon you can't lock up this kid, he still has his whole life ahead of him!
>yea yea he killed that elderly women but it was just an accident, they happen!
If stupidity goes unpunished, it multiplies
This isn't just about him, it's about every one of 'em like him needing to be set back on the right path
>law works that way.
well, I was unaware of that. Oh well, gotta break a few eggs
Does that precident also apply of they decide to give him a slap on the wrist? ie will people be able to say "YOU WENT EASY ON THE KID YOU HAVE TO GO EASY ON ME"?
>150k fine
he's actually going to come out of this gaining money most likely since his mom can counter sue for releasing his name
If you were asked to stop doing it 15 times and basically said fuck you to the developers you deserve it
Not only did he forced them into it, he also dragged his mother into this mess.
They could just fix the exploit so it isn't possible to do it any more
They even released videos detailing how it worked so it should be fucking easy to fix it
I know you're just baiting but point me to ONE online PC game that can't be hacked.
Hilariously enough if you read the legal document it seems the kid first doxxed the lawyer sending him the emails telling him to stop, lmao
Doesn't it fall under fair use? It is an educational video after all.
They're not suing because he cheated.
I get the whole violation of service, I can understand suing cheating distributors since they are making money off bastardizing your code, but cheat users? Perma-bans seem just fine you really need to get lawyers involved for using an aimbot like a scrub?
I hope they are ready to sue a lot of minors then.
Dude glad to see a thread about this, who else came here from Pewdiepies video?
You clearly don't.
Why didn't they just call his mother house and told them about the situation and the consequences, you know like what every responsible and logical adult will do when a minor is doing wrong stuff instead of suing his ass, it's just a 14 year old kid
They didn't release it, they had to legally put his name up to the courts for the lawsuit. Other people found out about this and yelled to everyone that a poor defenseless minor is getting sued over cheating (when he really wasn't).
Read the thread m8. They're suing him not because he cheated, but because he posted a video that violated terms of service, which Epic then got taken down, which he then said was wrongfully taken down, after which the only recourse is suing.
>hi mam, im cliffy b from epic games id like to talk to you about..
>sorry i dont want to buy anything *hangs up*
If you would actually read the damn thing it says they already permabanned the kid 14 times and he just kept making new accounts.
They also got his youtube account shut down and he made a new one AKA banevading. They they got that one shut down and made ANOTHER one.
Then he hit the big button saying "wow my accounts are being illegally shut down SEE YOU IN COURT".
And the devs said "OK, see you in court"
but he a good boy, he dindu nuffin
If it was for personal use you could potentially get away with it but telling others where to get shit breaks it. Why do you think things like link aggregators or torrent sites get taken down while they don't host the content themselves?
havent played fortnite since launch, is the cheating really still bad? how can they combat it if the game is free
Yes. Fuck cheaters.
kids mom is the best desu
Not as bad as PUBG, according to the Steam forums with countless Chink threads.
you all have the minds of fucking children
just kill yourselves now, nobody will care, your parents will be relieved
OP article headline just says "cheaters" I know the kid is from a youtube dispute because youtube is a totally fucked system.
But who are the others? Cheat makers, sellers, or random schmuck using cheats?
even if that could happen they should still do that first instead of suing a kid
>i didn du nuffin
You didn't read or even try to comprehend what is happening whatsoever. You are so fucking stupid.
literally nothing wrong with ban evading
i bet your for ids to use the internet too, fucking authoritarians
>Screenshoting your own post
You're a retard and there's a reason minutes aren't allowed to enter contacts
you have the mind of a fucking child
just kill yourself now, nobody will care, your parents will be relieved
Does your mommy know you're posting swear words on the Internet?
Sure if that was how the law worked. You have to show that you put in effort to protect your property, or it opens the floodgates for people doing the same illegal shit but you can't sue them because you knowingly let someone get away with it once
He a good boy, he was trying to get into dem cheating programs
when the fuck did Valve add this? I didnt give a fuck about my pubg account anymore but its a shitty way to show in the profile that i was banned. Do you think steam profiles should only show VAC bans? is this fair?
It's not the exploit that's being brought to court here, but the kid filing a counterclaim to the DMCA. He's basically started the legal proceding saying the DMCA is unlawful here and EPIC has to go to court.
Probably by the time he filed the counter claim it was too late. Youtube does tell you that you are risk of perjury when you counter claim and I am not sure you can really take it back.
Depends. If it's aganist the ToS, it might be.
Probably not a very smart decision regardless.
>I am a literal child
this is unfair only because games like pubg ban you because you killed someone popular
>minors getting sued is normal
Are you fucking retarded?