post gamer fuel
Gamer fuel
Is that better than buffalo trace?
>Not 101
Why not just buy High West instead at that point? It's basically the same quality with a nicer bottle you can use for storing olive oil in.
I pick up whaewtever's cheapest
good games are the only fuel I need
Coffee and milk or Irish breakfast tea and milk.
Water if I could use some or if I'm too caffeinated.
>extremely rich in energy
>smells great
>only a dollar per litre
you're a pleb if you're not drinking gasoline
>The blue one
God damn that one is so fucking good. I rarely can find it though. Not because it sells out because it's so fucking good but because no one stocks the blue stuff. Not even a spot on the shelf for the blue ambrosia. I look at the soda every fucking time and the only time I find it is if it's sold by the bottle in the fridge near the front.
I used to buy a big bottle of wisers every friday and drink my weekend away, now that shits even boring
Ask them to. If you complain nicely they'll probably order some and keep stocking it if people buy it.
>not Bulleit
If you're into stouts, you should try City of the Dead. It's singularly my favorite beer.
Good taste, the rye is better than the bourbon
>Milk stouts
mix with a bit of ginger beer and ice it up, you got a good gamer fuel right there.
>as much abv as a budweiser
whats the point, if you're going for stouts go for something heavy
I don't think I've seen that but I will start looking. Thanks man.
>drinking beer for ABV instead of taste
Not everyone is underage, user.
I don't drink to get drunk. I just like having a beer after work every now and again. I like the flavor, could be 1% for all I cared.
This. Liquor stores are generally pretty good about stuff like that.
Apparently you are if you think the left hand nitro actually taste good, its like mixing a decent stout with water
No, but it's considerably cheaper where I live. Also the rye version is good for Manhattans.
guess it depends on how sauced you're looking to get. I usually have a few of those over the course of the evening so I generally do 2 parts whiskey to 4 parts ginger beer. squeeze in a bit of lime if you're feeling it as well.
I'm right in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height, don't smoke, and only occasionally drink, so let me enjoy my one addiction
have you tried other milk stouts? there are better ones out there and if you like left hand then you might enjoy those too
This but vanilla
These, but Zero. And also adding real vanilla to it instead of the gross fake shit.
where the fuck do you even find vanilla coke thats not in a 2 liter bottle anyway? Ive found vanilla pepsi once at a walmart but no where else coke or pepsi in cans or small bottles
Yeah, I get different stouts all the time but the left hand nitro is the only one I can find regularly. There was another one by clown shoes I think that I'd make my regular if I could find it more than twice a year.
Shitty little town in BFE. Selection is limited.
pic related, but straight out of the bottle instead of shots
also any Mountain Dew that isn't fucking White Out.
>hurr get it because muh pol maymays
No I just literally can't drink milk anymore (include milk stouts) and this fills the gaping void that left in my soul. Rice milk is better though.
That's a long bottle neck
t. soyboy
Well it depends.
For gamer fuel I usually go with high carb high protein meals to get a fuckton of energy to game for many hours with little to no breaks.
Stuff like meatloaf or very thick meat sauce bolognese.
>I'm right in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height
You know you can get diabetes even without being overweight?
I just like the taste, nigger
>American """whiskey"""
You poor bastard. I'm legitimately scared that one day my body will say "You're lactose intolerant now because why not?"
I fucking love milk and dairy. I dread the day it gives me nausea and rocket shits.
Olive oil already comes in a bottle though
It's actually called Bourbon.
You have nothing to worry about if you are partaking dairy on the regular. If you stop for a long time then your body will stop producing the lactase to break it down.
Well, Sup Forums?
What store do you go to? It's the exact opposite for me. I can only find Vanilla in the 12 can boxes and in individual bottles, but never a 2-liter Vanilla.
This used to be me, but the new recent Zero formula change is a noticeable difference to me that I'm not quite enjoying. Maybe I need to give it more time.
>Keep eating cheese lately
>Been having the runs all week.
>Scared it might be the cheese.
Please no...not like this.
Really depends on the coffee. Quality stuff? Then yeah black is perfect. Lower quality stuff? Maybe some cream. Grocery store pre-ground coffee? Sugar.
always jack and conk
Black pls.
Whenever I play a Yakuza title I break out a bottle and a pack of smokes. If Kiryu thinks it's cool then it must be.
Cream for colour
I woke up one day with a serious craving for the shit and couldnt find it anywhere on any major retail store. The vanilla pepsi I found was on one of those fridges next to the register at a walmart and it was one of three left. Shit is scarce here or something
>where the fuck do you even find vanilla coke thats not in a 2 liter bottle anyway?
The south, I guess? Coke is headquartered in atlanta, and I never have trouble finding vanilla coke.
I mean, pewdiepie loves japanese whisky so it must be good.
Coming right up, Madame.
This happened to me in a strange way and it feels so fucking bad. I stopped drinking it when I started working for a period of about 4-5 years and wanted to start drinking it again because I'm a skeleton that wanted to start bulking up. I drank one glass of milk and I had terrible stomach cramps and rocket shit. For whatever reason, I thought that maybe the milk was bad, so I threw it out and bought a brand new one and the same thing happened. The strange thing is that I could always eat ice cream, a whole medium cheese pizza, cheese sticks and grilled cheese sandwiches and be perfectly fine. But as soon as I had my first glass of whole fat milk in half a decade, I blew out my ass.
Bad feels.
Watch out for antibiotics, that's all I can say
Wouldn't know myself, I'm not an autist
Justice died when they discontinued berries and cream
But pewdiepie is /ourboy/...
Surprise me.
>butterscotch anything
>especially schnapps
My man.
No. He is just another youtube faggot who does controversy for views.
Exact same thing happened to me.
There's a void in my life that will never be filled again.
>Chilly winter morning
>Wake up
>Put on warm PJ pants, warm robe, and warm slippers
>Black coffee
>Let the dog out
>tfw cozy warm, drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette and watching the dog bound around the chilly yard
Black coffee is best coffee.
I prefer old Coke Zero, but still prefer new Coke Zero to regular American Coke. HFCS sodas taste like shit, and Mexican Coke is too expensive, and Coke keeps steadfastly not doing "Coke Throwback" because they hate money. Or really, really love the corn lobby.
What do you do when your depression gets too strong?
I think something is wrong with me. I roast my own coffee, so I've tried a whole bunch of different regions and roasts, but I can't for the life of my find enjoyment in black coffee. I've tried every combination I possibly could, from changing the grind, the amount of coffee per mL of water, you name it. I can't do it. I'm actually really jealous of people who enjoy it black. Maybe my tongue has been overstimulated by all the modern crap I eat.
Guess I'll just keep being a coffee pussy.
This stuff is fucking fantastic, but hard to find and expensive, at least around here.
Of course.
>knowing your spirits makes you an autist
k fag
If you're going to drown your coffee in sugar and cream, why even bother roasting your own? That's like making your own sausages only to dump them into a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese.
Does anyone know how to beat depression? The alcohol isn't working anymore.
fuck didn't mean to reply to anyone
Well, how old are you? I'd try again when you're around 30. If you don't like it by then you probably never will.
I always enjoyed coffee, even as a kid. Sometimes candied but I've been having it black since I was about 22. I'm weird though, I've always liked bitter.