Nice rate-up.
Nice rate-up
>playing F2P mobile gacha garbage
Someone's already at 19.50%.
Even an 8% chance of something happening isn't very high. I haven't gotten anything I was rolling for in the last 650 f2p orbs I've spent which really sucks, but isn't surprising.
just because some people have shit luck doesn't mean the rate isn't fucking 8%
i got 3 hectors from 50 orbs
Yeeeeeah this "game" is really fair!. You FE autists are fucking pathetic holy shit.
Get aids.
Not pulling Hector on your free pull then getting Bride Cordelia on your second? cmon OP
Got one myself, don't know what to give DC though.
So should I spend my hard earned Orbs on Fjorm Princess of Ice summons?
>Even an 8% chance of something happening isn't very high.
It isn't if you roll once. It is if you roll 35 times like OP has.
The chances of not getting anything in 35 rolls is quite low. Do the math if you don't believe it.
No of course not. You get a 5 star Fjorm from the story, dipshit.
>gave my +Atk Lucius and +Atk Sakura their new weapon upgrades
>thought I should give one of them Wrathful Staff
>try for a Genny
>single summoning session and I get a -Atk BLyn in 13 orbs
>think that's good enough and leave it that, have Swift Sparrow fodder now
>later find out with weapon refinery you can just give your healers Wrathful staff no problem
>then find out Rhajat has near identical stats to Tharja so I can just make her a blade memer and give her Swift Sparrow
All smiles here.
Are Siegbert and Shiro's weapons inheritable?
FE looks like it has good rates......till you look at the stats side of things then even if you roll that 5 star chances are it will be fuckin trash
Which story? I am a newbie.
>Do the math
Gambler's fallacy, you always have a 8% chance of getting it, your chance doesn't increase with each failed roll.
>got +spd -hp ayra in 40 orbs
Except it does.
Actually it does if you play this game you retard
shit luck stats lad, never go to las vegas
Main Story Book 2 Chapter 2 I think. Enemies are only level 3 on normal, so everyone is able to get it.
>Dark Excalibur
No chance. What's the other one, Guard Naginata? If it doesn't have a + it's safe to say you can't inherit it.
I got
>Deirdre (eh)
>Ayra (worst IVs possible)
>Genny (pretty much neutral)
I really want a Bridal or Spring unit though.
You’ve clearly never played the game and falseflagging unless you post some proof of your pity rate
Looks good to me
So if you actually did the math, you'd get pic related. But since you're probably legit retarded, I had to do it for you.
35 independant rolls means you only have a 5% chance of never having rolled a 5 star unit.
And this doesn't even take into account that the chances of a 5 star unit increases with 0.5% for every 5 failed rolls.
Please never post ever again if it comes to statistics.
Hey thanks
Book 2 Chapter 1, actually.
but the best thing is having the dazzling upgrade AND giving them wrathful
i'm holding onto my genny now until we get l'arachel
I kind of want to try for a Bride Lyn when their banner gets rerun, then I could give them Wrathful Staff upgrade and she already has Dazzling Staff.
They've all been on different banners, and I pulled some five-stars that I wasn't aiming for, including two off-banner. I've gotten four five-stars in those 650 orbs, which seems to be below average. My point was that the odds aren't in player's favor.
Post your barracks in order of obtained or you’re full of shit
So I pulled Fjorm. Is there any difference between the gacha one and the free one?
The free one comes with neutral IVs, the gacha could be anything.
I wish I had a Hector
Wouldnt lightning breath + steady breath be better than dark breath + distant counter?
>Spend orbs trying, and failing, to pull Spring Camilla for fliers
>Find out Michalis can tank both BLyn and Reindhart with proper seals and set up and fire off +10 Bonefires every turn
I'm in so deep I still want Camilla
Probably but the debuff seemed too fun to pass up
I don't understand why you think it's impossible to have shit luck in a gacha game.
I don't want to feed her my Nowis I want to use my Nowi to get a +10 Nowi
>decide to reroll because my old account was shit
>free roll is +ATK/-SPD Hector
I'm keeping this account.
I have
-atk + spd
-spd +res
-hp +def
-def + res
-hp +atk
+Spd -def
-spd +def
Corrin f:
+Atk -res
Which do i use, and do i give fae lightning breath
I wish I had an extra Bike to give Steady Breath to my adult Tiki.
Don't forget to link your account
>8% banner sounds cool
>Remember I haven't played in like 6 months so I have about 8 orbs
>Don't feel like grinding through the new content to get more
Don't even bother. The banner is rigged and not 8% at all. It's like Dokan where they lied about the rates.
There's an easier way.
t. salty lucklet
i went in expecting the same luck with everything else. spent 110 orbs trying to snipe cordy and got lyn instead, i atleast got an ayra out of it
my friends and my other account had shit luck too. something doesnt add up
Jesus christ Gravity+ staff is insane. The buffs on staves is so good.
More refining stones when? I really want to see crazy Light Breath buffs for an unstoppable dragon duo. I feel like I should sacrifice my Ninian to one of them as well.
I know that feel.
Are Japs getting lots of 5*s?
The reason I ask is because IIRC in Japan it's illegal to lie about/not show pull rates in mobile games.
>no Lissas
I'm sorry.
There are actually two there.
She comes with Ice Blessings, and you can gamble on a better stat spread for her as well. There are probably better uses for your orbs, but she'll do.
>Sup Forums shittalked mobile games for years
>backpedals as soon as japs put waifus in them
Reminder that Sup Forumseebs have no standards
Do you think the chance of getting at least 1 heads out of 1000 coin tosses is the same as the chance of getting at least 1 heads in 1 coin toss?
+Atk -HP is the best one she has here, by far.
This is iffy, I'd probably suggest +Spd -Def, but that -Def makes tanking physical opponents (and notably Brave Lyn) more of an issue, but it's probably nothing that proper SI can't address.
+Atk -Res if you're going to use one of them, last I recall her Res is shit anyways.
>Which do i use
All three of them on a Dragon team currently. Outside of that, Fae since she can counter both Brave Lyn and Rein if you need to.
>and do i give fae lightning breath
You do unless you have a spare Distant Counter for her to use with a Light Breath ++.
No lies detected.
What country are you from that has this terrible education?
He won't respond anymore. He's that ashamed of how stupid he is.
It's not terrible education, it's shitposting from someone who likely hasn't played the game.
i think its that in hero fest( 5% rate for both) you actually do pull more
but this 8 is only for the focus and thats it. I dont think its a straight scam but it seems to be misconstrued as being the greatest banner when it seem much harder to pull even a single 5 star at all.
i took it as it is since all the heros are basically A team grade where as most banners like rhajat in the new one is just green tharja and might not even make the cut for AA shittery.
If shitty percentages are the only thing stopping me from upgrading my arsenal rather than collecting ill do it
8% my ass. Over a hundred orbs and no Celica.
You don't have to play the game to know that having multiple attempts of something increases the chance of having at least one successful attempt.
t. redfaced retard trying to pull the just pretending to be retarded card.
Don't respond to low quality bait.
Two full pulls (35 orbs the free summon) got me 2 Ayras.
Their IV's stink, but a 5* is a 5*.
>just need to clear out a few quests for muh stones so I can upgrade my chicken
I can't wait.
>spent nearly 100 orbs
>only got a -atk genny
gacha was a mistake
2 hectors
1 Carrot
1 B Ceada
1 G Camilla
1 Genny
140 orbs doing full pulls
I thought it would be better to do full pulls rather than attempting to snipe because the odds aren't really that much better of getting one specific unit. So I just just pulled expecting random skill fodder and it worked out for me.
faggot whale
>140 orbs is whaling
(You)'re just looking for easy replies, right?
I was able to save up to 100 free orbs starting from the time the banner was first announced. Also the new story quests gave you like 30 orbs.
you could get like 120 orbs by doing everything in the game for the past 3 weeks
gambling addicts are too easy to bait
Something something I don't think you know what that word actually means
All me
>i was merely pretending
> all these dragon buffs
Is it time to break out the Falchions again?
>140 orbs
I'm f2p and I had 200 orbs to spend on the Legendary banner after spending all my orbs on the Geneology banner.
I just didn't fucking bother with the Halloween banner and the other small banners and grinded the Tempest Trial and I saved that much.
only when falchions get a breaker ability on dragonstones. naga/divine naga still the king of anti-dragons
>It's real
Talk about unlucky