*removes jaw*

lmao he's dead and I'm alive so vidya is art.

they're games, duh

not for long *unsheathes katana*

"Are video games art" depends entirely on your definition of the word "art".

It is a definition no one in critical analysis can agree on and thus this riddle shall never be solved.

Who gives a shit? Stop being eon insecure about your hobby.

how about his *prolapses butthole*

Truly Jaw Dropping observation

Says the user, who still felt compelled to make this post.

*wraps lips around it and sticks tongue inside* mmmm yummy!

Damn, I can smell your insecurity



I shouldn't laugh at this cancer but here I am, laughing

vidya can make the player feel things that no wonder medium of entertainment can even dreams of accomplishing on its receptors, they said the same thing about cinema... and here we are.

Good, the less people that think games can be "art". The less shitty games we get.


He's a cheeky lad for claiming that.

>The medium I don't like nor understand isn't art!

what is "art" these days anyway? you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between a modern art museum and a land fill

pretty much this

*brap in the distance*

>Crumpled newspaper, cardbox and cookie

*clenches butt together with turbofoce*
*your tongue rips out at the speed of sound*
*land on top of your shoulders*
*shit out your tonue into your mouth*
*kick you in the back of the head as I backflip of your shoulder*

heh tongue luck, kid

Art is whatever you can convince a community that are viewed as experts to be art.
That's literally it. The true value of art actually lies in the hands of those who judge it.

Video games are art, except when people want to put things like politics into it, then its just toys for manchildren like me


It really is a ridiculous conversation. How can you dismiss an entire medium? I hope this isn't a conversation anymore.

Sorry, but Roger "No Bite" Ebert was wrong about vidcons not being art.

Um, because games have a losing condition, sweetie?


Even more ridiculous is the fact that he never even tried to experience thoroughly video games, for example he said that he tried to play Myst but lacked patience.
Who in their right mind critics a movie for instance but doesn't even see it fully? What a close minded snob he was

Didn't he retract this statement before he died because he believed he did not have enough experience in the medium to make that decision? Also games as art is ruining the industry


>all vidya have a losing condition

What I don't understand about the major proponents of games as art is that they only consider art games to be ones with serious themes that make some kind of social or political statement. Why can't something with fast, fluid, beautiful gameplay and aesthetics be considered art? You hear people talk about things like Gone Home being art but they never bring up Dustforce.

Cliffy boy is a cuck that hasn't said a single correct thing in his life

iirc he said that he still stood by his statement but admitted that his knowledge of the medium was insufficient to render a proper verdict.

Basically, "I have no idea what I'm talking about but fuck you, I'm right."

Because the people pushing for games as art don't actually play video games that are games they play these shitty movie games and walking simulators

Art snobs tend to turn their nose at any kind of art that only exists for the purpose of aesthetics. Their definition of art only encompasses things that can be said to have a deeper meaning.

So, video games that only exist to be fun don't fit that bill for them.


She should have tried to bill it as another art piece. It's all the same trash anyways

>Also games as art is ruining the industry
The problem is that so called "artists" in the video game industry treat the way storytelling is done in vidya the same as in cinema or literature.
Video games have many other ways to convey their message but yet these fuckin hipster indie hacks are so limited that just do whatever the other mediums are already capable of doing
Pretty much what this user said

games are toys for children.
toys are not art.

It's because people who can't make it in the movie industry just go to video games as their backup because the standards are even lower than hollywood

>what is "art" these days anyway?
>these days

Man, nonsensical garbage that a three-year-old could make by accident has been considered art for decades. This is nothing new.


Who cares for what he thinks? He is not Gene Siskel

>Roger=Old/sperg/uneducated/fag/close minded/The kind of jew that ruined hollywood
>Gene=Can take jokes/understands about movies/open minded/never shouts/nice man/alpha/likes movies by what they are

That's true, shit's the same for journalists.

based user
gameplay is where the true art lies, what seperates games from movies and music and literature

*blocks your path*

satire, sarcasm, meta and crude parody

Don't make mistake, design, decoration and entertainment were aways were real efford went




>doesn't draw or paint or sculpt himself
>calls video stuff not art

Literally wrong, art snobs are all about aesthetics, it's the plebs who want muh meaning

Because you aren't listening you stupid faggot. Lots of people have been saying that, for a long time.

>Why can't something with fast, fluid, beautiful gameplay and aesthetics be considered art?
I've thought about this and perhaps the idea is a little too abstract? "Gameplay" is an extremely young concept, hell plenty of people can't even grasp it, now you're asking them to consider the possibility that this so-called "gameplay" can be in itself an art? Forget it.

So because it's such a foreign concept, people gravitate toward the things that other art forms have cemented and are already understood, which are visuals and storytelling (through cinematography, writting, plays, etc.), and naturally, when they think of videogames as art, those two components are the only thing they consider.

All in all I think it's a problem of video games being too young a platform and we're still figuring out.

Is 3d disney movies art?


Never understood him with this one, he just seemed like an out of touch old person. Art is subjective and regardless of the fact that you can interact with the medium there is an obvious visual design to every game. Some good, some bad but, they have their merits regardless.

Video games aren't seen as art because they're all largely a part of pop culture and there is no high/low distinction like there is in other mediums. The entire industry is focused on mass-market commercial products even 'independents' mostly. The medium is really young, there are people living older than the entire medium so it hasn't had time to develop, especially considering video games rely on technology to a higher degree than other mediums don't.

funnily enough nobody even wants it to be "art" anymore since "art" in itself has been perverted into a meaningless term

just because you play bing bing wahoo doesn't mean we all do

Sup Forums memes about spec ops:the line how it's a bad tps, they are literally same with no-jaw dude. both of them refuse to accept how well that game is.

He was closed minded and didn't get it. He's dead anyway so his opinion is irrelevant now.

I didn't mind it for the most part, but I personally couldn't stand the railroading. Calling out the player for their actions only works when the player actually had a choice. It's why it works in something like Undertale, but fails horribly in Mass Effect 2's DLC

>make it where you're forced to make bad decisions because there's literally no other way to progress
>the game is a bad TPS on top of it
Nah bro the game is shit

>Calling out the player for their actions only works when the player actually had a choice.
turning game off was an option user, but nobody took it seriously.
>but i paid for the gayymee, muh shoooter
that's the fucking point of game. people don't take a step back and look at big picture.

Telling your audience that they suck for playing your product that they bought is always a bad decision. They should have made the game free if they wanted to make that statement I would have refunded the fucking game if it was possible back then

Does it really matter if video games are art?

>but nobody took it seriously.
Because it's the height of pretentiousness.
The player is hurting nothing but pixels, because the game never puts the legwork into humanizing them by making your actions mean anything.

This post is a prime example of why vidya isn't art

like clockwork. go play some cod kiddo. buy some lootboxes and shit.

then why are you even bitter about calling out evil? if it's all digital and pixels and shit, you should have no problem.

>that pic

Hello plebbit


not him, but why do you insist on sucking this game's cock ?

I both like and understand the mefium and he's right.

How do you not get this?
If a player is on a railroad, they aren't an active participant; they're essentially watching a show and pressing various play buttons.
There's nothing wrong with a game like this, but it cuts off the developers intentions at the knees as a result. "still feel like a hero?" of course fucking not, and I never did because I didn't do anything.

If a player has a choice, then they are actively participating in the story and choosing its direction, and are thus culpable to what they are shown.
If Spec Ops truly wanted to call out the player, what they should have done is have choices, but do everything they can to make the bad one appealing.
Obfuscate the consequences, make it exciting, make the best characters encourage you, give you upgrades, etc. Then aid that by making the good choice seem boring, have all the irritating or asshole characters present for it, have likable ones berate you, give you mechanical hinderances, all while constantly giving you the temptation of the bad choices.

THEN the game can call you out for having the choice to do what was right at every opportunity, but instead taking the bad path for "fun".
They also get to parade stats around as marketing later on, and maybe throw a few bones to people that stood by what was right, despite being shat on.

>duplicate file exists here

He's right.

You Sup Forumsirgins need to stop trying to make your hobbies appear meaningful to the greater populace.

You're like those sad otaku who try and justify their degenerate hobby by saying shit like "look anime isn't just for kids look at this edgy anime i watch" or want to be treated critically as deep or intellectual.

>everything made by humans can be considered art
>video games combine many different forms of art
>video games are art as well as sports
>video games are my hobby

>hating on Pollock
Tasteless pleb

>taking the pic seriously

You need to go back yourself

I wanna see the dragon tho

And thank fuck for that if art games are as terrible as spec ops

it's a masterpiece
>Obfuscate the consequences, make it exciting, make the best characters encourage you, give you upgrades, etc
>Then aid that by making the good choice seem boring, have all the irritating or asshole characters present for it, have likable ones berate you, give you mechanical hinderances, all while constantly giving you the temptation of the bad choices.
user this is the most boring and cliche moral system on entire video game industry. how about some original ideas?

>but instead taking the bad path for "fun".
game already does that in real life. there is tons of games doing that. that's cliche. spec ops takes a step further this shit.
it's same thing with hotline miami. you get a phone call and kill people, you don't even question. hotline miami awards you with cool music, it mocks with mindless violence by its own way.
on the opposite; spec ops shits on you.

Jesus christ, fuck back off to reddit and stay there

Literally name one thing good about pollock's art other than "le abstractions"

i could literally take a diarrhea shit on a canvas and achieve the same results

What would change if it was considered art?

Not everything can be considered art. And most modern art most definitely isnt.
Some, perhaps most vidya (not all) can be considered art.
Most of the individual parts of a game (modeling, sound, music, etc) are also art.

No you couldn't, and that's the thing, it may look like random scribbles but do as many random scribbles as you like and you will never be able to get the same effect he does.

>it's another "Sup Forums tries desperately to understand and/or diminish art" thread

>same effect


it's literally just scribbles and doesnt evoke anything different than other random scribbles do

fuck off brainlet

Fuck this is literally modern art

>art is complex to understand

From a viewer-specific standpoint, it's not

doing it, and doing it well, is the only complexity, but it starts and stops there

>hey said, posting Disney™

Failed movie director/writer hacks would get the affirmation they so desperately require. Outside of that nothing