ITT: Vidya characters who could be in Dangan Ronpa and what would their ultimate talent be

ITT: Vidya characters who could be in Dangan Ronpa and what would their ultimate talent be.

Ultimate plumber

Ultimate Barrel Tosser

Ultimate Fashionista

>Ultimate trash

Ultimate Gohan

Erika would be the ultimate detective and madwoman

>Ultimate Bounty Hunter

Ultimate Best Girl

>when samus exist

lol no


then we can have two

>Phoenix: Ultimate Luck
>Apollo: Ultimate Backstory
>Athena: Ultimate Ahegao

Ultimate luckster is already taken

Ultimate Builder

There can be, and there has been, multiple Ultimate Lucksters

There's an ultimate lucky student every year

Ultimate Serial Killer. Literally destroys competition via Killer Queen leaving no evidence.

i was just being grateful for the fap material, but ok friend

Ultimate Life Form

Ultimate Life Form